
Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | ICQ | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Я постоянно пользуюсь следующими General Purpose плагинами: Reproduction Control: The REPRODUCTION CONTROL PLUG-IN for Winamp, allows to control Winamp with Hotheys and add some options that allows to have more control over Winamp. The functions of the plug-in are: - Beginning of reproduction automatically when WINAMP start. - Execution of WINAMP when Windows start. - When a Data CD's is inserted, the plugin search for Audio files, and plays them. - Search of Audio files in the selected directories when WINAMP start or when you pres a key. - Assign hotkeys to the functions Previous, Play, Pause, Stop, Next, Volume up, Volume down, Mute, Toggle Shuffle and Toggle Repeat of WINAMP. - Add a hotkey to turn off the PC. - More... http://www.cosorio.cjb.net/winamp-en.html Album List: Album List is a WinAMP general plugin that takes a directory tree and turns it into a list of albums. This allows easy navigation among albums stored in different directories, especially those stored on CDs. It provides functions such as multiple CD-ROMs drive support, multiple search directories, sorting, different time display format, skinnable, dockable, shortcut keys and much more... http://come.to/albumlist MP3Cue: If you wanted to rip/encode a mix CD you had two options: 1. Track based - You rip the CD into a bunch of wav files (one for each track), and encode them. There will be a gap between each track on playback. 2. Album based - You rip the whole CD as one mighty wav, then encode it as a single mp3. This is great, but you've lost all the track information! Well, this plugin is the solution. You rip the CD as a single wav, encode it as normal (say as myfile.mp3). You create a .cue file from your CD (EAC does this, for example... why would you use any other ripper?) Call this cue file myfile.cue. Stick it in the same directory as myfile.mp3, and play the mp3 with winamp (with this plugin installed). The cue file will be detected, and the information extracted, and displayed. http://www.guerillasoft.com/mp3cue/
| Всего записей: 888 | Зарегистр. 08-09-2001 | Отправлено: 02:16 14-10-2001 | Исправлено: PoiSoN, 02:19 14-10-2001 |