
Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору xy Она покрывает все разделы, от А до Я, за исключением тех вопросов, которые связаны с проявкой и печатью с пленки. Рассмотрены: The vast amount of available information about digital imaging has been simplified, synthesized, and molded into a flexible, powerful, and easy to use learning tool. The 123 of digital imaging Interactive e-book makes the content easy to understand through interactive and animated pages. The e-book covers all aspects of the digital imaging workflow. It starts off with interesting background theory on topics such as colors, histograms, compression, dynamic range, sensor technology, and the differences between conventional and digital photography. Cameras, accessories, scanners, monitors, printers, and other hardware are explained in great detail, including buying advice. Finally, it covers a wide range of useful image editing techniques via hands-on animated tutorials, followed by unique interactive manuals for the Adobe Photoshop range of products. The highly integrated and interlinked content is easily accessible through a multitude of search and navigation options and is fully optimized to maximize readability on computer monitors. Unlike printed books, the e-book is regularly updated with the latest technology at very affordable upgrade rates. Most topics have Essential and Advanced levels, which can be selected by the reader at any time via buttons.
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