Громозека с баяном | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору rodgeras Надо тогда и старые картинки вспомнить в Биатлон Да и не плохо дать линки http://www.biathlonresults.com/Welcome/default_BT.aspx http://www.biathlonworld.com/eng/news/default.htm Стоило еще сообщить: Цитата: 29.10.2004, Salzburg - AUT Editor: Michael GEISTLINGER - IBU PRESS RELEASE Anti-Doping Rule Violation by Svetlana KHANDOGINA / BLR Anti-Doping Rule Violation by Svetlana KHANDOGINA / Belarus 1. On 28 September 2004 the IBU has been informed by the WADA accredited laboratory in Kreischa/Germany that in the A sample of Mrs. Svetlana Khandogina/BLR, which was taken in a doping control conducted by IBU on 12 September 2004 after the Relay competition women at the IBU Summer Biathlon World Championships in Osrblie/SVK, was detected the substance furosemide. 2. According to the “2004 Prohibited List” to the World Anti Doping Code, furosemide belongs to the class S8 (masking agents, diuretics). 3. The IBU Executive Board held an Extraordinary Meeting on this case on 28 October 2004 and found that Mrs. Khandogina has violated art. 1.2.2 IBU Anti-Doping Rules and imposed a ban of two years starting from 12 September 2004 and ending on 11 September 2006 at 12 p.m. The ban includes all biathlon competitions subject to the IBU or one of its member federations. The ban includes the World Championships 2005 and 2006 as well as the Olympic Winter Games 2006. 4. Based on art. 7.5 lit. c IBU Disciplinary Rules the IBU Executive Board disqualified the athlete and the relay team of Belarus from the Summer Biathlon World Championships Osrblie 2004. According to art. 6. IBU Disciplinary Rules all results of the athlete and the relay team obtained at these World Championships are invalidated. The following medals were forfeited: the bronze medal of Mrs. Khandogina in Sprint competition, the silver medal of Mrs. Khandogina in Pursuit competition, the bronze medal of Mrs. Khandogina in Mass Start competition, the gold medal of all members of the relay team in Relay competition. 5. Based on art. 7.7.5 IBU Disciplinary Rules Mrs. Khandogina loses all sport-related financial support or other sport-related benefits from the IBU and the Biathlon Federation of Belarus for the period of her ban. 6. The IBU Executive Board saw the tragedy of the case, but could only call on the Biathlon Federation of Belarus to be aware of its responsibility not only for the success, but also for the personal fate of its athletes. Michael Geistlinger - Secretary General IBU | И тут даже Вечный Президент Беларуси не поможет. Подготовка к первому этапу в Норвегии http://www.skiforeningen.no/markadb/showforemelding.cgi?id=348
---------- Век живи, век учись... Всегда сперва думай, а потом действуй. И никогда не действуй прежде, чем подумаешь. |
| Всего записей: 7904 | Зарегистр. 07-12-2001 | Отправлено: 02:05 21-11-2004 | Исправлено: igcomp, 05:15 21-11-2004 |