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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » WASTE - де-централизованная p2p программа

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Quick Installation Guide
As a first thing to do - download it from here.
Follow the installer to get the program installed (just keep clicking next).
Step 1. After installing the WASTE, you shouldn't have any problems up to this point, launch the program for the first time and you'll see the following screen:
You need to move your mouse around that window in order to generate the random numbers required by the program to make your key later.
Step 2. Type in your nickname. Make it exactly as it matches your nickname in forum. Real name should be the same as your nickname.
Set your connection speed: Set this to what ever your Internet connection best matches. In Network name field, write "ru_board" . Click "Next".
Step 3. Now, pay a little more attention here. Click on that "Run key generator" button to create a public key to share with others later. After clicking on that, you should see a similar window:
Put a combination of numbers, letters and characters. (Something like "xRx2vQq%(x)$~1” is good enough. Don't use it as your passphrase!) You leave the "Key size" as it is shown on the picture. Click on "Next".
Step 4. Again, you have to move your mouse around the window for the process to finish. It shouldn't take you long, depeding on your PC speed. (It took me 1 sec only)
Step 5. If everything goes fine, you should have the picture shown above. Click on "Copy my public key to the clipboard" and save it as a text file somewhere safe on your hardrive. (remember to save it as .txt file). Click on "Next".
Step 6. Here, you have to select your "download" and "shared" folders. Click on "C:\Program Files\WASTE\downloads" and choose a place on your hardrive you want to save files into. Now, click on "Add" button to assign a main sharing folder which you would share with others. (Note: You can add other folders as your download and share folders, later on). By clicking Next, you finish the installation process.
Step 7. Now, you should see two windows in your desktop. The first one should look like this, Main window, and the other one as this, network status.  
Go to "Main window" and click on "File" menu to open "Preferences".
Step 8. By this time, you should have exchanged your public key (explained in Step 3) with another members in your group. If you haven't done it, do it now. After you get their public keys, go to "Public keys" in "Preferences" menu, and click on "Add" to add their public keys. Add as many keys as necessary, according to your members quantity.
Step 9. While still in "Preferences" menu, go to "Receiving" section and uncheck the "Allow others to send me files" field. Also, in "Limit downloads to per host" put 5. Now go to "Sending" section and add as many folders as you like by clicking on "Add" button. After you finish adding, click on "Rescan".
Step 10. In order to connect and chat with other people, you need to know their IP address. Click on "Network Status" window and type the IP of your friend you're trying to connect. "Maintain connections": this will be the total number of people in your group.
Remark: * To get your ipaddress go to Start menu in Windows XP and click on Run. type "cmd". You should see a black console window, type "ipconfig". You should see a picture like this:
Put the number that the blue arrow corresponds to.
** It is important that you properly share your stuff with others. Without this - this project will be worthless.
*** For those of you whose IP often change, there's a service called www.no-ip.com, use it for your benefit. After installing that program, you won't need to worry about your IP changes.

Всего записей: 3820 | Зарегистр. 11-04-2002 | Отправлено: 18:42 03-12-2004 | Исправлено: Aleek, 18:52 03-12-2004

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Инструкция по настрйоке это клево, но мог бы хотя бы в двух словах рассказать, чем эта сеть от других отличается? Есть какие-то плюсыи или минусы?

Всего записей: 552 | Зарегистр. 28-05-2004 | Отправлено: 02:24 06-12-2004
Nick 2003

Platinum Member
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WASTE Unofficial 1.5 Beta 3

Latest Changes:
- New installer  
- Now available in multiple languages  
- Now available in Full and Mini


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 02:39 06-02-2005

Junior Member
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А сервера в инете есть или waste пригоден только для домовых сетей?

Всего записей: 50 | Зарегистр. 23-10-2002 | Отправлено: 17:09 27-10-2005

Gold Member
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Сайт     - waste.sourceforge.net
Состояние     - Проект закрыт 14 января 2004 года

Всего записей: 5722 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 20:31 25-09-2017

Junior Member
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Оттуда же

wikipedia WASTE

BlackBelt WASTE - чуть ли не ежедневно обновляемый сейчас форк.
от создателей BlackBelt Privacy https://sourceforge.net/projects/blackbeltpriv/

Всего записей: 176 | Зарегистр. 14-09-2005 | Отправлено: 00:50 06-05-2020
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