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Бесплатный инструмент для поиска и удаления дубликатов файлов. Имеет собственный алгоритм быстрого поиска дублирующихся файлов любого типа - текст, изображения, музыка, фильмы и т.д. Задайте диски или папки для анализа и мощная поисковая система за считанные секунды обработает целые гигабайты информации, находя дубликаты по заданным вами критериям. Программа имеет портативную версию и переведена на несколько языков, включая русский.
    · быстрая работа
    · критерии: содержимое, имя, расширение, дата, атрибуты, размер и т.д
    · поиск по неограниченному количеству файлов, папок, дисков
    · поиск дубликатов музыкальных и видео файлов
    · поиск дубликатов графических файлов
    · поиск дубликатов исполняемых, а также любых других файлов
    · возможность исключения отдельных папок или файлов из поиска (по маске или размеру)
    · встроенный просмотрщик файлов
    · игнорирование ID3 тегов в MP3 файлах
    · удобный список результатов поиска
    · любые стандартные операции с дублями
    · сохранение и восстановление результатов поиска, чтобы продолжить работу позже
    · экспорт результатов поиска в TXT или CSV файлы
    · удаление в корзину, мимо нее и в специальную папку
    · подробное протоколирование всех действий.
    · функция замены дублей жесткими ссылками

Всего записей: 5677 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2015 | Отправлено: 12:43 29-11-2016 | Исправлено: MaksimovFilimon, 17:24 25-04-2022

Advanced Member
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AllDup 4.5.48 (04 June 2023)

NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %CDATE%, the creation date of the file can be inserted into the new name.
NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %MDATE%, the modification date of the file can be inserted into the new name.
NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %PDATE%, the creation date of an image file (JPG, PNG, TIF) can be inserted into the new name.
NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %GNAME%, the group name can be inserted into the new name of a file.
NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %FNAME%, the name of the first file in a group can be inserted into the new name of a file.
NEW: File Manager / 'Rename Files': With the new placeholder %LNAME%, the name of the last file in a group can be inserted into the new name of a file.
UPD: File Manager / 'Rename Files': The placeholders must now be enclosed with a percent sign (%).
UPD: File Manager / 'Rename Files': The filename placeholder %1 has been renamed to %NAME%.
UPD: File Manager / 'Rename Files': The file extension placeholder %2 has been renamed to %EXT%.
UPD: The AllDup manual has been revised.
UPD: The English translation of the user interface and documentation has been revised.
UPD: The simplified Chinese translation of the user interface has been updated.
FIX: Various optimizations have been introduced in various sections of AllDup.

Всего записей: 1471 | Зарегистр. 13-08-2018 | Отправлено: 16:19 04-06-2023

Junior Member
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Возможно тупой вопрос - я выделил файлы, подлежащие удалению/перемещению. Как это сделать оптом для всех, а не по одному?..
 ЗЫ. Разобрался, ложная тревога

Всего записей: 100 | Зарегистр. 18-10-2005 | Отправлено: 03:19 09-09-2023 | Исправлено: LSD_PR, 03:31 09-09-2023

Advanced Member
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AllDup 4.5.50 (26 Sept 2023)

UPD: The Portuguese translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The Russian translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The traditional Chinese translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The search result display component has been updated.
UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
UPD: The external component for the plug-in 'Media Info Viewer' has been updated.
UPD: The external component for unpacking RAR files has been updated.
UPD: The external component '7-Zip' for unpacking archive files has been updated.
FIX: Various optimizations have been introduced in various sections of AllDup.

Всего записей: 1471 | Зарегистр. 13-08-2018 | Отправлено: 10:10 27-09-2023

Advanced Member
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AllDup 4.5.52 (03 Nov 2023)

UPD: Search Result / File Preview: The position of the splitter bar between the search result and the file preview is now saved and restored.
UPD: Search Result / File Preview / Internet Explorer: The aspect ratio is now also displayed under an image.
UPD: The French translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The Portuguese translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
UPD: The external component for unpacking RAR files has been updated.
FIX: Various optimizations have been introduced in various sections of AllDup.

Всего записей: 1471 | Зарегистр. 13-08-2018 | Отправлено: 11:03 04-11-2023

Advanced Member
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AllDup 4.5.54 (12 Nov 2023)

UPD: The Portuguese translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The Italian translation of the user interface has been updated.
FIX: Search Result: When frequently switching the preview between groups and files, created GDI objects were not released, which could lead to a memory error.

Всего записей: 1471 | Зарегистр. 13-08-2018 | Отправлено: 14:19 12-11-2023

Advanced Member
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AllDup 4.5.56 (25 Nov 2023)

- NEW: Under Windows 64-bit, AllDup can now use up to 4 GB of RAM to search for duplicate files (previously max. 2 GB).
- UPD: The logging of the search statistic has been optimized.
- UPD: The Slovenian translation of the user interface has been updated.
- UPD: The database component has been updated.
- FIX: Various optimizations have been introduced in various sections of AllDup.

Всего записей: 1471 | Зарегистр. 13-08-2018 | Отправлено: 11:22 26-11-2023

Advanced Member
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AllDup 4.5.58 (13 Dec 2023)

NEW: Options / General: Under Windows 10/11, file types and folders can now be excluded from monitoring by Windows Defender, thereby increasing AllDup's working speed.
NEW: Search Result / 'Select' menu: Added 'Select all corrupted image files' command.
NEW: Search result / 'Select' menu: Added 'Select files by date' command.
NEW: Search result / 'Deselect' menu: Added 'Deselect files by date' command.
NEW: Search result / 'Deselect' menu: Added 'Deselect files by size' command.
NEW: Search result / Context menu 'Copy to clipboard': Added 'File name without extension' command.
UPD: Search result: The input mask for the command 'Select/deselect files by name' has been expanded.
UPD: Search result: The input mask for the command 'Select/deselect files by path' has been expanded.
UPD: Search result: The input mask for the command 'Select/deselect files by size' has been expanded.
UPD: Search Result / Export: More than 1,048,576 rows can now be exported to an Excel file.
UPD: The external component for the plug-in 'Media Info Viewer' has been updated.
UPD: The UI rendering component has been updated.
UPD: The French translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The Portuguese translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The Slovenian translation of the user interface has been updated.
FIX: Various optimizations have been introduced in various sections of AllDup.

Всего записей: 1471 | Зарегистр. 13-08-2018 | Отправлено: 10:09 14-12-2023

Advanced Member
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AllDup 4.5.60 (16 Feb 2024)

NEW: Search Result / 'Select' menu: Added 'Select all corrupted audio files' command.
NEW: Search result / 'Select files by name': Added 'Case-sensitive search' option.
NEW: Search result / 'Select files by path': Added 'Case-sensitive search' option.
UPD: The search method 'Find video & audio files on the basis of the audio length' now also supports the TS video format.
UPD: The French translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The Korean translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The Portuguese translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The Slovenian translation of the user interface has been updated.
UPD: The simplified Chinese translation of the user interface has been updated.
INFO: AllDup can no longer be used on the following Windows versions: XP, Vista, Server 2003/2008.
FIX: Various optimizations have been introduced in various sections of AllDup.

Всего записей: 1471 | Зарегистр. 13-08-2018 | Отправлено: 09:27 16-02-2024
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