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Engaged Clown

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• открывает страницы быстрее других браузеров (на базе Chromium) в несколько раз быстрее (по утверждению разработчика);
• усиленная безопасность за счёт изоляции процессов и песочниц (по утверждению разработчика);
• отрезает всю рекламу и следящие элементы на веб-страницах (по утверждению разработчика);
• очень активно разрабатывается, если посмотреть на github brave, muon и electron.
• минимальное требование Windows 10 и наличие Microsoft .NET Framework (установщик требует 4.5+, портабельная работает и на 4.0)
Windows 7+ (.NET Framework обязателен)  
Последняя версия, поддерживающая Windows 7 -8.1 - 1.47.186
MacOSX 10.9+

v1.64.113 (Mar 27, 2024) | Release Notes

Нестабильные версии могут выходить и по 5 раз в день: https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/releases
Свежайший стабильный релиз: https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/releases/latest  

Портабельные сборки Brave от Cento8
Отдельный портабельный проект на GitHub | Все релизы, есть и x32

Всего записей: 8782 | Зарегистр. 08-06-2006 | Отправлено: 13:36 04-10-2017 | Исправлено: insorg, 01:52 21-04-2024

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Самая надёжаная disable - это взять чистый хромиум типа Ungoogled или (на худой конец) Iron. Остальное - полумеры. А в варианте браве - ещё и куча неотключаемого комплектного балласта, который в случае своей ненадобности ставит под сомнение само использование сабжа как таковое.

Однако, замечу, что Brave -один изнемногих ( 3-4)  хромоподобных браузеров с эффективной защитой от сбора данных и цифровых отпечатков.

Всего записей: 85 | Зарегистр. 23-12-2019 | Отправлено: 12:28 07-01-2024

Junior Member
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Подскажите пожалуйста, при открытии видео на сайте (в частности на sport-express.ru) сначала появляется полностью черный экран, а потом начинается воспроизведение. Куда покопать?

Всего записей: 82 | Зарегистр. 03-06-2002 | Отправлено: 15:42 10-01-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.61.116

Release Notes
Upgraded Chromium to 120.0.6099.217. (#35219) (Changelog for 120.0.6099.217)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 11:59 11-01-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.61.120

Release Notes
Upgraded Chromium to 120.0.6099.234. (#35345) (Changelog for 120.0.6099.234)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 22:29 18-01-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.62.153

Release Notes
Added a fallback button when an IPFS page can't be loaded. (#26486)
Added display error when transaction fee estimate fails. (#35413)
Added "Placeholder" icons for broken NFT images. (#34139)
Updated private key backup warning text. (#34228)
Updated transaction confirmation panel components to show all transaction details. (#34661)
Updated assets on "Account Details" screen to be able to sort by value. (#34064)
Updated wallet account blockies design. (#34052)
Updated hardware wallet import screen to show derivation path for account import. (#25954)
Migrated Solana Swaps to use Jupiter Swap API v6. (#35091)
Removed shadow from Brave Wallet panel header. (#34319)
Removed "Hardware Wallet" icon from blockie icons. (#34193)
Removed "NFT" tab for Filecoin account view. (#33992)
Removed loading indicator when asset discovery is not being run. (#30921)
Fixed DApp permission not being removed when Brave Wallet is reset. (#20966)
Fixed "Account Details" incorrectly displaying zero total fiat balance. (#34142)
Fixed "Accounts" tab briefly displaying zero for account fiat value before returning actual value. (#33993)
Fixed NFT menu position when viewed over the NFT image grid. (#34148)
Fixed broken "Placeholder" icons for custom tokens on "Account Details". (#34204)
Fixed small network "Placeholder" icons. (#34194)
Fixed missing dark theme text color for icon stack on "Accounts" tab. (#34093)
Fixed infinite loading skeleton for asset auto discovery. (#33303)
Updated “Logged out” from custodial account notification text. (#33583)
Removed inline contribution “Tip” buttons. (#33783)
Added Brave News feed v2 (being rolled out in phases using Griffin starting at 10%). (#34593)
Added "Mixtral 8x7B" and "Claude Instant" which can now be used in the free tier but rate limited. (#34910)
Added "Only resolve .onion addresses in Tor windows" setting under brave://settings/privacy. (#33735)
Added the ability to apply Griffin studies on first launch on Windows. (#35232)
Added polish to the URL bar icons with rounded square corners. (#34957)
Added font allow list for Linux. (#34169)
[Security] Force the referrer to always be "no-referrer" while in Speedreader mode as reported on HackerOne by nishimunea. (#35095)
[Security] Perform automatic redirect for ".onion" URLs only in Tor windows as reported on HackerOne by newfunction. (#34163)
[Security] Remove ".onion" services from "window.location.ancestorOrigins" as reported on HackerOne by xiaoyinl. (#32421)
Improved keyboard accessibility for Brave Leo. (#34453)
Updated Brave Leo opt-in experience. (#33942)
Updated Brave Leo to handle page content changing during conversation. (#34706)
Updated premium indicator for new Claude model. (#34718)
Updated Brave Leo to format code responses. (#33668)
Updated miscellaneous Brave Leo UI items. (#34124)
Updated Brave Leo context indicators. (#34099)
Updated theme colors for light, dark, Private window and Private window with Tor. (#31644)
Updated sidebar's last opened item to persist across browser relaunch. (#34399)
Updated SKU SDK to submit and fetch credentials using new endpoints with request ids. (#34069)
Updated farbling protections to only farble a subset of user installed fonts. (#34043)
Updated Arm64 Windows to prevent Widevine version incompatibilities. (#33595)
Updated "Password Manager" tab icon. (#33242)
Updated "Suggest questions" to be on-demand for Brave Leo. (#33575)
Removed HTTPS Everywhere. (#28433)
Removed aggressive fingerprinting mode. (#31229)
Removed known tracking parameter "_kx" from URLs. (#34578)
Removed known tracking parameter "irclickid" from URLs. (#33952)
Removed several known Yandex tracking parameters from URLs. (#33216)
Removed several known Facebook tracking parameters from URLs. (#33984)
Removed Brave Leo icon from sidebar in Private, Private with Tor, and Guest profile windows. (#34518)
Disabled Bookmarks and Reading list buttons in Guest window sidebar. (#34162)
Fixed same-document navigations for Brave Leo. (#34946)
Fixed user not being able to interrupt autoscroll of Brave Leo response. (#32970)
Fixed Brave News inability to recover from lack of Wi-Fi until browser restart. (#35154)
Fixed on-demand updates failing in certain cases for Arm64 on Windows installations. (#34523)
Fixed mismatched sidebar panel header and contents background colors. (#34165)
Fixed difficulty closing sidebar when it is opened temporarily. (#34085)
Upgraded Chromium to 121.0.6167.85. (#35493) (Changelog for 121.0.6167.85)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 21:44 25-01-2024

Platinum Member
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Возможность штатными средствами избавиться от встроенных расширений в юзердате появилась?

Всего записей: 16767 | Зарегистр. 04-11-2010 | Отправлено: 23:10 25-01-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.62.156

Release Notes
Fixed unlocking Brave Wallet via the panel sometimes closes the panel. (#35612)
Updated URL bar icon for local files. (#35316)
Decreased URL bar height to 32px. (#35506)
Fixed sync crash when forcing device polling in certain cases. (#35554)
Fixed "declarativeNetRequest" rules not being added when Brave is launched. (#30854)
Fixed out of sync cookie settings under brave://settings/cookies and brave://settings/shields. (#35415)
Fixed solid color for the New Tab Page background not being respected. (#35596)
Fixed missing background for "Allowed" and "Not allowed" URL buttons when using light theme. (#35358)
Fixed clipped hover state for icons in the URL bar. (#35507)
Upgraded Chromium to 121.0.6167.139. (#35704) (Changelog for 121.0.6167.139)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 00:01 01-02-2024

Full Member
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Возможность штатными средствами избавиться от встроенных расширений в юзердате появилась?

Не грей голову. Не думаю, что возможно. Это же доп. функционал браузера, который можно отключить.

Всего записей: 540 | Зарегистр. 30-08-2023 | Отправлено: 02:56 01-02-2024

Platinum Member
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Да я в последние разы полистал, вроде поменьше лишнего мусорки стало - аж две папки всего (BraveWallet и Greaselion).
Так что пусть будет теперь и бравик на запасе.  

Всего записей: 16767 | Зарегистр. 04-11-2010 | Отправлено: 06:27 01-02-2024

Gold Member
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Brave 1.61 on Win 7 x86
Brave Nightly 1.64 on Win 8.1 x64

Всего записей: 6450 | Зарегистр. 05-06-2012 | Отправлено: 12:28 01-02-2024

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BRAVE browser Windows7

Всего записей: 6450 | Зарегистр. 05-06-2012 | Отправлено: 02:39 03-02-2024

Gold Member
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Brave 1.62.162

Release Notes
•    Fixed signing Solana DApp transactions using Ledger. (#35802)
•    Upgraded Chromium to 121.0.6167.164. (#35844) (Changelog for 121.0.6167.164)

Всего записей: 8267 | Зарегистр. 14-04-2012 | Отправлено: 09:50 08-02-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.62.165

Release Notes
Fixed custom token visibility to retain state between page reload. (#35149
Fixed crash on "Accounts" page when a specific address is imported. (#35821)
Fixed blank Brave Wallet "Accounts" page when native tokens are hidden from the visible asset list. (#35782)
Fixed coins from being removed when they have the same "Contract ID" but on a different "Chain ID". (#35150)
Upgraded Chromium to 121.0.6167.184. (#36023) (Changelog for 121.0.6167.184)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 17:07 15-02-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.63.161

Release Notes
Added Bitcoin/BTC to purchasable assets on the "Buy" screen. (#35204)
Added network selection step to wallet onboarding. (#34493)
Added "Deselect All" option in the "Network Selection" screen of wallet onboarding. (#34696)
Enabled BTC by default. (#35433)
Implemented autofill of decimals, symbol, and name when adding ERC20 tokens. (#33314)
Updated "Send"/"Swap" UI to use new "Composer UI". (#34305)
Updated "Swap" UI to be similar to "Send" UI. (#28720)
Updated "Swap" settings modal using "Composer UI". (#34582)
Updated wallet to prevent re-fetching of address using domain lookup service when a non-lowercase domain name is entered in the "Send" screen. (#34796)
Updated portfolio hidden tokens logic to list valueless tokens when grouped by account. (#34893)
Updated Brave Wallet so that "Extensions (Brave Wallet fallback)" setting is able to trigger wallet onboarding when no wallet is created. (#35812)
Fixed "Sell" on Ramp to resolve address. (#35779)
Fixed native asset transactions not being listed under the "Transactions" tab on "Asset Details" screen. (#35068)
Fixed flashing elements during wallet initializations when using dark themes. (#34824)
Fixed incorrect route for "Wallet Settings" button. (#34647)
Fixed Brave Wallet to only show the "Buy with Stripe" option when the user enters a purchase value. (#34221)
Fixed Testnet account being displayed on the "Buy" screen when using Mainnet account. (#35564)
Fixed wallet panel title not being aligned to center. (#34851)
Added self-custody option for Brave Rewards. (#34952)
Decreased minimum BAT amount for on-demand contributions. (#34780)
Removed brave://settings/rewards section and moved "Show Brave Rewards button" setting under brave://settings/appearance. (#34667)
Added PDF compatibility with Brave Leo. (#32741)
Added Google Docs compatibility with Brave Leo. (#35069)
Added "Adjust autocomplete suggestion" under brave://settings/leo-assistant. (#33443)
Added highlight to shields button when first used. (#27490)
Added "Command Palette" to the omnibox when pressing "CTRL + Spacebar". (#34781)
Added "Sort by custom order" option to bookmarks side panel. (#34776)
Added "Show on the right" setting for vertical tabs under brave://settings/appearance. (#30812)
Added the ability for "Saved tab groups" to sync. (#36155)
Improved support for "removeparam" in standard mode. (#35141)
Updated minor UI details for Brave Leo. (#35177)
Updated toolbar, sidebar, and navigation icon sizes and margins. (#34918)
Updated position of profile icon on Linux. (#34858)
Reduced space above the horizontal tab strip on Windows. (#35972)
Removed known YouTube tracking parameter "si" from URLs. (#34719)
Removed known Instagram tracking parameter "igsh" from URLs. (#35094)
Fixed crash which occurred when using Brave Leo in certain cases. (#35396)
Fixed incorrect search provider being used for "Paste and search" in a Private window. (#35308)
Fixed scriptlet arguments with trailing escaped commas not being parsed correctly. (#36223)
Fixed sidebar button not showing when side panel is active. (#34682)
Fixed incorrect tab strip background on certain themes. (#35905)
Upgraded Chromium to 122.0.6261.57. (#36242) (Changelog for 122.0.6261.57)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 13:01 23-02-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.63.162

Release Notes
Upgraded Chromium to 122.0.6261.69. (#36312) (Changelog for 122.0.6261.69)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 20:28 27-02-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.63.165

Release Notes
Removed "Export" option for both Zcash and BTC accounts. (#35849)
Fixed inability to import wallet from MetaMask extension. (#36256)
Fixed failed Brave Rewards state migration. (#36350)
Upgraded Chromium to 122.0.6261.94. (#36404) (Changelog for 122.0.6261.94)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 17:50 29-02-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.63.169

Release Notes
Implemented autofill of token details when adding EVM tokens. (#31062)
Fixed inability to login to SharePoint by enabling Cookie Partitioning. (#36450)
Fixed certain browser themes not being correctly applied to the tab strip. (#36392)
Upgraded Chromium to 122.0.6261.111. (#36556) (Changelog for 122.0.6261.111)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 11:25 07-03-2024

Gold Member
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Brave 1.63.174

Release Notes
•    Disabled simplified dialog when adding bookmarks. (#35594)
•    Fixed intermittent crash after using Picture-in-Picture (PiP). (#35528)
•    Fixed Brave News feed selection to persist across browser sessions. (#35968)
•    Upgraded Chromium to 122.0.6261.128. (#36732) (Changelog for 122.0.6261.128)

Всего записей: 8267 | Зарегистр. 14-04-2012 | Отправлено: 07:49 14-03-2024

Advanced Member
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Brave 1.64.109

Release Notes
Added support for SNS V2 Records. (#35958)
[Security] Added support for Trezor Safe 3 and updated Trezor Connect to v9. (#35584)
Enabled Zcash support by default. (#36613)
Updated the "Portfolio" modal button styles. (#35925)
Updated the border radius of the card header buttons. (#35780)
Updated the percent change bubble colors. (#35768)
Updated "Portfolio" background under the Brave Wallet panel. (#35745)
Updated the "DApp Connection Settings" button's border radius. (#35730)
Updated the "Asset" group container styles. (#35709)
Updated the "Deposit" icon to be the same in all locations. (#35653)
Updated the "Line Chart Controls" style. (#35621)
Updated the border radius for the "Portfolio" action buttons. (#35592)
Updated the border radius for the "Buy", "Send", "Swap", and "Deposit" buttons. (#35583)
Updated "Segmented Control" style to have border radius. (#35582)
Updated "Send" and "Swap" token screens to have a dynamic token background. (#35559)
Updated Brave Wallet to display Solana preflight and retry options in the "Details" tab of the "Confirm Transaction" panel. (#35454)
Updated default Brave Wallet panel display priority when actions or requests are pending. (#35449)
Updated wallet navigation and card body to be center aligned. (#34471)
Updated the display of the "Learn more about Brave Wallet" text under brave://wallet/crypto/onboarding/welcome. (#25201)
Removed background of the icon stack on the "Accounts" page. (#35877)
Fixed gas estimation for Scroll and Telos transactions. (#36370)
Fixed Brave Wallet to update gas estimates anytime gas fields are changed. (#35518)
Fixed auto-load via IPFS notification not being sticky when loading an IPFS or IPNS page. (#36347)
Fixed inability to view asset details of auto-discovered token on first page load. (#35673)
Fixed token display order on the "Buy" and "Deposit" screens. (#35575)
Fixed "Buy" and "Deposit" buttons not pre-selecting the asset. (#35060)
Fixed space between the "Reject" and "Continue" buttons on the "Transaction Confirmation" screen. (#35570)
Updated generic linking error text. (#33955)
Added Brave Leo right-click quick actions. (#36159)
Added the ability to disable Brave Leo via Admin policy. (#31461)
Added a "Bring All Tabs to This Window" option to the tab context menu. (#27022)
Added "Show scrollbar" setting for vertical tabs under brave://settings/appearance. (#35207)
Added "Fullscreen" and "Next" buttons to Picture-in-Picture (PiP). (#15416)
[Security] Implemented stream isolation for third-party subresources in Private Windows with Tor. (#35464)
Improved Chromium storage partitioning by making it compatible with Brave's ephemeral storage implementation. (#26165)
Updated Brave Leo to specify user role and rephrase system messages for Mixtral. (#35698)
Updated the sidebar button to open Brave Leo by default. (#32601)
Updated Omaha installer version for Windows to v1.3.361.149 for new users. (#35684)
Updated the text for P3A and usage ping settings under brave://settings/privacy. (#35871)
Updated download protection override flag to apply to ".dll" file downloads. (#35561)
Updated version information color under brave://settings/help to orange. (#26040)
Fixed Brave VPN to not install VPN services until VPN is purchased or enabled. (#33726)
Fixed Brave Leo so that if a content node isn't found the root content node is used. (#35371)
Fixed crash on macOS when logging into https://account.brave.com. (#35395)
Fixed inconsistent horizontal tab group heights on macOS. (#35956)
Fixed bookmarks bar flash when opening a new tab. (#25834)
Fixed inability to select the left edge of the browser to activate the leftmost horizontal tab when the browser is full screen. (#35932)
Fixed "Add current tab" button not being active when the Bookmarks panel is opened. (#35563)
Fixed non-clickable padding on horizontal tabs on Linux. (#35965)
Fixed issue where a webpage's content security policy could block Speedreader mode stylesheet. (#24577)
Upgraded Chromium to 123.0.6312.58. (#36938) (Changelog for 123.0.6312.58)

Всего записей: 1453 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2018 | Отправлено: 21:10 20-03-2024
Siberian Wolf

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Ужас какие толстые шапки вкладок сделали, особенно вкладки групп.. Ещё и цветовое оформление групповых вкладок через задницу. Раньше цвет был какой ты задашь, а теперь бледный намёк на твои цвета. Хоть бы выбор могли бы оставить..
О, нашёл флаг, которым вернул прежний вид вкладок.

Всего записей: 124 | Зарегистр. 16-03-2014 | Отправлено: 17:05 24-03-2024 | Исправлено: Siberian Wolf, 17:56 24-03-2024
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