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RocketDock 1.3.5 RocketDock is a smoothly animated, alpha-blended application launcher that is similar to ObjectDock. RocketDock renders quickly like MobyDock, has the visual sharpness of Y'z Dock, and the stability that neither seem to possess. It is compatible with every dock skin format we are aware of. In fact, if you have a skin that doesn't load properly, send it to us, along with a screenshot of what it should look like and we'll see what we can do about integrating the format... Страничка программы История изменений Загрузить программу (6.2 МБ)
UberIcon 1.0.4 UberIcon creates a more customizable atmosphere on your desktop by extending Windows to perform new effects when you launch your icons and folders. The effects are plugin-based to give you control over the look and feel. The name translates to "OverIcon" which will begin to make sense from the moment you see your first icon fly towards you. It's completely free, so what are you waiting for? Try it out! Страничка программы Загрузить программу (1.5 МБ) | Всего записей: 18716 | Зарегистр. 12-11-2004 | Отправлено: 16:26 14-01-2006 | Исправлено: SAT31, 13:03 02-08-2017 |