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Nick 2003

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А чего там править-то ? Открываешь русификатор Lang Russian.ini, в нём находишь строчку CompatibilityLevel и правишь значение на 3126. Вроде несложно Правдв некоторые вещи остаются без перевода.

Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 00:05 20-07-2005 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 03:27 27-09-2005

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Русификатор Messenger Plus! 3.54.132 full

Всего записей: 652 | Зарегистр. 25-09-2002 | Отправлено: 03:17 25-07-2005
Nick 2003

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Messenger Plus! Extension 3.60.144

Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 03:41 27-09-2005 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 03:41 27-09-2005

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Русификатор Messenger Plus! 3.60.144

Всего записей: 652 | Зарегистр. 25-09-2002 | Отправлено: 12:33 03-10-2005
Nick 2003

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Messenger Plus! Extension 3.61.145

Latest Changes:  
- Bug fixed that caused detached tabbed chat windows to disappear  
- Tabbed chats are not wrongly resized when closing an active chat containing an activity  
- A "SideBarColor2" registry setting has been added to control the appearance of the Plus! side bar and the group bar (for tabbed chats)  
- Due to many recent error reports related to third party Messenger Plus! plugins, upgrading from a previous version of Messenger Plus! to this one will automatically disable every installed plugin in every account  
- An important bug was fixed that caused Messenger to crash at startup  
- A couple of display glitches have been fixed


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 06:10 05-10-2005
Nick 2003

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Messenger Plus! Extension 3.62.146

- This version is compatible with the forthcoming Messenger Plus! Live  
- Auto-update now checks if a version of Messenger Plus! Live is available when running Windows Live Messenger  
- If both this version of Messenger Plus! and Messenger Plus! Live are installed on the same system, this version of Messenger Plus! automatically disables itself in Windows Live Messenger but keep on working properly in Windows Messenger  
- Due to various reasons, people using the Alternate Hooking Method will be prompted to reboot once the installation is complete and the Default Hooking Method will automatically be set back  
- Log files are not auto-archived to the wrong directory anymore (happened in some very specific occasions)  


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 00:14 21-12-2005

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Можно ли устанавливать Messenger Plus! на пропатченный MSN Messenger 7.5.0322? Я имею ввиду патч, который беру на www.mess.be  

Всего записей: 89 | Зарегистр. 08-10-2002 | Отправлено: 11:35 22-12-2005
Nick 2003

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Messenger Plus! Extension 3.63.148

- Probably nobody expected this but I've just released Messenger Plus! 3.63. This version fixes some last compatibility issues with the soon-to-come Messenger Plus! Live 4.00 (it still is not compatible with Windows Live Messenger). Those fixes couldn't be included in the previous 3.62 release as Messenger Plus! Live was still not mature enough at that time to do proper testing. You won't see any difference between this version and the previous one, however, if you plan on using Windows Live Messenger when it's publicly released (probably a month or less from now), then I highly recommend you to update to this version to prevent any kind of problem from happening.
- There's one other important thing included in this update. I wanted to keep that for Messenger Plus! Live but there's no reason why everybody could not enjoy this update sooner. The sponsor program is now distributed by Circle Development Ltd. They have reworked the package based on user's feedback and I'm happy to announce that you can now say goodbye to the home page change and the search bar in Internet Explorer . In case you would wonder, nothing has been added either and the sponsor is still as optional as ever. We just thought that the users who install the ads may appreciate a lighter package. Also, to make sure that everybody remembers where the ads come from a month or two after the initial installation, the entry in Add/Remove Programs now says "Messenger Plus! & Sponsor" if the sponsor is currently installed.
- This great new version of the sponsor program will also be part of Messenger Plus! Live and will be presented the exact same way during installation. The development of the new Messenger Plus! is still going pretty well. Version 4.00 is now scheduled to be released in a month from now, you can expect this update to be the last one compatible with MSN/Windows Messenger 4, 5, 6 and 7. Goodbye Messenger Plus! 3


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 01:49 07-04-2006 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 01:49 07-04-2006

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А для 4 версии русификатор напишет кто-нибудь?

Всего записей: 97 | Зарегистр. 17-03-2003 | Отправлено: 20:53 02-07-2006
Dj BoBo

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Messenger Plus! Live 4.21.270
  • Added support for the new "I'm" emoticons of Messenger 8.1 in various Messenger Plus! windows.
    Some improvements for script developers:
    The script editor window remembers its size and position.
    A "find text" window has been added to the script editor, accessible from the Options menu or with Ctrl+F.
    On error, the script debugging window now displays the file name associated with the line number where the error occurred.
    This version includes access to the 6th anniversary contest that will start in about a week from now. This will be removed in the next version when the contest is over. For more information, check out the announcement on msgpluslive.net.
    A new selection criteria has been added for event notifications. You can now choose to create notifications that automatically apply to contacts with opened conversation windows. Useful for example to get notified when someone signs-out unexpectedly if you don't notice it in the chat window.
    No extra header is added to chat logs anymore when closing a chat window and reopening it soon after. The default timeout for new session headers is 10 minutes and can be modified with the new ChatLogSessionWait registry setting.
    To help people who customize the looks of their Messenger Plus! chat logs, if a "custom.css" file is found in the Messenger Plus!'s installation directory, it is automatically copied in the directory of newly created XHTML chat log files (only if no custom.css file already exits in the destination directory).
    Blocked contacts are now displayed with the grey offline buddy icon when needed in tabbed chats and desktop contact windows.
    An option has been added to display the e-mail of the current user in the tooltip of the systray icon (mostly useful when using several accounts together, enabled by default).
    The contact name displayed in custom event notifications can now be modified by formatting the message like this: \Name\Message.
    A Turkish translation has been added to the setup.
    Added a new fail-safe mechanism to add the "Plus! Not Loaded" menu in more failure circumstances, to inform the user of the problem.
    The setup uses a better compression method and is now even smaller than it was for version 4.00.
    Scripts from the previous script developer contest are not included anymore (they can all be downloaded from the site).
    The default font for HTML chat logs has been changed from Microsoft Sans Serif to MS Shell Dlg (which actually maps to your system's default UI font). This was changed in Messenger some time ago and the change in Messenger Plus! will reduce the size of HTML log files generated with the default font (the logs will look the same as before).
    If several event notifications apply to the same user and have exactly the same parameters (message & sound), the notifications are not duplicated.
    When a script is installed, enabled or disabled, the change is reflected in every Messenger currently running. When that happens, all the scripts in the other instances are restarted. To avoid causing problems to script developers, creating a new script or editing an existing one will not trigger an automatic reload in the other instances.
    Fixed: scripts or add-ons that add a systray icon can cause problems to some of the Messenger Plus! features.
    Fixed: the new enhanced text copy feature does not support RTF (formatting attributes are not copied with the text).
    Fixed: the enhanced text copy feature is not used when pressing Ctrl+Ins or Shift+Del.
    Fixed: Messenger Plus! notification popups do not stack and appear one at a time.
    Fixed: encrypted logs cannot be generated nor read on some Windows accounts if the Messenger Plus! keyset container got corrupted.
    Fixed: auto-update setup does not launch on Windows Vista (fixed for future auto-updates, excluding this version).
    Fixed: Messenger Lock does not sign-out the current user if his status is appear-offline (when "sign-out" is the status selected for the lock).
    Fixed: chat windows cannot be opened anymore and Messenger may crash if a third-party software is used to close a tabbed chat window.
    Fixed: bug introduced in the last version. Tabbed chats don't flash when some special actions such as /me commands or winks are received.
    Scripts: fixed a problem with rich edit controls re-appearing after a position change of the parent.
    Scripts: added EditBox_SetCurSel, EditBox_ReplaceSel, EditBox_GetCurSelStart, EditBox_GetCurSelEnd, RichEdit_GetTextRange and RichEdit_SetCharFormat to PlusWnd objects to simplify working with edit controls.
    Scripts: Interop::Call and Interop::Call2 now accept up to 12 parameters so that functions like CreateWindowEx can be called if needed.
    Scripts: fixed title bar draw glitch when sending WM_SETICON to an interface window.
    Scripts: OnEvent_Timer function calls are not automatically displayed in the Script Debugging window anymore. This prevents the window from filling up with continuous repetitive calls.
    And yes, many other small things fixed here and there that are not worth mentioning .


  • Всего записей: 1610 | Зарегистр. 20-02-2007 | Отправлено: 12:57 17-05-2007

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    Messenger Plus! Live 4.83.380

    Всего записей: 652 | Зарегистр. 25-09-2002 | Отправлено: 11:48 27-03-2010

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    Кто не в курсе, здесь человек выкладывает руссификаторы:

    Всего записей: 161 | Зарегистр. 09-11-2005 | Отправлено: 10:24 05-05-2011

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    Как его поставить? Закинул Lng_Russian.ini в папку "Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\Languages\".  Перезапускал, перегружал - в настройках Interface language  русский не появился
    upd. разобрался с помощью автора перевода - языки теперь находятся C:\Program Files\Yuna Software\Messenger Plus!\Languages

    Всего записей: 89 | Зарегистр. 18-02-2003 | Отправлено: 07:54 06-05-2011 | Исправлено: Valerijmih, 15:32 10-05-2011

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    Messenger Plus! Live 5.02.712

    Всего записей: 2977 | Зарегистр. 18-01-2007 | Отправлено: 17:17 04-06-2011

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    Messenger Plus! Live 5.03.716

    Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 17:26 15-08-2011
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