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2017-02-11  Tim R&#252;hsen  <tim.ruehsen@gmx.de>
    * NEWS: update
    isrc/http.c (check_retry_on_http_error): Fix gcc warning
2017-02-11  Tom Szilagyi  <tomszilagyi@gmail.com>
    Add support for --retry-on-http-error
    * doc/wget.text: Add documentation
    * src/http.c: Add function check_retry_on_http_error ()
    * src/init.c: Add opt.retry_on_http_error
    * src/main.c: Add struct for retry-on-http-error to option_data[]
    * src/options.h: Add retry_on_http_error to struct options
2017-02-11  Tim R&#252;hsen  <tim.ruehsen@gmx.de>
    Revert "Add support for --retry-on-http-error"
    This reverts commit 977276374d1be7f171f5da8633368025c88b9eee.
2017-02-10  Tim R&#252;hsen  <tim.ruehsen@gmx.de>
    Change libtool library deps to non-libtool deps
    Reported-by: Yousong Zhou
    Fixes: #50260
2017-02-09  Tom Szilagyi  <tomszilagyi@gmail.com>
    Add support for --retry-on-http-error
    * doc/wget.texi: Add description for --retry-on-http-error
    * src/http.c (gethttp):
    Consider given HTTP response codes as non-fatal, transient errors.
    Supply a comma-separated list of 3-digit HTTP response codes as
    argument. Useful to work around special circumstances where retries
    are required, but the server responds with an error code normally not
    retried by Wget. Such errors might be 503 (Service Unavailable) and
    429 (Too Many Requests). Retries enabled by this option are performed
    subject to the normal retry timing and retry count limitations of
    Using this option is intended to support special use cases only and is
    generally not recommended, as it can force retries even in cases where
    the server is actually trying to decrease its load. Please use it
    wisely and only if you know what you are doing.
    Example use and a starting point for manual testing:
      wget --retry-on-http-error=429,503 http://httpbin.org/status/503
2017-02-09  Tim R&#252;hsen  <tim.ruehsen@gmx.de>
    * tests/WgetTests.pm: Add --no-config to wget invocation
    Without --no-config, wgetrc commands may disturb the tests.
    Reported-by: Dagobert Michelsen
2017-02-06  Tim R&#252;hsen  <tim.ruehsen@gmx.de>
    * tests/WgetTests.pm (_verify_download): Fix failure message
    Reported-by: Zhiming Wang
    * src/http.c (initialize_request): Fix regression in .netrc auth
    Reported-by: Axel Reinhold
    * src/iri.c (idn_encode): Fix memory leak
2017-02-06  Tim R&#252;hsen  <tim.ruehsen@gmx.de>
    Remove skipping libunistring with --disable-iri
    * configure.ac: Remove checking for IRI=no
    On certain systems, gnulib falls back to libunistring
    for mbtowc() and wcwidth() (used in src/progress.c).
    Reported-by: Zhiming Wang
2017-02-04  Tim R&#252;hsen  <tim.ruehsen@gmx.de>
    * bootstrap.conf: Add gnulib module wcwidth
    Fix include/define clash with gnulib's unlink module
    * src/options.h: Rename options.unlink to options.unlink_requested
    * src/init.c: Replace options unlink member by unlink_requested
    * src/http.c: Likewise
    * src/ftp.c: Likewise
    * bootstrap.conf: Specify unicode modules more exact
    * src/xattr.h: Fix #define fsetxattr for MacOS and FreeBSD
    Reported-by: Zhiming Wang

Всего записей: 33205 | Зарегистр. 31-07-2002 | Отправлено: 01:44 17-02-2017 | Исправлено: Victor_VG, 14:17 17-02-2017
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