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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » mIRC

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Silver Member
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Fixed /bcopy not copying zero length binary variables.
Fixed /timer -h multimedia timer bug that caused imprecise elapsed time measurement at low millisecond intervals.
Fixed $bfind() N parameter not being applied during a .regex search.
Fixed $min()/$max() parsing bug.
Extended the DLL LOADINFO structure to include a DWORD dBytes variable that specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed when writing to the data and parms strings.
Fixed /timer halted message not being displayed in some cases.
Fixed DDE server not being reset when DDE settings changed in the Options DDE dialog.
Fixed SSL private key error incorrectly being reported as an SSL certificate error in some contexts.
Fixed bind to adapter/IP address bug that prevented it from using adapters with dynamic IP addresses.
Changed $base() to remove limit on floating point precision for larger bases.
Fixed $base() not rounding fractions to current base.
Updated LibZip library to v1.7.3.
Changed $regml().pos so that if //u is not used for a unicode string, UTF-8 characters now return the position of the start of the character in the unicode string.
Added $regml().bytepos that returns the UTF-8 byte positions matched within a string.
Changed /setlayer to report an error if invalid parameters are used.
Fixed $bfind().regex issues related to UTF-8 parsing.
Added $ticksqpc that returns a high resolution tick count.
Changed isalpha/isalnum/isletter/islower/isupper/$lower()/$upper() to use consistent APIs.
Fixed $window().title returning incorrect results for some windows.
Changed Control+Break to be more responsive.
Updated installer to backup files into dated folders in the backups folder. Files that are in the root of the backups folder and that match known installed filenames are moved into their own dated folder. All unrecognized files and folders in the root of the backups folder are left as is, in case the user has been putting their own files or folders in there. The installer will keep the last ten dated backup folders and will delete older ones.
Changed workaround for Windows 10 MDI caption bug so that it is not applied during remote desktop sessions.
Fixed channel keys being saved incorrectly on Undernet ircds that use * for hidden keys.
Updated OpenSSL library to v1.1.1i.
Fixed on CHAR event not being triggered in custom @window editbox and listbox.
Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file.
Changed how notices are displayed so that consecutive notices from the same user are now grouped together.
Added protocol-relative redirect support to $urlget().
Changed $window().dw so that it now returns the printable width, which can vary depending on window type, as opposed to the client area.
Added $urlget() 'k' switch to prevent redirects.
Extended $width()/$height()/$wrap() to support parameter that sets the bold, italic, control code, and tab options, ie. $width(text,font,size,bipt) where each letter can be followed by an N value of 0 or 1 to enable or disable it. The $wrap() identifier also supports an option that enables word wrap, ie. $wrap(text, font, size, width, biptw, N).
Changed $wrap() so that the 'p' option, enabled by default, preserves control codes across wrapped lines.
Fixed $utfencode() memory gpf bug that caused intermittent crashes.
Extended tab character support to all windows.
Added /drawtext -d option to disable tab support, which has always been enabled by default.
Fixed /drawdot bug with certain dot sizes.
Added $min()/$max() .alpha/.alphacs/.alnum/.alnumcs properties.
Changed "Unable to join channel" message to include URL if one is specified in the numeric.
Optimized display speed of long lines of text.
Added $window().fontdialogsize property.
Changed "Nick Colors" idle time option to update less frequently.
Added Bind Adapter/IP Address option where, if the bind fails, mIRC can either try the system default bind or just block the connection, eg. when a VPN adapter is not available.

Всего записей: 2108 | Зарегистр. 15-12-2018 | Отправлено: 20:45 11-12-2020
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