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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » PSPad

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Nick 2003

Platinum Member
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- Dictionary handling was changed, important is extension .DIC only (go to the SpellSettings (Ctrl+F7) and choose dictionary)
- Added new keywords into PERL highlighter
- User highlighter - added ability switch off label highlight
- User highlighter - new comment style $...$
- Spell check settings - new button will navigate you to the dictionary download web page
- Added new keywords (PHP5) into PHP highlighter
- Changed default shortcut for the Delete word command from Ctrl+T to Ctrl+Del
- Speed up compiler run with [x]Catch external output  
- Editor line height with and without highlighter
- File tab - file name limit works for first 9 tabs only
- Fotran comment (Shift+Ctrl+A) changed from '*' to '!'
- Registration was moved from HKCR into HKCU for WindowsXP and above. You can register file types, set PSPad into context menu with user rights without influence of other computer users
- Drag/Drop file into TextDiff doesn't open a file
- User highlighter - keywords can start with chars contained in the Alloved Keyword chars field
- SpellCheck and exception after Add word to dictionary
- C++ highlighter doesn't highlight Assembler block
- F1 in the editor window doesn't show help
- Multihighlighter was limited up to 250 000 chars, now depends of the HlUpToSize variable in the Special settings section
- Clip list for plain text files (TXT.DEF)
- Align block function removes EOL from the last selected line
- LeftToPreviousLine in Special settings section doesn't work
- FileSearch/Replace and unicode chars in modified lines

Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 05:39 20-03-2006 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 05:40 20-03-2006
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