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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » R-Studio

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Silver Member
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R-Studio 6.3 build 154023 Thu Aug 15, 2013
- R-Studio might crash when re-enumerating files on large partitions. Fixed.
- R-Studio might write an incorrect message "Enumeration of files... failed” to the log file even when partitions with large number of files were successfully opened. Fixed.
- R-Studio might add an incorrect file extensions to the file name when the image type was switched to "Byte to byte image". Fixed.
- R-Studio might save default file paths when the path selection dialog box was closed using the Cancel button. (Only with successful save should.) Fixed.
- R-Studio might automatically generate an incorrect netmask on the Connect to remote dialog box. Fixed.
- R-Studio might incorrectly the state of the Show legend command. Fixed.
- Crashes when finishing the program. Fixed.
- An incorrect disk size on the Drives Copy Wizard. Fixed.
- Drives Copy Wizard sometimes couldn't copy partitions. Fixed
- Read-only folders might be shown when selecting places to save files. Fixed.
- R-Studio always showed empty folders regardless of whether Show empty folders was enabled/disabled on the File Mask dialog box. Fixed.
- R-Studio showed folders even when Look at: Folders was disabled. Fixed.
- Possible crashes when virtual RAIDs were created from other virtual RAIDs. Fixed.
- Incorrect log messages might appear when connecting multi-part image files. Fixed.
- Crashes when detecting cyclic symlinks and hardlinks. Fixed.
- Incorrect value for Memory size on the Options dialog box. Fixed.
- R-Studio showed incorrect user's data (MB, GB) when editing the Memory size field on the Settings/Memory tab. Fixed.
- The password dialog box didn't show that the CapsLock key was on. Fixed.

Всего записей: 2135 | Зарегистр. 20-06-2005 | Отправлено: 09:04 16-08-2013
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