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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Total Commander (часть 2)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

Widok (21-06-2006 15:11): лимит страниц- продолжаем здесь.  Версия для печати • ПодписатьсяДобавить в закладки
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Дед Мазай
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14.12.05 Fixed: 2 Total Commander instances, left mose selection mode. Drag&Drop files/dirs with right mouse button between the two, create link -> links with wrong names created (.lnk extension missing)
14.12.05 Fixed: Explicitly set focus to current file list before closing the quick search dialog, to fix a bug in WindowBlinds 5
14.12.05 Fixed: When viewing single files with F3 or Alt+F3 and the local file already exists, use new naming scheme file.txt -> file.000.txt instead of just file.000 (e.g. for lister plugins)
11.12.05 Added: U3 support: Internal functions to ensure that TC shuts down in all cases when removing an U3 USB stick
09.12.05 Fixed: Included new unacev2.dll (security bugfix)
09.12.05 Fixed: Don't save selection within a tab when switching away from a locked tab with dir changes allowed (except when in the base dir of that tab)
30.11.05 Fixed: FTP: replace special chars ;:@&=+"#%<> by %hexcode, because some HTTP proxies (Squid!) dislike these characters in URLs
30.11.05 Fixed: FTP: trying to download very long name can cause access violation
29.11.05 Fixed: Some colors incorrect when using white on black text
25.11.05 Fixed: By mistake, all content plugins without a detect string were loaded with totalcmd! <- solution: save empty detect string to ini too!
23.11.05 Fixed: Some right to left dialogs (Hebrew, Arabic) were not shown correctly, e.g. search in plugins
22.11.05 Fixed: When adding files to a packer plugin archive with different extension than registered, TC didn't ask for overwrite. Changed plugin interface version to 2.11 to reflect this change.
22.11.05 Fixed: Status path shown incorrectly in custom columns view with LongInStatus=1
13.11.05 Added: For admins: Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ghisler\Total Commander\configuration, add allowed (type string) and/or RestrictInterface (type DWORD) to restrict user options. The value will be combined with the value in the ini file (the more restricted wins)
30.10.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: use UTC for MDTM command
30.10.05 Added: Multi-rename tool: Replace characters (returned by plugins) which are not allowed in file names by underscores or dots
21.10.05 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel: With some lister plugins like hpg_ed, F3 invoked both find next (desired) and the lister (not desired)
18.10.05 Fixed: FTP sync: additional check for ESC during upload+download
18.10.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Increased the default widths of the size columns a bit (user request)
18.10.05 Fixed: Search in plugins: Go to file not working if the file name or path contained a forward slash
16.10.05 Fixed: Background transfer manager: speed limit not working when copying multiple subdirs
16.10.05 Fixed: Background transfer manager: aborting copy function not always working
11.10.05 Fixed: Disallow the creation of directories ending with spaces, e.g. "a / \ "
11.10.05 Added: Allow to delete directories and files which end with one or more spaces!
09.10.05 Fixed: Memory error in compare tool with some big files
28.09.05 Fixed: When using Letters with search dialog as quick search mode in archives with Ctrl+Q, then going to an image file can cause an access violation (because the quick search dialog is hidden by the unpack dialog)
27.09.05 Fixed: In double byte languages like Chinese, characters in zip/rar with second char '|' were shown incorrectly (because '|' is normally illegal in file names)
27.09.05 Fixed: Make FTP client work with FTP servers which return a forward slash after a directory name
27.09.05 Fixed: When browsing virtual folders, try to get the name in various ways (first for parsing, then in folder, then normal)
27.09.05 Fixed: F3 on mp3 file marked "Text" instead of "Image/Multimedia" in lister's menu
23.09.05 Fixed: Unzip: If zip file contains invalid (0) date/time, don't set it on extraction
21.09.05 Fixed: Lister: Wrong text copied in first line (unicode mode and utf8 mode)
18.09.05 Fixed: Wrong display under the following condition: Vertical arrangement, two drive button bars, then switching color depth (e.g. 16 bit -> true color)
18.09.05 Fixed: Custom columns view: "list index out of bounds" error if both sides only show name+ext, and the column width is adjusted by mouse
18.09.05 Fixed: Dual screen mode: Double click on word in Lister only selected the word on screen with positive coordinates
18.09.05 Fixed: Win9x only: Renaming not working in mode singleclickstart=1 if the mouse was moved over the file list during renaming
16.09.05 Fixed: Clicking on panel title while quick view was active did not activate the RTF viewer or a plugin inside of the quick view panel
16.09.05 Fixed: On Ctrl+U, do not set swapped tab title to locked tabs
13.09.05 Added: Command line parameters for uninstaller tcuninst.exe for silent uninstall: /r repair, /0../7 unstall. Sum of: 1=desktop icon, 2=context menu entries, 4=all settings files
25.08.05 Fixed: Button bar : no icon shown if path contained a comma
23.08.05 Added: Optimize unzip: open archive once at the beginning and keep open (necessary because of a bug in Windows XP SP2, where CloseFile over a network takes up to 2 seconds!)
10.08.05 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Copy direction problem when synching between dir+zip in asymmetric mode and unchecked files
09.08.05 Fixed: Tree functions and creation of dirs failed if Alt+F10 tree contains paths longer than 259 characters
29.07.05 Added: On Ctrl+PageDown, TC now searches the first 512 kbytes for a valid archive header. Reason: The RAR unpacker will support themes which can contain a big uncompressed background bitmap in the unpacker...
06.07.05 Fixed: Copy speed limit wasn't enforced when opening the background transfer manually and adding files for copying AFTER checking the speed limit option
06.07.05 Fixed: Clicking on "*" button in the inactive panel added/removed the wrong directory (from the active side!)
06.07.05 Fixed: Internal unzip: forget password after operation
06.07.05 Fixed: Built-in English menu: In the "Mark" menu, two menu items had the same hotkey
06.07.05 Fixed: Changed behaviour of FTP server define dialog: Alt+Shift+Enter during a connection will keep currently used server type. OK will apply the new settings, Cancel will revert to standard type.
05.07.05 Fixed: Button bar: If parameter starts with '?' and contains one of the list parameters like %L, the temporary list wasn't deleted if the user clicked 'cancel'
05.07.05 Fixed: Ctrl+Shift+U (Swap all tabs) not working properly when a tab with "locked but dir changes allowed" was an active tab, and this tab was showing something else than the locked root dir
05.07.05 Fixed: Tab with "locked but dir changes allowed" was lost (deleted) when it was showing a search result while closing the program (only if the tab was inactive)
05.07.05 Fixed: Switch between tabs with comment view and tree view not working correctly
05.07.05 Fixed: Switch from search result view to tree view didn't change tab title from "Search result" to e.g. "c:"
05.07.05 Fixed: Don't switch from search result to full view when choosing Show-Full while showing comments in search result

Всего записей: 38851 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2002 | Отправлено: 08:41 27-12-2005

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Total Commander (часть 2)
Widok (21-06-2006 15:11): лимит страниц- продолжаем здесь.

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