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Сохранить в кодировке ANSI (Windows-1251) как файл с расширением .vbs и запустить:

voyagerPath = ""
params = "/NOLOGO"
password = ""
encryptPass = ""
autoRunSuggest = True
autoRunStartDelay = 7000 ' 7 sec
OSmark = ""
Dim searchText,replaceText, OSLang
If Wscript.Arguments.Count Then params = params + " " + Wscript.Arguments(0)
If Wscript.Arguments.Count Then Wscript.Sleep(autoRunStartDelay)
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
cFingerprint = Fingerprint()
cOSmark = Right(cFingerprint, 3)
If (encryptPass = "" And password = "" Or cOSmark <> OSmark) Then
        password = InputBox(Lng(0), Lng(1))
        If IsEmpty(password) Then
        ElseIf (password = "") Then
            MsgBox Lng(2), vbExclamation, Lng(1)
            encPass = Crypt(Fingerprint(), password)
            If (encPass <> "") Then
                Call ReplaceLineInScript("encryptPass =", "encryptPass = """ & Replace(Crypt(Fingerprint(), password), """", """""") & """")
                Call ReplaceLineInScript("OSmark =", "OSmark = """ & Replace(cOSmark, """", """""") & """")
                Exit Do
                res = MsgBox(Lng(7), vbYesNo+vbExclamation, "")
                If (res = vbYes) Then
                    Call ReplaceLineInScript("password =", "password = """ & Replace(password, """", """""") & """")
                    Call ReplaceLineInScript("OSmark =", "OSmark = """ & Replace(cOSmark, """", """""") & """")
                    Exit Do
                End If
            End If
        End If
End If
If (voyagerPath = "") Then voyagerPath = "voyager.exe"
If Not FSO.FileExists(voyagerPath) Then
    result = MsgBox(Lng(3), 36, voyagerPath & Lng(4))  
    If (result = vbYes) Then
            Set oExec=WshShell.Exec("mshta.exe ""about:<input type=file id=FILE><script>FILE.click();new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(1).WriteLine(FILE.value);close();resizeTo(0,0);</script>""")
            voyagerPath = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine
            If (Right(voyagerPath, 12) = "\voyager.exe") Then
                Exit Do
                result = MsgBox (Lng(5), vbOKCancel + vbExclamation, "")
                If (result = vbCancel) Then WScript.Quit
            End If
        Call ReplaceLineInScript("voyagerPath =", "voyagerPath = """ & voyagerPath & """")
    End If
End If
startUpLink = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Startup") & "\voyagerLauncher.lnk"
Set oShortCut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(startUpLink)
If ((autoRunSuggest Or OSmark <> cOSmark) And (oShortCut.TargetPath <> Wscript.ScriptFullName)) Then
    result = MsgBox (Lng(6), vbYesNo+vbQuestion, "")
    If (result = vbYes) Then
        oShortCut.TargetPath = Wscript.ScriptFullName
        oShortCut.Arguments = "/minimized"
        oShortCut.WorkingDirectory = FSO.GetParentFolderName(FSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName))
        oShortCut.IconLocation = voyagerPath
        If (voyagerPath = "voyager.exe") Then oShortCut.IconLocation = oShortCut.WorkingDirectory & "\voyager.exe"
        If Not autoRunSuggest Then Call ReplaceLineInScript("autoRunSuggest = False", "autoRunSuggest = True")
    ElseIf (result = vbNo) Then
        Call ReplaceLineInScript("autoRunSuggest = True", "autoRunSuggest = False")
    End If
End If
If (encryptPass <> "") Then password = Crypt(cFingerprint, encryptPass)
VoyProcAlreadyExist = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator").ConnectServer(".", "Root\CIMV2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='voyager.exe'").Count > 0
If VoyProcAlreadyExist Then MsgBox "voyager.exe" & Chr(10) & Lng(8), vbExclamation, "\(0_o)/"
If VoyProcAlreadyExist Then WScript.Quit
theVoyProcID = WshShell.Exec(voyagerPath & " " & params).ProcessID
clipbrd = WScript.CreateObject("HTMLFile").parentWindow.clipboardData.getData("text")
WSHShell.Run "cmd.exe /C <nul set /p ""=" & password & """ | CLIP", 0, True
WSHShell.Run "cmd.exe /C <nul set /p ""=" & clipbrd &""" | CLIP", 0, True
Sub ReplaceLineInScript(searchText,replaceLine)
    Set objFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
    Set objTemp = FSO.OpenTextFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName & "Temp", 2, True)
    i = 0
    Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
        wrLine = objFile.ReadLine
        If (i < 7 And InStr(1, wrLine, searchText, vbTextCompare) > 0) Then wrLine = replaceLine
        objTemp.WriteLine wrLine
        i = i + 1
    FSO.CopyFile Wscript.ScriptFullName & "Temp", Wscript.ScriptFullName, True
    FSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName & "Temp").Delete
End Sub
Function Fingerprint
    For Each os in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
        key = os.RegisteredUser & Replace(Replace(Replace(os.SerialNumber,"0","",1,-1,0),"OEM","",1,-1,0),"-","",1,-1,0)
        key2 = Right(os.Caption, Len(os.Caption) - 18)
        key3 = os.BuildNumber & os.TotalVisibleMemorySize
        Fingerprint = Crypt(key3, StrReverse(Crypt(key, key2)))
        OSLang = os.OSLanguage
End Function
Function Crypt(key, str) ' str, key - strings, containing chars from 32 to 126 ASCII code table
    ' return encrypt/decrypt string; if input strings containe chars not in allowed limits, empty string return
    For x = 1 To (Len(str) + Len(key) - Abs(Len(str) - Len(key)))/2
        keyCharNum = Asc( Mid (key, (x-1) Mod Len(key) + 1, 1))
        strCharNum = Asc( Mid (str, (x-1) Mod Len(str) + 1, 1))
        If (keyCharNum > 126 Or keyCharNum < 32 Or strCharNum > 126 Or strCharNum < 32) Then
            Crypt = ""
            Exit For
        End If
        diffCharNum = keyCharNum - strCharNum
        If (diffCharNum < 0) Then diffCharNum = diffCharNum + 126 - 32 + 1
        diffChar = chr(diffCharNum + 32)
        Crypt = Crypt & diffChar
End Function
Function Lng(str)
    Dim MessEn(9), MessRu(9)
    MessEn(0) = "It will be stored in the script," & Chr(10) & "encrypted by your OS fingerprint." & Chr(10) & "On other computer (or account) stored password will not work"
    MessEn(1) = "Enter Voyager password"
    MessEn(2) = "Password can't be empty."
    MessEn(3) = "If you want the script to remember path to voyager.exe," & Chr(10) & "press Yes and specify the path to voyager.exe;" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "If you want to put script in Voyager directory," & Chr(10) & "press No and move it there."
    MessEn(4) = " — file not found."
    MessEn(5) = "Choose ""voyager.exe""," & Chr(10) & "please."
    MessEn(6) = "Add to autorun?"
    MessEn(7) = "Script can't encrypt pass with national characters." & Chr(10) & "Save your password as plain text?"
    MessEn(8) = "already run."
    MessRu(0) = "Он будет сохранен в скрипте" & Chr(10) & "в зашифрованном отпечатком ОС виде." & Chr(10) & "На другом компьютере (или под другим пользователем)" & Chr(10) & "сохраненный пароль не сработает."
    MessRu(1) = "Введите пароль Voyager'a"
    MessRu(2) = "Пароль не может быть пустым."
    MessRu(3) = "Если вы хотите, чтобы скрипт запомнил путь к voyager.exe," & Chr(10) & "нажмите Да и укажите путь;" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Если вы хотите положить скрипт в папку Voyager'а," & Chr(10) & "нажмите Нет и переместите его туда."
    MessRu(4) = " — файл не найден."
    MessRu(5) = "Выберите ""voyager.exe""," & Chr(10) & "пожалуйста."
    MessRu(6) = "Добавить в автозагрузку?"
    MessRu(7) = "Скрипт не поддерживает шифровку пароля с национальными буквами." & Chr(10) & "Сохранить пароль открытым текстом?"
    MessRu(8) = "уже запущен."
    Select Case OSLang
        Case 1049
            Lng = MessRu(str)
        Case Else
            Lng = MessEn(str)
    End Select
End Function

Всего записей: 120 | Зарегистр. 23-05-2011 | Отправлено: 09:41 09-02-2017 | Исправлено: Farik90, 18:17 10-08-2017
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