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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Audacity

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Nick 2003

Platinum Member
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• Cross-platform Bug Fixes:
- Muting/soloing caused incorrect channel results in exported stereo files
- Noise Removal and all Nyquist effects pasted the original unmodified audio at the end of the modified region
- Noise Removal inserted a tail of low level noise at the end of the modified region
- Nyquist and Compressor plug-ins did not display moving bars in progress dialogue and over-estimated "Remaining Time"
- Cancelling Nyquist effects deleted unprocessed audio
- Change Speed and Change Tempo failed to modify the original selection length
- Cut lines invisible
- Fixed various bugs importing multi-stream files via FFmpeg
- File > Export as WAV could be corrupted if overwriting an imported WAV read direct from the file
- Export multiple "Other uncompressed files" choice always produced 16-bit PCM audio irrespective of chosen options.
- MP3 export usually produced a 128 kbps constant bit rate file irrespective of chosen options; reported length often incorrect
- MP3 ID3 Genre tag misread on import if the genre list in Metadata Editor was opened and saved
- Exported metadata tags in MP3, OGG and FLAC often not seen by player software - now substantially improved
- WMA exports (via FFmpeg)corrupted if metadata tags included
- Some multi-channel recording devices that previously recorded more than two channels no longer did so
- Generated audio did not fit in window
- No warning was given when saving an empty project
- Beep on completing longer process did not work on many systems
- fixed crashes importing lists of files (.LOF), in Meter Toolbar and Change Speed
• Platform-specific Bug Fixes:
- Windows Vista: crash opening Preferences with no sound devices enabled and connected
• New Features:
- F11 Full Screen mode
- High-quality "Sliding Time Scale/Pitch Shift" effect
- Audio Contrast Analyzer for testing audio on the internet for WCAG2 accessibility compliance.
- Windows: sound devices can now be opened using the more efficient DirectSound API
• Other changes:
- Latency correction should be improved for many users by employing a fixed rather than variable correction
- Grouping of Effects into categories turned off until a way is added for users to do so themselves
- Numerous minor interface improvements such as Metadata Editor navigation, new "hh:mm:ss + hundredths" selection format
- Note: Windows users wanting to export MP3 files will require the latest version of the LAME encoder from http://lame.buanzo .com.ar/

Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 08:05 29-01-2009 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 08:05 29-01-2009
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