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Startup Delayer
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Новейшая версия: 3.0 build 366 (от 18 декабря 2015 г.)

Startup Delayer оптимизирует процесс загрузки приложений, автоматически запускаемых при старте Windows, путём задержки их запуска.
Благодаря отложенному запуску приложений компьютер гораздо быстрее становится готовым к работе. Когда загруженность ПК снижается, Startup Delayer запускает приложения, для которых заданы задержки запуска.
Замечали, что при включении компьютера он не реагирует на ваши действия, даже когда уже появился рабочий стол Windows? Это происходит потому, что Windows при старте считывает файл автозагрузки и пытается загрузить все указанные в нём программы одновременно. Если в автозагрузке у вас достаточно много программ, каждая из них пытается "отъесть" для себя процессорные и дисковые ресурсы, что неминуемо приводит к замедлению работы всей системы.
Startup Delayer позволяет вносить в этот процесс определённый порядок, определяя наилучшее время запуска приложений по степени загруженности компьютера или путём указания произвольных значений времени.
Программа доступна в двух вариантах – бесплатном Standard и платном Premium, различающихся функциональными возможностями.
Поддерживаются Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003 и 2008 Server всех редакций, включая 64-разрядные. Возможна работа и в более старых версиях Windows, но без гарантий со стороны автора.
Программа имеет многоязычный интерфейс, в том числе русский.
Справка на русском (для относительно опытных пользователей)

Всего записей: 68 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2006 | Отправлено: 10:30 13-10-2007 | Исправлено: ndch, 19:54 20-12-2017

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Startup Delayer 3.0 build 303

1 Reverted to the old method of grabbing Usernames instead of using the proper NTAccount/Domain information. This should fix all speed issues that users were experiencing.
2 Fixed crash when no PATH variable could be found on a system
3 Fixed crash when opening edit form when no Active user is set
4 Modified all serialization routines to write out Unicode
5 Fixed Common items not being launched on some systems
6 Fixed Common user not being detected on systems with various input locales
7 Added better prompt if no user profiles could be found, and disabled several interface features that would cause follow on effects
8 Fixed IOException that could occur during startup
9 Added fix for crash when the single instance mutex was previously deleted
10 Added fix for crash when unable to Obtain the All Users profile during startup. Instead if the cache is empty, its loaded


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 17:33 28-05-2011

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Startup Delayer 3.0 build 304

1 Fixed the Help and Options buttons not being available for translation
2 Fixed the pause button in the Launch form not being translated
3 Made Options window resizeable and increased the size of the 'Set Idle Values by behaviour' button
4 Fixed Task list label being overlapped by the 'Show All Tasks' button in some languages
5 Fixed Language selection being reset when you install a new version
6 Added the ability to browse for a Process executable in the Choose Process window
7 Added translations for Browse buttons (...)
8 Added a Natural sorter instead of using just a case insensitive compare. Fixes issues with sorting when number pre-pended to names
9 Fixed error when decoding license key on a system with a locale such as Russia or Greece


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 16:55 31-05-2011

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Программа потихоньку становиться платной. А мы к ней привыкли уже.

Всего записей: 592 | Зарегистр. 15-05-2004 | Отправлено: 17:44 05-06-2011

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Основные функции же бесплатны. Программа из ряда настроил и забыл.

Всего записей: 147 | Зарегистр. 19-02-2009 | Отправлено: 19:24 05-06-2011

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Startup Delayer 3.0 build 305

1 Fixed the early dispose() for the tray icon
2 Fixed crash when Segeo UI font on Windows XP doesn't have required styles. All styles removed and only mapped into Listviews if available
3 Fixed crash when attempting to BindToSystem during launch of Common user with invalid delay time of 0, while enabled
4 Fixed url encoding when retrieving Auto update so that / characters aren't interpreted on the webserver resulting in an invalid request
5 Added checkbox to Options window to allow waiting for Idle input (full loaded) for the pre-process list. Disabled by default
6 Fixed high CPU usage when waiting for processes to start before launching any applications
7 Added fix for crash when new line and tab characters are encountered in Shortcut names
8 Added error prompt when unable to end an application due to permissions
9 Fixed intermixed Startup sequence of Common and current user


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 11:43 09-06-2011

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Startup Delayer 3.0 build 307

1 Added an option to specify the amount of time to wait during each check for Idleness. Helps when you find that too many automatic applications are launching too quickly
2 Modified StartMenu shortcut finder to use Top level only, and not all subdirectories when looking for shortcuts
3 Added default executable list if PATHEXT system variable couldn't be found
4 Added checking for external dependencies on startup to ensure the executable wasn't moved to another directory by the user (instead of a shortcut created). If not found, a prompt is displayed and Startup Delayer is closed.
5 Added fix for crash when unable to access a registry key due to security permissions
6 Added auto ignore for any non-local users when Startup Delayer is invoked at startup
7 Added further fixes for invalid filenames with tabs, newlines and character returns in them
8 Added fix for disposed Icon on shutdown
9 Added fix for crash when Applying Quick Panel changes that have previously been reset
10 Split Startup Delayer back into 2 seperate executables so that Startup Delayer can be launched as Admin while Startup Launcher can still launch normally
11 Added support for Common and Active User lists that are combined in the one view
12 Added Professional system skin
13 Added Translations for the Graph log
14 Add files with missing digital signatures to the cache to save future lookups
15 Added Localization coverage ability for checking missing strings
16 Implemented full support for combined Common and Active users, including for Backups, Profiles and the Launcher
17 Fixed 120dpi issues on main toolbars
18 Added Options for Disabling the Services and Running Tasks tabs
19 Fixed the colour of the Quick Delay panel so that it works in all skins
20 Fixed Drag and drop support
21 Removed Segoe UI font reference in main form
22 Updated LaunchStartupApp to expand environment variables before starting process
23 Removed the display of the uacshield when combined user mode
24 Modified the (default) entry in the registry so that it's only displayed if the value isn't empty
25 Increased the size of the Author label in the About window to accommodate multiple lines
26 Fixed an issue where items would be hidden from the list view if duplicates were found elsewhere in the list
27 Completely removed duplicate checking as it creates too many false positives
28 Fixed loss of active user when toggling combine checkbox
29 Added support to the installer to remove files no longer needed
30 Fixed font usage in Launch Tray
31 Fixed crash when disabling the active tab
32 Fixed the performance graph application launches so that they show up again
33 Modified sorting of Backup window so that latest backups are presented at the top of the list
34 Added extra padding into Quick Edit bar


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 19:21 05-07-2011

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А нормальный русский перевод 3 версии будет?

Всего записей: 1677 | Зарегистр. 29-01-2006 | Отправлено: 23:05 05-07-2011

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А нормальный русский перевод 3 версии будет?

В 3.0 build 307 уже отличный русский перевод от Adept-a.

Всего записей: 592 | Зарегистр. 15-05-2004 | Отправлено: 14:40 07-07-2011

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Startup Delayer 3.0 build 309

1 Forced the zip codepage to 850 to fix an error on systems where the default code page is unrecognised
2 Fixed the inability to switch tabs when disabling certain tabs
3 Updated English text for UnableToLocateDependencies
4 Fixed crash when unable to gain access to the SID key in User Profiles
5 Fixed crash when using TaskDialog on pre Vista/7 due to missing image resources
6 Added fix for crash when accessing empty optionUser list
7 Fixed crash when retrieving an empty user for the user column
8 Improved the refresh of the User list and Startup apps so that all related controls are disabled until it's complete, thereby preventing strange states where users or applications aren't available
9 Fixed crash when garbage characters are found in the Windows PATH environment variable
10 Added font validation check for Tahoma Italic
11 Fixed crash when waiting for idle input on an application that you don't have permission to access
12 Added Error messages for when the current user can't access their own Registry settings


Всего записей: 2952 | Зарегистр. 18-01-2007 | Отправлено: 13:39 10-07-2011

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Startup Delayer 3.0 build 312

1 Fixed the 'Open in Startup Delayer' context menu of Startup Launcher
2 Added fix for crash when adding a process item in the options window that contained a "
3 Fixed crash during install
4 Removed assert protection around common areas to help find more errors to be caught
5 Added fix for crash when an invalid icon is loaded
6 Fixed Applications sometimes re-ordering on refresh or reload
7 Added several early security assert checks to ensure a smoother startup
8 Added check for empty Start menu path.
9 Fixed the creation of the Startup path for a user if it doesn't exist when creating a new Startup Application
10 Added creation and security setup of all known directories in Startup Delayer settings path to ensure they exist and are accessible by users who may not normally have permission to write such things as log files
11 Added fix during install if the backup files are locked. A prompt will now appear allowing you to retry
12 Added retry prompt during install when the translation files couldn't be accessed
13 Added preventative checks for processes to ensure the lists aren't modified while they're being updated
14 Fixed the size of the schedule label on the Edit window
15 Added fix for crash during install on the Common user due to missing selected user profile


Всего записей: 2952 | Зарегистр. 18-01-2007 | Отправлено: 12:32 25-07-2011

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Startup Delayer 3.0 build 314

Fixes in this build:
Added fix for crash on Windows XP SP2 when a corrupt segoeUI font was detected
Added notification when a corrupt data file is located and unable to be loaded
Added fix for crash during Uninstall when active user profile couldn't be loaded
Fixed crash when searching for an unknown executable in search engines
Fixed crash when Startup Launcher is open during installation
Fixed permissions issue when attempting to modify Common applications from the current user
Fixed crash when Startup Launcher is open during installation
Fixed crash when loading a shortcut with path $\test.exe
Updated Localization Tool to allow re-arranging of arguments without flagging them as warnings


Всего записей: 2179 | Зарегистр. 15-01-2003 | Отправлено: 10:13 29-07-2011

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Startup Delayer 3.0 build 315

1 Refactored the Binary modules to allow for smooth XmlSerialization, resulting in a faster start time
2 Fixed crash when invalid characters were found in the PATH variable. In this case it was "g4�b4�"
3 Fixed crash when accessing generic Startup Application
4 Fixed the detection of 'valid' executables if they were part of the path name
5 Removed serialization of the detected Filename and Path as both are generated from the Target
6 Fixed crash when path doesn't contain any recognised executable extensions
7 Fixed crash when attempting to retrieve valid executable name from a path with arguments to an application that no longer exists
8 Moved the loading of the Digital certificate to when properties are requested


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 13:49 16-08-2011

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Последний билд - 318. Почему-то иногда при загрузке компьютера, появляется и тут же захлопывается окно StartupDelayer. Программы с задержкой не грузятся. Это только у меня?

Всего записей: 5482 | Зарегистр. 13-07-2004 | Отправлено: 15:18 04-12-2011

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Подтверждаю. Есть у нее такой глюк. У меня такое же было и на предыдущем билде.

Всего записей: 745 | Зарегистр. 28-07-2006 | Отправлено: 15:40 04-12-2011

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Startup Delayer 3.0.319 Portable S nz (rar 7,71 Мб)
Упаковано Spoon Studio 2011

Всего записей: 842 | Зарегистр. 17-11-2009 | Отправлено: 15:35 14-12-2011

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Startup Delayer 3.0 build 323 released (16.04.2012)

Changes in this build:
Fixed rare crash during installation upgrade
Added support for custom profile paths (Non configurable, only from Windows)
Optimized and improved several operations
Added missing localization for Update form
Added support to StartupLauncher for checking for new versions so that you don't need to always relaunch the configuration just to check for updates
Modified the Pause/Resume button during startup to change its text to represent the current state
Added several new languages and updated existing languages

Всего записей: 4312 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2007 | Отправлено: 21:05 16-04-2012

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Startup Delayer 3.0 Build 326

Изменения в версии 3.0 build 326 (25th August 2012):
* Fixed issues when no user profiles could be located as the active
* Fixed for directory permissions due to Unauthorized Access

Более корректный русик моего изготовления для Startup Delayer 3.0 Build 326
Переведены все строки! Закинуть файл в папку:
"C:\ProgramData\r2 Studios\Startup Delayer\Translations\"
и занова выбрать русский язык в настройках.
ЗЫ. Разработчику отправлено, может быть добавит в будущих версиях.

Всего записей: 1157 | Зарегистр. 07-02-2010 | Отправлено: 10:47 13-10-2012

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Вышла новая версия Startup Delayer 3.0 Build 327

Изменения в версии 3.0 build 327 (2nd Feb 2013):
1     Support late drive ready by checking if the file is valid just before it launched instead of when it's first loaded. This allows you to use a TrueCrypt drive with applications on it to launch at Startup after a delay
2     Added an option to show a Message when all applications have been launched. The option can be found in the Options window under Startup Applications
3     Added some missing strings for translations
4     Displayed a Language Select screen for when Startup Delayer is first run
5     Modified the design of the Launch Notifier window
6     Allowed the notifier window to be moved in most areas
7     Added support for startup to be aborted if Shift is held down on the keyboard before Startup Launcher loads
8     Added a button to the Options window to reset the position of the Notifier
9     Added a checkbox to the Options window to allow you to hide the System tray icon during the launching of Applications
10     Added Progress bar to Notifier to show the progress of Startup items
11     Fixed issue with that required you to click twice on a Notifier window button to activate it
12     Fixed Skip button not showing in Launch Process window until after you pause/resume

Мой файл русского языка для этой версии
Переведены все строки!
Разработчик не захотел его добавлять, поскольку он не знает русский язык и не может определить, какой вариант перевода лучше, поэтому официальный перевод остался неполный.
Кроме того, разработчик учёл мои пожелания и добавил выбор языка при первом запуске программы, а также добавил полупрозрачное окошко с индикатором прогресса запуска, наподобие как в программе Startup Faster!

Всего записей: 1157 | Зарегистр. 07-02-2010 | Отправлено: 21:50 02-02-2013

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поэтому официальный перевод остался неполный

Уже полный.

Всего записей: 4706 | Зарегистр. 22-04-2002 | Отправлено: 04:09 03-02-2013

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У кого-то есть опыт по настройке,поделитесь

Всего записей: 408 | Зарегистр. 09-04-2004 | Отправлено: 09:46 03-02-2013
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