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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Avidemux

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Gold Member
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Changes in Avidemux v2.7.0 – v2.7.1
Encoder:Add LibVA based HW accelerated H.264 encoder (Intel/Linux)
Decoder:Fix last frames of video not retrieved from decoder
Decoder:Implement hardware accelerated decoding of H.264 on macOS
Decoder:Fix keyframe-based navigation in field-encoded MPEG-2 video
Demuxer:Fix crash in the Matroska demuxer with high bitrate audio
Demuxer:Fix too short duration reported for MKV and MP4 with B-frames
Demuxer:Fix PTS delay calculation in the Matroska demuxer
Demuxer:Fix audio delay ignored by the Mp4 demuxer
Muxer:Improve resilience of FFmpeg based muxers against decode timestamps irregularities
Muxer:Allow to force display aspect ratio in the configuration of the MP4 muxer
Muxer:Fix crash in the AVI muxer on switch to OpenDML
Images:Add PNG export, fix wrong colors with some colorspaces
Images:Add feature to export selection as JPEG images
Editor:Fix AVI with H.264 / HEVC without B-frames being not seekable
Editor:Make AVI with H.264 / HEVC containing B-frames seekable by decoding the entire video
New Filter:Still Image: generate video of specified duration out of a single image
Filter:Make eq2 video filter partializable
Filter:Implement fade-in / fade-out transition for "Add logo"
UI:Display selection duration in the UI, move filter preview toggle to the toolbar
UI:Warn right away if an edit would result in cuts being not on keyframes
UI:Improve time chooser dialog
Audio:Add Opus encoder
Audio:Allow LPCM in FFmpeg-based muxers
Audio:Show duration for external audio tracks
Miscellaneous:Improved overall polish and stability

Всего записей: 9672 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 10:56 04-06-2018
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