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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Avidemux

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Tracker Mod
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11/12/18 20:05:50 mean00 : Merge pull request #172 from pterjan/master
11/12/18 18:43:46 Pascal Terjan : Add support for Arm64
11/12/18 19:24:29 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/MpegTS] Reduce verbosity, give up when we skipped 32 MiB without finding stuff to make false positives from guessing content less aggravating
11/09/18 08:41:58 eumagga0x2a : [coreAudioDevice] Log channel mapping on audio device init
11/09/18 08:36:25 eumagga0x2a : [coreAudio/audioUtils] Ensure that we copy the correct number of bytes to a temporary buffer when reordering channels
11/08/18 01:36:50 eumagga0x2a : [editor] Detect and try to fix broken PTS = DTS in MPEG2/4 with B-frames
11/07/18 00:13:17 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/Matroska] Double the sampling frequency when we create AAC extradata and SBR is detected
11/06/18 16:13:25 eumagga0x2a : [coreAudioParser/aacinfo] Don't cut corners too recklessly when copying someone else's code, fix sampling frequency detection for AAC encoded by lavc
11/06/18 01:40:47 eumagga0x2a : [ad_opus] Use fixed frame size
11/04/18 18:38:08 eumagga0x2a : [cmake/ad_opus] Add support for opus audio with more than 2 channels (incomplete, channel mapping issues with downmixing disabled)
11/04/18 18:34:24 eumagga0x2a : Revert "[coreAudio] Don't believe demuxer if it reports number of channels for opus > 2"
11/02/18 20:31:05 eumagga0x2a : [coreAudio] Don't believe demuxer if it reports number of channels for opus > 2
11/02/18 18:27:50 eumagga0x2a : [audioDecoders/opus] Try not to crash if the container lies about the number of channels
10/31/18 20:14:42 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/Matroska] Don't double AAC sampling frequency in case of SBR as ADM_getAacInfoFromConfig provides the real frequency now

Всего записей: 33218 | Зарегистр. 31-07-2002 | Отправлено: 14:39 13-11-2018 | Исправлено: Victor_VG, 14:40 13-11-2018
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