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[6e4dd0e2b] 2020-03-14 00:06:13 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [yadif] Fix field order
[3581d6a8e] 2020-03-13 19:28:07 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/Mp4] Support fragmented mp4 with default dts increment specified in trex box only, prefill time base for H.264 streams from SPS
[8b8ec794c] 2020-03-12 15:22:45 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/MpegTS] Fix build
[1483e24a5] 2020-03-12 07:40:01 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [editor] Get getRefVideo() right
[5c1302226] 2020-03-11 22:18:13 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [yadif] Fix seeking in bob mode
[d5124152a] 2020-03-11 22:10:14 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [vidVdpauFilterDeint] Use matching data type, oops
[6456cce5c] 2020-03-11 22:03:31 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [vidVdpauFilterDeint] Fix seeking in bob mode
[e472d6d14] 2020-03-11 22:01:03 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [gui_main] Clear filters on video close
[2320845c6] 2020-03-11 21:57:48 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [main] Clear video filters prior to destroying decoders
[d424d36ea] 2020-03-10 22:14:05 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [videoCodec/vdpau] Initialize surface in ADM_vdpauRenderState struct to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, streamline getBuffer
[cc0782725] 2020-03-07 19:24:53 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [vidVdpauFilterDeint] Fix out of order PTS and adjust time base in bob mode
[fc60b9f91] 2020-03-07 14:39:56 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [editor] Do not retry when seektoTime() fails
[e28bd984f] 2020-03-06 21:33:34 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [build/macOS] Try to restore compatibility with High Sierra
[5fa3adf0f] 2020-03-06 21:31:41 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [editor] Reject dts>pts in ADM_EditorSegment::dtsFromPts
[434193836] 2020-03-06 19:45:50 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [editor,muxerGate/videoCopy] Double frame increment for field encoded ref videos when not in copy mode
[fd995c165] 2020-03-06 19:22:50 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/MpegPS] Invalidate pts and dts for all subsequent frames still belonging to the same packet, not just for the first one
[6db00f1a9] 2020-02-29 23:46:24 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [resize/qt4] Fix typo
[337d12c5e] 2020-02-29 13:16:29 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/Mp4] Restore timestamp jitter correction broken by 6b40aec
[8b10bea52] 2020-02-29 02:39:51 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/MpegTS] Do not expect LATM frames to be aligned at PES packet boundaries when brute-force probing audio
[4fd687e05] 2020-02-27 10:14:33 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/MpegPS] Handle frames of invalid type by appending them to the last valid one as before
[df69a8d46] 2020-02-27 01:38:02 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [cmake/x264] Add auto-variance biased mode (--aq-mode 3) to AQ variance menu, increase minimum x264 version from 67 to 144
[a882a5bc8] 2020-02-27 00:35:18 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [coreDemuxerMpeg] Bump index file version to force re-indexing
[6b40aec4a] 2020-02-27 00:29:22 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/Mp4] Improve timebase calculation for the frequent case when all frame durations are multiples of the shortest
[0a70ada6a] 2020-02-27 00:23:49 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [editor/copy] Remove crude hack to handle field encoded MPEG-2 streams in getCompressedPicture(), demuxers should now be able to set FPS to field rate when necessary
[3a8018cfc] 2020-02-27 00:14:04 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [editor/copy] Abort H.264 POC check early when we fail to get SPS
[3d9454913] 2020-02-27 00:02:57 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/MpegPS] Fix picture structure shifted by one frame in the index, double fps for field encoded streams, detect interlacing, invalidate pts and dts for subsequent frames within the same packet
[0f164b7d7] 2020-02-26 23:39:05 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [codeDemuxerMpeg] Allow to query current offset, useful for debugging
[73b12dfc2] 2020-02-20 01:32:25 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/MpegTS] Fix wrong picture structure written to index for field encoded MPEG-2 streams, detect interlacing when indexing MPEG-2
[cbe52143b] 2020-02-19 01:36:59 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [demuxers/MpegTS] Disambiguate frames and fields in interlaced video streams, double frame rate for field encoded video irrespectively of the codec, fix wrong picture structure written to index, detect presence of interlacing in H.264 streams and write the corresponding property to the index file
[8bd1c1bf0] 2020-02-18 01:50:24 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [editor/copy] Do not drop early B-frames not used for reference in field-encoded H.264 streams, do not rely on demuxer to flag B-frames as such when calculating early B-frame delay, factorize SPS info retrieval
[2efb12fd1] 2020-02-18 00:35:23 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [coreUtils/infoExtractorH264] Extract field info from slice header
[ab1324f02] 2020-02-17 20:23:37 +0100 eumagga0x2a : [yadif] Update time base when Yadif is configured to output a frame per field

Всего записей: 33230 | Зарегистр. 31-07-2002 | Отправлено: 07:10 14-03-2020 | Исправлено: Victor_VG, 05:15 16-03-2020
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