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-- 2009-09-28: Version 1.8.4 (build 16688)
- Fix: fixed potential crash in WSARecv and WSASend
- Fix: fixed piece availibility issue introduced in previous build
-- 2009-09-25: Version 1.8.4 (build 16667)
- Change: Balance CDNs to download updates
- Fix: Fixes bug where magnet links wouldn't work if PEX was disabled
- Fix: potential crash in network code
- Fix: More crashes when using magnet links
-- 2009-09-10: Version 1.8.4 (build 16442)
- Fix: Potential crashes with magnet links
-- 2009-09-04: Version 1.8.4 (build 16381)
- Change: Disable Ask for unsupported 64-bit Windows
- Fix: Buffer overrun vulnerability
- Change: Conservative network locking in installer
-- 2009-08-28: Version 1.8.4 (build 16301)
- Fix: Installer crash after download
- Fix: Crash when peers disconnect from a magnet-link torrent right as we received the metadata
-- 2009-08-27: Version 1.8.4 (build 16286)
- Fix: Fixed negative allocation in RequestChunks() for web seeds
- Fix: Fix startup race condition between network and disk I/O thread
- Fix: installer with UAC
- Fix: Crashes when removing labels
- Fix: selection of labels over 256 characters in length
-- 2009-08-12: Version 1.8.4 (build 16150)
- Feature: Enabled magnet bundles.
- Change: run the 64 bit version of explorer when running as a 32 bit app in a 64 bit windows os.
- Change: disable toolbar offers for Wine installs
- Change: uninstaller is added to all user profiles
- Fix: crash when assigning new label to torrents from RSS
- Change: Incomplete downloads sort after completed downloads if sorting by "Completed On"
- Fix: maintain category list selection on update for some edge cases
- Change: if selected, install start menu and desktop shortcuts to all users instead of only current user
- Fix: buffer overrun vulnerability in create torrent dialog
- Fix: Check at startup for incompatible versions of NVIDIA nForce firewal
-- 2009-07-30: Version 1.8.3 (build 16010)
- Change: toolbar installer version
- Fix: buffer overrun vulnerability in create torrent dialog
-- 2009-07-07: Version 1.8.3 (build 15772)
- Change: detect nvlsp too (previously it only detected nvappfilter). This means it warns about it and also adjusts the processor affinity like for nvappfilter. This should reduce the crash frequency.
- Fix: more installer problems on Vista
-- 2009-06-24: Version 1.8.3 (build 15728)
- Change: UAC must be completed to install in Vista or higher
- Fix: memory leaks in main window, protocol associations, settings dialog, general tab
-- 2009-06-16: Version 1.8.3 (build 15658)
- Change: Tweaks to Ask toolbar offer
-- 2009-06-13: Version 1.8.3 (build 15638)
- Fix: make "alternate upload rate when seeding" apply when the seeding is set by the scheduler
- Fix: align "Web Seeds" in torrent creation dialog
- Fix: translated strings in uninstaller
-- 2009-06-05: Version 1.8.3 (build 15589)
- Fix: http seeds would not reconnect after stopping and starting torrent
- Fix: http seed for multifile torrents
-- 2009-06-01: Version 1.8.3 (build 15571)
- Fix: regression in 15562 that caused frequent crashes
-- 2009-05-29: Version 1.8.3 (build 15562)
- Fix: regression of not checking newly added files
- Fix: crash on Vista
-- 2009-05-22: Version 1.8.3 (build 15520)
- Feature: New installer with EULA, file association
- Fix: uTP issue on low-latency high-throughput networks
- Fix: copying long filenames to the clipboard no longer results in garbage or crash
- Fix: create torrent layout
- Fix: fixed web seed support for multi-file torrents
- Change: torrent whose "Force spam_detected" is greyed out will not spam_detected when asked through multi-torrent selections
- Fix: when adding torrents through URLs via commandline, we would always open the add torrent dialog
- Fix: handle multi file torrents with web seed urls that incorrectly don't end with a slash
- Fix: make sure web seed urls end with a slash for multifile torrents
- Fix: setup Vista firewall
- Fix: remove settings on Vista during un-installation
-- 2009-05-05: Version 1.8.3 (build 15358)
- Fix: uTP packet size fix. Sometimes it would send packets exceeding MTU. Fixes long standing rate oscillations.
- Change: rss.feed_as_default_label controls whether a torrent added from a feed is given the feed's name as a label
-- 2009-04-28: Version 1.8.3 (build 15289)
- Fix: fixed crash when receiving a malformed PEX message
- Fix: evades potential crash when reporting crashdumps
- Fix: crash when parsing some magnet uri components without values
- Fix: crash when starting a torrent in super seed mode and connecting to peers before it's completely loaded
- Change: Scam site warning in installer
-- 2009-04-08: Version 1.8.3 (build 15104)
- Change: Installer UI checkbox whether to install or run standalone
- Change: Left align numeric fields in settings
- Fix: Remember category list selection after adding a torrent
- Fix: download rate limiter for uTP connections
- Change: Disabled feed icon has precedence over broken feed icon
- Fix: DHT bootstrap failures now have an exponential back-off
-- 2009-04-01: Version 1.8.3 (build 14984)
- Fix: uTP would not ramp up its rate fast enough
- Change: .torrent association not a factor in displaying the installer
- Fix: remove file association registry keys on uninstall
- Fix: invalid encoding of non-ascii urls in web seeds
- Fix: uTP fix when receiving acks for old packets
- Fix: uTP variable packet size bug
- Change: link to EULA in installer
- Fix: don't wait indefinitely for trackers and UPnP when shutting down (two new advanced options)
- Change: Enable DEP Compatibility and Image Randomization
- Fix: default download folder was not used when using the WebUI
-- 2009-03-13: Version 1.8.3 (build 14809)
- Fix: fixed crash bug when some invalid uTP packets were received
- Fix: improved TCP/uTP mixed mode
- Fix: removed limit of 100 running torrents
-- 2009-03-06: Version 1.8.3 (build 14755)
- Change: support some older skins
- Fix: .dat file memory leak
- Fix: Torrent create bug introduced while optimizing file order
-- 2009-03-04: Version 1.8.3 (build 14715)
- Change: Preserve file order text
- Fix: Prompt for .torrent association with new installs
- Change: Default bt.graceful_shutdown=true and diskio.no_zero=true
- Fix: Integrity check .dat files after saving. Do not overwrite file.dat.old with a bad file.dat
- Change: added code for handing bundles with the bundle type encoded in the bundle
- Change: modified the bundle code to unconditionally pop up dialog box
- Change: modified installer to remove the extra 32 bytes for the bundle type when installing from bundle  
- Fix: no longer shows "make this your default .torrent handler" when running a bundle
- Change: added checkbox to the build torrent dialog so the user has the option not to rearrange the file order.
- Change: Modified the string for the "Start Seeding" checkbox to use 't' as the shortcut since 's' was being used by "Create and Save As..."
- Change: lengthen "About" dialog
- Feature: language selector and downloader before installer
--- 2009-05-05: Version 1.8.2 (build 15357)
-Change: installer increases the Ask rollout to 100%
--- 2009-04-28: Version 1.8.2 (build 15285)
-Change: installer increases the Ask rollout to 50%
--- 2009-04-23: Version 1.8.2 (build 15227)
- Change: installer increases the Ask rollout to 10%
- Change: If the toolbar download fails, it retries to download it from “download.utorrent.com/offers/…”. It only retries once.
--- 2009-04-15: Version 1.8.2 (build 15167)
- Change: Scam site warning in installer
- Change: Cancel in installer now aborts the process
--- 2009-02-03: Version 1.8.2 (build 14458)
- Fix: installer crashes after installing on Vista
--- 2009-02-02: Version 1.8.2 (build 14442)
- Fix: total downloaded and total uploaded was being truncated to 32-bit integer (affected only 14153)
- Change: installer will appear based on revision number instead of executable modification time
--- 2009-01-24: Version 1.8.2 (build 14153)
- Feature: allow btsearch bundling
- Change: add bt.transp_disposition value (3) for uTP-only
- Change: allow 16kB piece sizes
- Fix: PEX address parsing bug
--- 2008-10-06: Version 1.8.1 (build 12616)
- Fix: disconnect inactive peers sometimes not taking effect
- Fix: rare crash with very large peer lists
--- 2008-10-02: Version 1.8.1 RC1 (build 12549)
- Feature: detect IPv4 external IP from Teredo address
- Change: revert "remaining" bytes to seeding goal change
- Fix: parsing of IPs with leading zeros, in ipfilter.dat
--- 2008-09-29: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12495)
- Feature: Remaining column displays bytes left to meet seed goal, when seeding (webui too)
- Fix: crash when deleteing torrent data
- Fix: do not log about moving torrent data if it is already in the correct place
- Fix: do not leave webui password field blank if no change occurred
- Fix: parsing of URLs with username:password@
- Fix: avoid duplicate connections with the same ID
- Fix: a few UPnP log messages
- Fix: crashes on Vista when network was changed (VPN, enabled/disabled, hibernation)
--- 2008-09-21: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12323)
- Fix: diskio.no_zero also when not pre-allocating
- Fix: magnet URI .torrent storage path still was not being set
--- 2008-09-20: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12320)
- Feature: diskio.no_zero, to avoid zeroing a file during allocation, where available (>= XP)
- Fix: kB/s truncated off upload speed in speed guide
- Fix: connection distribution system with large number of torrents and a low global limit
--- 2008-09-19: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12285)
- Feature: parse 'downloaded' if sent with announce response
- Change: do not include IPv6 addresses in 'Copy Peer List' if IPv6 is not installed (fixes [<ERROR>]:12345)
- Fix: store .torrents from magnet URIs in correct storage path
- Fix: halfopen miscount with aborted https connections
--- 2008-09-12: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12183)
- Fix: duplicate connections to same IP
- Fix: canceled connection counting (solves tracker stuck in "updating...")
--- 2008-09-10: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12154)
- Fix: IP detection on < Win2k
- Change: write DefaultIcon for .torrent association
--- 2008-09-09: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12132)
- Fix: crash with udp:// URLs
--- 2008-09-09: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12130)
- Feature: resolve hostnames through SOCKS4a and HTTPS proxies
- Feature: add option for hostname resolution through proxies
- Feature: isp.bep22, default off, inactive for private torrents (see: http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0022.html)
- Feature: report successful upgrade, with statistics
- Change: make room for the 'Downloaded' column header
- Change: save resume file when graceful_shutdown is off and the time runs out
- Fix: handle timed out sockets that connect eventually
- Fix: crash with guest login for the webui
- Fix: remove Teredo-specific logic from IPv6 support
- Fix: IPv6 with SOCKS5
- Fix: literal IPv6 addresses in tracker and web seed URLs
--- 2008-09-05: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12083)
- Feature: Double clicking RSS feed in category view edits feed
- Change: Filter RSS log messages
- Fix: guest account for webui
- Fix: move halfopen counting improvements - should fix "tracker stuck in offline state" errors
- Fix: work around Kaspersky bug with DNS SRV records
--- 2008-08-29: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 12024)
- Change: reduce coalesce_write_size back to 2MB
- Fix: improved halfopen counting
- Fix: slow load with slow drives that are present
--- 2008-08-25: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 11962)
- Fix: Issue where dialogs would focus main window when closed instead of last focused dialog
- Fix: Copying of corrupt data from certain fields in the general tab
- Fix: Corruption and various other settings-related issues caused by previous 1.8.1 betas
- Fix: webui hashed password field auto-blanks and only hashes on change
--- 2008-08-19: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 11903)
- Change: Allow custom seeding time maximums
- Fix: webui hashed password upgrade from <= 1.8
- Fix: resolve conflicts between .torrents in move complete path with .1.torrent etc
- Fix: crash with cancelling HTTPS requests
--- 2008-08-18: Version 1.8.1 beta (build 11882)
- Feature: 2x faster hashing
- Feature: Open Containing Folder for Files tab
- Change: sort torrents without ETA after torrents with infinity
- Change: remove "Download Limited" behaviour
- Change: turn sparse files off by default, due to fragmentation issues
- Change: relax min_interval restriction on manual updates to 60 seconds if the last tracker request failed
- Change: store hash of the webui password instead of plaintext
- Fix: force non-sparse with preallocate on
- Fix: 'hostname not found' on NT4
- Fix: slow load with lots of torrents that point to a dead/missing drive
- Fix: Some checkboxes overlapping others in the connection section of preferences
- Fix: work around NOD32 IMON bug (HTTP 400)
--- 2008-08-13: Version 1.8 (build 11813)
- Fix: do not check routing for IPs when a proxy is in use
- Fix: replace backslashes in file paths for multifile URL seeding with forward slashes
- Fix: incorrect bencode key sorting on keys where one is a subset of the other
--- 2008-08-10: Version 1.8 (build 11758)
- Fix: magnet URI file/directory naming
--- 2008-08-09: Version 1.8 (build 11742)
- Fix: work around Windows bug with network drives and sparse files
- Fix: crash with Torrent and RSS items selected when setting labels
- Fix: write MIME associations to a user-writable location in the registry, for limited user accounts
- Fix: check the 'complete' folder for items downloaded from RSS, same as adding manually
--- 2008-08-05: Version 1.8 RC7 (build 11705)
- Feature: Downloaded column for Trackers tab
- Change: Return to 1.7 peer logging behaviour of turning the logging off when the logging tab menu is brought up and dismissed
- Change: advanced option for mapping only TCP port with UPnP (for broken routers)
- Change: Remove redundant error message when a torrent from the autoload folder is not loaded
- Fix: Do not bring window to front when "Activate the program window" under "When adding torrents" is not selected
- Fix: crash with very large copying Created By field
- Fix: enforce prio_first_last_piece with magnet URI downloads
- Fix: create folder for multi file torrents, with magnet URI downloads
- Fix: When an autoload directory is set more add torrent dialogs will not be shown until the current batch is closed
--- 2008-07-22: Version 1.8 RC6 (build 11564)
- Fix: loading of skins (enabled and disabled images, flags)
- Fix: crash with Change Location dialog when adding torrents
--- 2008-07-21: Version 1.8 RC5 (build 11549)
- Feature: add associate magnet URI button
- Change: handle magnet URIs
- Change: make association check on startup apply to all associations, not just .torrent
- Change: when a file is relocated, do not spam_detected if it is unlikely the file has changed. mirrors Stop and Start behaviour
- Change: warn and do not load skins of the wrong size
- Fix: logger options represent settings after peer log selection
- Fix: do not reset check_update_beta when upgrading from beta to stable
- Fix: rare http peer connection stall
--- 2008-07-16: Version 1.8 RC4 (build 11468)
- Fix: possible fatal error after clearing peer list
--- 2008-07-15: Version 1.8 RC3 (build 11464)
- Change: move upload_only flag to extension message
- Change: add peer ID for the BitTorrent SDK
- Fix: Clear Peers would leave some peers in the list
- Fix: do not try to connect to IPv6 peers if IPv6 is not installed
- Fix: crash when a download completed and connections were pending
- Fix: correctly reset completed_on and move files for torrent that finish a second time (after unskipping or force spam_detecteding and losing data)
- Fix: cookie syntax with HTTP proxies
--- 2008-07-15: Version 1.8 RC2 (build 11439)
- Feature: 'Clear all logging flags' in logger tab
- Feature: use SOCKS5 hostname capability instead of resolving DNS locally
- Change: move icmp port bind failure message to misc error log
- Change: prefer to resume pieces which are more complete
- Change: sort piece bar column on Pieces tab by number of busy blocks
- Change: stopped torrents now show no ETA instead of infinity
- Change: do not automatically register .torrent, prompt instead
- Change: fix overuse of ellipses in menu items
- Change: while downloading, disconnect 'upload only' peers that have nothing we need
- Change: Do not display infinity for >1000 share ratio in general tab
- Change: improve peer connection priority system
- Fix: send reject messages for requests dropped from socket buffer
- Fix: Bring the window to the front correctly when "Activate the program window" under "When adding torrents" is selected on Windows 98/2000+
- Fix: Reset .torrent file attributes when copying to storage so that it can be deleted etc. later if wanted
- Fix: prevent excessively long multiscrape HTTPS URLs because wininet can not handle them
- Fix: fix column display when RSS category is selected and no torrents are loaded
- Fix: showing of RSS Downloader from category context menu when no RSS items were present
- Fix: include HTTP seed connections in "use proxy for p2p connections" option
- Fix: shutting down when there are deleted torrents to process and graceful_shutdown is on
- Fix: systray icon loading before Explorer is running
--- 2008-07-01: Version 1.8 RC1 (build 11200)
- Change: beta markings removed
--- 2008-06-25: Version 1.8 beta (build 11140)
- Fix: Enable/Disable toggle on RSS menu
- Fix: Bug where the rebar/toolbar was not displaying correctly on XP+
--- 2008-06-23: Version 1.8 beta (build 11086)
- Feature: send stop event to tracker on third announce interval after torrent is paused
- Feature: add "Open RSS Favorites..." to RSS category context menu
- Change: with XP UPnP, log that we are not remapping when a mapping exists
- Fix: preserve command line flags in run on startup string, if the path/exe is the same
- Fix: do not show a balloon when RSS adds a torrent that is already loaded
- Fix: allow a different filename selection if the save fails after creating a torrent, without re-hashing the data
--- 2008-06-13: Version 1.8 beta (build 10853)
- Fix: re-enable installer dialog
- Fix: save "run on startup" across installs
--- 2008-06-12: Version 1.8 beta (build 10843)
- Change: remove extra debugging (exe size and CPU should be back to normal)
- Change: add ftp34.dll to malware DLLs list. Please scan your systems!
- Fix: Fatal Error: 3985
- Fix: Some tweaks to refix searchbox border issue
- Fix: a couple inverted Yes/No vs. Ok/Cancel checks
--- 2008-06-09: Version 1.8 beta (build 10770)
- Change: Display application name instead of executable name in Windows Vista message boxes
- Change: Make more message boxes that had OK and CANCEL options instead have YES and NO options
- Change: When deleting trackers, display the real number of trackers being deleted, not including PEX, DHT, or LPD
- Change: Changed confirmation text when deleting trackers and torrents
- Change: Change text of autoupdate confirmation dialog to clarify what the checkbox on it does; do not show the checkbox when updating manually
- Change: Display infinity symbol if the current font supports it in appropriate places
- Change: When bt.graceful_shutdown is enabled the autoupdate process will now wait indefinately for the original process to shut down
- Change: ETA times are now maxed out at 4 years
- Fix: Bug where searchbox border was drawn below toolbar when toolbar is hidden and then reshown
- Fix: Bug where part of the rebar (XP+) was drawn below toolbar when toolbar is hidden and then reshown
- Fix: Z/Tab order bug with searchbox in main window
--- 2008-05-30: Version 1.8 beta (build 10524)
- Fix: debugging bugfix
--- 2008-05-29: Version 1.8 beta (build 10504)
- Change: Display number of deleted trackers as well
- Fix: formatting of bytes 1000 through 1031
- Fix: Tab order issue in create torrent dialog
--- 2008-05-27: Version 1.8 beta (build 10431)
- Change: The deletion comfirmation dialog for torrents now shows how many are to be deleted
- Change: Add System Default language option to preferences
- Change: added a tiny amount more debugging for a very very rare bug
--- 2008-05-26: Version 1.8 beta (build 10416)
- Change: added a tiny amount more debugging for a very very rare bug
--- 2008-05-26: Version 1.8 beta (build 10415)
- Change: add ETA strings to lang file
- Fix: crash when editing 'Run Program' on multiple torrents simultaniously
- Fix: association check looking for an extra key that association did not add
- Fix: case where UPnP would remap UDP (if TCP was already mapped)
--- 2008-05-20: Version 1.8 beta (build 10364)
- Change: grey out association buttons if associated
- Change: stagger PEX interval per-torrent
- Change: keep the RSS publication date after the torrent is added, for 'Added On'
- Fix: (XP UPnP) no need to remove the mappings if they are the same port number
- Fix: crash when saving resume.dat with very large peer lists
- Fix: crash when a connection limit is hit and there is no "most inactive" peer and a local peer connection arrives
--- 2008-05-13: Version 1.8 beta (build 10198)
- Change: add node age to DHT dump buckets
- Fix: very rare (and very old) bug with expired peers and PEX
- Fix: DHT tid processing
--- 2008-05-13: Version 1.8 beta (build 10183)
- Fix: less rare crash bug with incoming socket timeout
--- 2008-05-13: Version 1.8 beta (build 10181)
- Change: token-based webui changes to prevent XSRF (optional: webui.token_auth)
- Change: send webui response as 'text/plain'
- Change: upload activity prevents a downloading torrent from being marked as "inactive"
- Fix: rare crash bug with incoming socket timeout
- Fix: .torrent autoload problems when using Add Torrent dialog
- Fix: XP UPnP IP field bug
--- 2008-05-10: Version 1.8 beta (build 10093)
- Change: pre-allocate disk space now overrides diskio.sparse_files
- Change: warn when disk buffer allocation fails
- Fix: slow or no connections with large numbers of seeding torrents
- Fix: XP UPnP IP field bug
--- 2008-05-09: Version 1.8 beta (build 10085)
- Change: change unique id to include last-seen timestamp
- Fix: very rare DHT memory corruption
- Fix: vertical grid lines on speed graph were off-by-one
--- 2008-05-08: Version 1.8 beta (build 10054)
- Feature: gui.log_date for logging date in Logger lines
- Feature: add 'complete', 'incomplete' and 'external ip' to internal tracker
- Feature: net.calc_overhead to add TCP/IP overhead calculation to rate measure
- Change: Merge General and Transfer tabs
- Change: send webui response as 'application/x-json'
- Change: log about invalid lines in ipfilter (in misc errors)
- Change: keep old computer ids, to reduce scam warning on valid ID switch
- Change: remove 0x8000 flag from peerid
- Fix: internal tracker
- Fix: give the Speed Guide a title
- Fix: ipfilter would not drop some peers on reload
- Fix: GDI memory leak when changing torrents
- Fix: several (minor) UPnP bugs when enabling/disabling and/or changing the port
- Fix: Minor memory leak involving help file downloader
- Fix: GDI handle leak on resize
- Fix: grid lines on speed graph were off-by-one
--- 2008-04-20: Version 1.8 beta (build 9704)
- Change: when done, disconnect peers that have everything we have (instead of only 100%)
- Change: drop inactive peers in favor of local peers, if a connection limit is hit
- Fix: timezone parsing in RSS feeds (PST, EDT, etc)
- Fix: allowed fast messages before we have metadata
- Fix: "incorrect alignment" errors
- Fix: crash when creating and seeding torrent
--- 2008-04-15: Version 1.8 beta (build 9599)
- Change: make 'Local Peer Discovery' and 'Peer Exchange' more like the DHT entry in the Trackers tab
- Fix: crash with btsearch duplicate check
--- 2008-04-14: Version 1.8 beta (build 9578)
- Feature: show PEX and LSD in Trackers tab
- Change: warn about file size exceeding volume limit in add torrent dialog
- Change: do not open files that do not exist, in Files tab
- Change: remove 10000 cap on share ratio display
- Change: remove default search engines (see http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0018.html for search plugins)
- Change: local peer connections do not count towards the NAT light
- Fix: smart sparse hash check on compressed NTFS volumes
- Fix: context menu copy of peers entry (was stripping whitespace)
- Fix: loading .btsearch files on startup and from drag'n'drop
- Fix: loading the same .btsearch again caused a second entry
- Fix: RSS items marked as "Previously Downloaded" even on error
- Fix: lexicographical ordering of bencode dict keys (fixes .torrent creation)
- Fix: UNC path handling of storage directories
--- 2008-04-04: Version 1.8 beta (build 9363)
- Fix: crash with some RSS settings files
- Fix: DHT processing
--- 2008-04-03: Version 1.8 beta (build 9360)
- Change: improved DHT processing
- Fix: infrequent lock ups with the Files tab
- Fix: Some cases where icons in add torrent dialog were not loaded properly
- Fix: Display of '&' characters in various places including general tab
- Fix: titlebar speed formatting
- Fix: 'remove' and 'removedata' actions in webui now respect the 'remove to trash' option
--- 2008-03-28: Version 1.8 beta (build 9272)
- Change: better error messages on bind failure
- Change: clear peer traffic logging options on startup (fixes noisy logging after 1.7 upgrade)
- Change: diskio.smart_sparse_hash for broken file systems (like Windows Home Server)
- Fix: UNC and long path parsing
- Fix: more "Invalid Parameter" errors when drives are not present when the torrent is added
- Fix: DHT dump buckets formatting for large numbers
- Fix: black progress bar on 0 byte files
- Fix: Enable/Disable Feed option on All Feeds item
--- 2008-03-21: Version 1.8 beta (build 9137)
- Feature: Different download listview settings for RSS categories and regular Torrents
- Feature: (advanced) option to use tall or short Category list
- Feature: improve distribution of new connections across torrents
- Change: open Category list on upgrade to 1.8, if there are any RSS feeds
- Change: increase tracker interval on failure ("failure message" and HTTP 50X status codes)
- Change: reduce number of digits on many list and bar speeds and sizes
- Change: informative error on bind failure
- Change: slow_ul/dl_threshold affects inactive/active status as well
- Change: default sort order for RSS categories to 'Added On'
- Fix: use different UPnP mapping names to prevent UDP mapping overwriteing TCP mapping on some routers
- Fix: peer.resolve_country
- Fix: higher scrape count for peers was not displayed in the torrent list Peers column
- Fix: HTTPS User-Agent for betas
- Fix: "Invalid Parameter" errors with long path names
--- 2008-03-10: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8912)
- Fix: crash when stopping an in-progress hash-check
--- 2008-03-10: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8907)
- Change: more strict fast resume for compact allocation
- Fix: pieces in some files would be ignored on fast resume if any file needed spam_detecteding
--- 2008-03-07: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8891)
- Feature: seed to peer ratio column
- Change: remove one hour cap on interval and min_interval
- Fix: re-hash after hash failure would sometimes be incorrect
--- 2008-03-06: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8872)
- Fix: more connection parse errors
--- 2008-03-05: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8855)
- Fix: encrypted connection parse error
- Fix: rare crash with metadata requests
--- 2008-03-04: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8852)
- Feature: add queue.slow_dl/ul_threshold advanced options
- Change: Right align search button popup menu to search button to match Windows (Internet) Explorer
- Change: preallocate diskspace now overrides bt.compact_allocation
- Change: unchoke local peers when not rate limited
- Change: last active column no longer counts sends while downloading
- Change: prevent skipping files when compact allocation is on, and prevent enabling compact allocation when files are skipped
- Change: do not use bt.compact_allocation by default on Vista, since files can not be skipped
- Fix: allow Update Feed on All Feeds
- Fix: Ignore last preference and overview tab from previous versions; fixes a crash when downgrading
- Fix: hash check on compact allocation would not drop pieces that are lost
- Fix: hash check on compact allocation would never find the last piece
- Fix: smart hashecheck would get incorrect hashes on pieces that span file boundaries
- Fix: Crash when redirecting multiple files at once
--- 2008-02-24: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8682)
- Fix: crash when right-clicking category view
--- 2008-02-23: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8680)
- Feature: support 'failure reason' in scrape response
- Feature: optional piece progress bar
- Change: (yet another) new installation dialog
- Change: More informative error message for misc. autoupdate errors
- Change: Return to 1.7-style RSS errors
- Change: remove 1000 files warning in create torrent
- Change: Turn off sparse files and turn on compact allocation by default on Vista, because it has a terrible bug
- Change: do not enable a feed when Update Feed is selected
- Change: send rejects to FAST extension peers that request the same piece again before it's sent
- Change: grey out Update Feed when feed is disabled
- Change: change Toggle Feed to Enable/Disable Feed
- Change: update free space on focus change in create torrent
- Change: some RSS speed optimizations for large history and feed item counts
- Fix: Tab order issues in Add Feed dialog
- Fix: magnet URI download directory is now default download directoy
- Fix: Display of "&" characters in title of folder browsing dialog on Windows versions less then Vista, and give Vista version a title
- Fix: Preferences tab order
- Fix: Longstanding bug where dialogs that inside tab controls did not have the proper background when using XP themes
- Fix: Issue where it would stay as admin user after autoupdating through a normal user
- Fix: element not found and 99% cpu bug with partfiles
- Fix: piece picker bug that would cause it to start more equally rare pieces than needed
- Fix: key sort order with extension handshake
- Fix: download bar toggle
- Fix: external IP detection with NAT-PMP and non-conforming routers (like the Airport Extreme...)
- Fix: rare "invalid packet length" bug with encrypted connections
- Fix: Feed names not displaying unicode characters properly in category view
- Fix: Element Not Found when using partfiles with compact allocation
--- 2008-01-28: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8205)
- Change: Return to old font size for listview progress bars
- Fix: Do not select a listview column if an option is not chosen from the column context menu
- Fix: update timeouts with trackers
- Fix: a few crash bugs
--- 2008-01-26: Version 1.8 alpha (build 8188)
- Change: Removed the two pixel gap on both sides of the main toolbar
- Change: Add properties to torrent category menu
- Change: Give delete torrent confirmation dialog "always show this dialog"-style functionality
- Change: Give search button a style more conformant to the Vista UI guidelines if available
- Change: Make delete torrent button look pressed while its menu is up
- Change: make Search and Remove buttons consistant with IE7 search button behaviour
- Change: removed 10 pixel gap on the right side of the searchbox
- Change: Alternate listview background color to be roughly the same color as the selected column, rather then a constant gray
- Change: Increase maximum waiting time from five seconds to one minute for UAC subprocess when installing on Vista
- Change: Add confirm deletion of trackers option to UI Settings
- Change: Show graphical progress bar option is now in advanced settings
- Change: Delete key now deletes trackers in the trackers tab
- Change: Remove label setting from torrent properties dialog
- Change: Note that port 0 in the speed guide is a signal for uTorrent itself to choose the port
- Change: Make about dialog non-modal
- Change: Change text of a few updater-related checkboxes in preferences to be more specific about what they effect
- Change: Always show the selection in the tracker and file listviews, even if they don't have focus
- Change: Move items in add torrent dialog listview left a bit if there are no directories in the torrent
- Change: Max Up and Max Down have been renamed to Up Limit and Down Limit
- Fix: Some cases of controls, such as listviews, not properly updating on Windows theme change
- Fix: potential remote crash exploit
- Fix: Opening dialog on Windows 95
- Fix: Modal dialogs now correctly disable and return focus to the window they were launched from, not the main window
- Fix: Various tiny memory leaks
- Fix: Leaking of memory when closing non-modal dialogs (existed in both 1.6 and 1.7)
- Fix: corrupted URL/messsage in Add Torrent by URL dialog
- Fix: incorrect column highlighting after hiding/showing columns
- Fix: disable webui relative path parsing

Всего записей: 166 | Зарегистр. 13-03-2006 | Отправлено: 15:14 19-10-2009

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