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Gold Member
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0.780 (2011-01-10)
Compiled with C++0x support
Update Boost to version 1.45
Prevent hub-provided cmds from "open own list" from going to the wrong hub
Remove ADC empty token workaround targeting 0.698 (cologic)
Enable Data Execution Prevention (cologic)
Improved tabs, new settings (poy)
[Launchpad bug 571546] Add an "X" icon to close the active tab (poy)
[Launchpad bug 603071] Linux compile fix (thanks netcelli)
[Launchpad bug 606435] Prevent potential re-hashing (thanks vasily.n)
Automatic incoming connection type detection - enabled by default (emtee)
Add "Close all hubs" to Window menu (emtee)
New icons
Update the links in the "Help" menu (poy)
Prevent current-directory Windows DLL injection (cologic)
[Launchpad bug 617021] Fix linux semaphore (thanks gennady proskurin)
[Launchpad bug 617591] Fix multi-core/cpu issue with ref-counting (thanks gennady proskurin)
Fix some counters that could have caused issues when running dc++ for a long time
[Launchpad bug 617517] More portable critical sections (thanks big muscle)
Removed stlport support (probably defunct by now...)
Modernize the installer and make it translatable (poy)
Customize the font selection dialog, save the charset (poy)
Blacklist rogue hub-lists (poy)
Fix some wrong menu fonts (poy)
[Launchpad bug 630655] Separate IP and Country columns in users and connections lists (thanks iceman50)
Support taskbar thumbnails and "Aero Peek" live previews on Win 7 (poy)
Fix menu separators on Win 7 (poy)
[Launchpad bug 588224] Display folders using the correct icon on Win 7 (poy)
Help updates (poy, emtee)
[Launchpad bug 571914] Fix crash when a zero sized bloom filter is requested (emtee)
Don't close the net stats window when double-clicking on the status bar (poy)
Fix a random crash when reconnecting hubs and being unlucky (poy)
Added notice about the original C implementation of Tiger (you must include this in mods!) (ullner)
Add a menu to change the group of a fav hub more easily (poy)
[ADC] Support hidden users as per the ADC ext spec (poy)
[ADC] Group search extensions thanks to "SEGA" (poy)
Keep search history in file list windows (emtee)
Add a "Previous" button in file lists for backwards searching (emtee)
More efficient file list searches that start from the current selection (poy)
Move the file list searching functionality to a togglable search bar (poy)
Update OpenSSL to version 1.0.0c (poy)
[Launchpad bug 378829] Make sure our OpenSSL binaries aren't "optimized for MS-DOS" (poy)
[Launchpad bug 674545] Add magnet keyword search (thanks flow84)
[Launchpad bug 506288] Save settings periodically (poy)
Add titles to various menus (poy)
[Launchpad bug 535556] Make sure menus are not too wide (poy)
[Launchpad bug 610466] Fix sharing of downloaded files from different drives (emtee)
[Launchpad bug 300728] Fix infinite recursion when sharing a directory with a broken name on unix (thanks alexander sashnov)
[Launchpad bug 250149] Retry on more possible Coral errors (emtee)
[Launchpad bug 260748] Really readded sfv check (was broken by segmented downloading) (emtee)
Update bzip2 to version 1.0.6
[ADC] Dispatch the amount of free slots with INF FS (poy)
[ADC] Dispatch away mode changes (poy)
Add a user icon modifier for users with no free slot (when INF FS is available) (poy)
Add a user icon to represent bots (poy)
[Launchpad bug 534242] Better looking settings dialog (fleetcommand, poy)
Allow regular expressions in ADL searches (poy)
[Launchpad bug 395464] [ADC] Send "000" as the STA success code
Add user information tooltips (poy)
Avoid parallel hub list downloads (emtee)
Display full country names rather than abbreviations (poy)
Select a better default font (poy)
[Launchpad bug 681754] Fonts and dialogs respect DPI settings - mark DC++ as DPI aware (poy)
Update MiniUPnPc to version 1.5 (poy)
Ameliorate the MiniUPnPc device selection
Prevent an endless loop on connection failure (thanks bigmuscle)
More consistent behavior in file lists for back / forward / up, and some buttons (poy)
Rework file and folder icons, add one for incomplete dirs (poy)
Save and restore the selected tab when re-opening (poy)
Process file lists only when they first come into view (poy)
[Launchpad bug 700594] Prevent multiple password dialogs and give them the hub title (poy)
[Launchpad bug 700593] Add an address bar in file lists (poy)
Documentation and translations updated as usual, thanks everyone

Всего записей: 6252 | Зарегистр. 17-12-2006 | Отправлено: 11:41 11-01-2011
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