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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Process Hacker

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

Maz (28-12-2016 22:23): Process Hacker. Часть 2  Версия для печати • ПодписатьсяДобавить в закладки
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* Delete doc
* Update CHANGELOG.txt
* Update NT headers
* Use provider event queue for thread list
* Use provider event queue for module list
* Rename "provider event list" to "provider event queue"
* Fix handle list crash when viewing more than 10000 handles
* Fix PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY_INFORMATION definition that was breaking ASLR detection
* Use Array instead of List where appropriate
* Add Array data structure
* Rename hashtable CompareFunction to EqualFunction
* Update CHANGELOG.txt
* installer: bump required IS to 5.5.8 and copyright year.
* Add AVL tree lower bound, upper bound, lower dual bound and upper dual bound functions
* Fix comment indentation
* Rename collect.c to avltree.c
* UserNotes: Fix mxml node enumeration
* UserNotes: Fix database cleanup
* UserNotes: Fix line endings
* UnderNotes: bump version; Added "Collapse at startup" menu for processes
* SbieSupport: Remove unused string
* UserNotes: Add menu enum; Fix dialog handling;
* UserNotes: Add header file; Updated layout consistency (partial)
* UserNotes: Don't load settings when they're empty; Don't save settings when they're empty;
* Reorganize queued lock types for better readability
* Update resource files to VS15 defaults
* Update version to 2.38
* Update SamplePlugin for new SDK
* Use markdown for HACKING.md
* Update build scripts for README.md
* Merge pull request #4 from dandv/patch-1
* Convert the README to Markdown for nicer formatting

Отправлено: 19:41 03-02-2016 | Исправлено: VictorVG2, 19:54 03-02-2016

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Process Hacker
Maz (28-12-2016 22:23): Process Hacker. Часть 2

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