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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Double Commander

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Gold Member
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r7793 FIX: Correct file selection in case of clicking to empty area
r7819 FIX: Bug [0001923] Recent change (rev 7793) causes access violation when clicking on file view empty area
r7838 FIX: Grid index out of range
r7982* FIX: Build with Lazarus trunk
r8011 UPD: Request password again
r8013 FIX: Viewer - load previous file, reload (with plugins)
r8017 FIX: Context menu crash with Lazarus 1.8 fixes branch (Windows)
r8018 FIX: Process symlinks (Windows)
r8029 FIX: Don't open by one mouse click when activate panel by mouse
r8030 FIX: TKASCDEdit - copy to clipboard (right to left selection)
r8033 FIX: Remove incorrect hint
r8038 FIX: Access violation
r8042* FIX: Bug [0001600] Horizontal scrolling stops working after window resize despite the scroll position is not at the start
r8043 FIX: Differ - line number painting
r8063 ADD: PageControl and TabSheet to DialogAPI
r8065* FIX: Bug [0002031] High CPU load and hanged move operation after retrying
r8066* FIX: Bug [0001984] Part of a folder name should not be considered as an extension
r8067 FIX: Set focus by middle and right mouse button (Windows)
r8068 UPD: File properties dialog scrolling style
r8070* FIX: Bug [0001840] List index out of bound in Viewer under Windows 10
r8072* FIX: Bug [0002051] HiDPI: incorrect scaling of certain controls
r8076 FIX: Bug [0002058] Elevated operations not working, on delete even no feedback when failed
r8077 ADD: GTK2 - drag&drop fix unit
r8078 FIX: Use XDefineCursor to set mouse cursor under Gtk2
r8079* FIX: Bug [0000589] Drag and Drop didn't work
r8080 ADD: FTP - Options: to enable/disable hidden items query, send keep alive during transfer
r8089 FIX: GTK2 - restore mouse cursor
r8091 ADD: DialogAPI - DividerBevel control
r8108 ADD: DialogAPI - TPanel and TRadioGroup controls
r8117 FIX: FTP - Rename connection via properties dialog
r8119 FIX: FTP - Incorrect parsing of 'pdir' entry in MLSD listing
r8120 FIX: FTP - Access violation
r8121 FIX: FTP - Read unix permissions in MLSD answer, cleanup
r8130 ADD: Install polkit action file (to execute via pkexec)
r8131 FIX: FTP - build under Linux 32 bit
r8135* FIX: Bug [0002040] List index (68) out of bounds when viewing multiple graphics files and deleting as I go
r8140 UPD: Merge fixes from trunk
r8144 DEL: Wrong hint
r8147 FIX: Compatibility with Lazarus 1.8.4
r8148* FIX: Bug [0002059] HiDPI: Font size is not taken into account to draw rows in File List
r8160* FIX: Bug [0002068] Text in the tab title does not change after swapping panels

Всего записей: 6490 | Зарегистр. 28-01-2008 | Отправлено: 13:49 04-06-2018 | Исправлено: Skif_off, 13:50 04-06-2018
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