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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Запрет на пост
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- Added an option to disable the search for a fav icon in embedded mode (help for the performance)
- Added some Remote Desktop Manager Online reliability mechanism
- Added a small optimization with RDMO offline mode when no Internet detected
- Added the credential repository support for a VPN session type
- Added the possibility to use a partial url for the quick connect variable
- Added the Shell Execute command to the command line session type
- Added the possibility to include the description in the export to csv
- Added an option to persist the auto refresh setting for the Terminal session grid
- Added an option to disable the scripting error in the web browser (embedded)
- Added Http proxy support for the add-on manager and session script tools manager
- Added a default setting for the After Execute VPN delay
- Added a default directory option for the command line session
- Added an option to open a desktop shortcut silent (no prompt message)
- Added unlimited Putty scripting commands
- Added the ui for the embedded UltraVNC add-on
- Enhanced the discover for web auto login
- Optimized the favicon request for the embedded web page
- Fixed a possible issue with DropBox SSL
- Fixed a minumum wait time configuration with SonicWall
- Fixed a bug with the working directory
- Fixed a bug with some default installation path (Firefox, Safari and UltraVNC)
- Fixed a wrong message with Sonic Wall opening
- Fixed a bug with the about and the offline mode
- Fixed a locking problem with LogMeIn
- Fixed a Autofill setting bug with LogMeIn
- Fixed some possible issue with the ShellExecute and embedded command line session
- Fixed some auto login issue with embedded Firefox and control name
- Fixed a bug with the image selector dialog
- Fixed a possible bug with the Waitprogress and Terminals Services
- Fixed a bug with the file override.cfg and environment variables
- Fixed a possible bug with the Edit Session (User Specific Settings)
- Fixed a possible issue with IE when autofill is used
- Fixed a a bug when a password contains an @
- Fixed some possible issues with KeePass when using a special char
- Resolved the variables in the export to csv
- Sorted the sub menus for the Add Session Types

Всего записей: 2953 | Зарегистр. 18-01-2007 | Отправлено: 17:33 03-04-2011 | Исправлено: faridmif, 17:37 03-04-2011
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager

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