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Êîìïüþòåðíûé ôîðóì Ru.Board » Êîìïüþòåðû » Ïðîãðàììû » AutoIT (×àñòü 3)

Ìîäåðèðóåò : gyra, Maz

gyra (23-01-2020 10:51): AutoIT (×àñòü 4)  Âåðñèÿ äëÿ ïå÷àòè • ÏîäïèñàòüñÿÄîáàâèòü â çàêëàäêè
Íà ïåðâóþ ñòðàíèöóê ýòîìó ñîîáùåíèþê ïîñëåäíåìó ñîîáùåíèþ



Advanced Member
Ðåäàêòèðîâàòü | Ïðîôèëü | Ñîîáùåíèå | Öèòèðîâàòü | Ñîîáùèòü ìîäåðàòîðó (10th July, 2015) (Release)
•Changed: Minimum OS requirements are now Windows XP SP3 and Windows Server 2003 SP2.
•Changed: PCRE regular expression engine updated to 8.35.
•Changed: Default text file encoding changed to UTF8 without BOM.
•Changed: FileOpen() has new modes for forcing ANSI, UTF16-BE/LE without BOM.
•Added #2761: AutoIt.chm title version.
•Added #2365: FileFindNextFile() - information in @extended.
•Added #2647: Return the line count from FileReadToArray() in @extended.
•Added #2665: FileCopy() no longer fails when copying EFS files to destinations that don't support encryption.
•Added #2686: Random() to return max value when min equals max.
•Added #2346: FileSetEnd().
•Added: Regular expression caching. Small performance improvements when using the same pattern multiple times.
•Added: Constants for native Functions in AutoItConstants.au3.
•Added #3012: GUISetFont() default value doc.
•Added: @OSVersion supports Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.
•Fixed: Functions fixed for extended length paths: FileOpen(), FileCopy(), FileMove(), FileDelete().
•Fixed #2755: SetError() doc precision.
•Fixed #2743: Hex() crash with invalid len.
•Fixed #2685: HotKeySet() fails to register a Hungarian letter.
•Fixed #2588: Menu/Statusbar location problem.
•Fixed #2471: Bad restore for script using $WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL.
•Fixed #2287: GUICtrlSetState() $GUI_ONTOP not set.
•Fixed #1573: TCPTimeout for Connect.
•Fixed #2596: TCP/UDP @error values to be unique.
•Fixed #2626: ControlGetText(), WinGetText(), WinGetTitle() wrong encoding for some words.
•Fixed #2538: GuiSetAccelerators() was still firing events on disabled button controls.
•Fixed #2671: StringSplit() was splitting incorrectly with regards to case sensitivity.
•Fixed #2372: Incorrect line number given on a bad function call. (Still issues with Callback line errors).
•Fixed #2805: FileWriteLine() was not returning a failure when disk was full.
•Fixed #2623: RegDelete() returning 0 rather than 2 when a key exists but no write permissions to delete it.
•Fixed #2813: Accessing "last created control" once GUI deleted caused a hard crash.
•Fixed #2640: Odd conversion of strings containing numbers in expressions.
•Fixed #2363: Call() with invalid user function was not setting @error correctly when used as an expression within another function call.
•Fixed #2364: Call() with CallArgArray and no parameters.
•Fixed #2789: With EndWith parameter issue.
•Fixed #2820: WinExists() and other Win functions were incorrectly converting strings containing numbers into window handles and causing false matches.
•Fixed #2502: Copy-on-write optimization when passing array and map elements ByRef was incorrect.
•Fixed: Assigning objects by reference to COM properties like "$obj(some, params) = $obj2".
•Fixed #2639: Unable to Copy/Paste from Embedded IE object.
•Fixed #2839: GUISetAccelerators() with an invalid array can cause a hard crash.
•Fixed #2920: Doc precision about no control position/resizing on initially window for GUiCreate()/WinMove().
•Fixed #2924: Progress bar style documentation.
•Fixed #3028: GUICtrlCreateCombo() doc formatting.
•Fixed #3040: Int() doc typos.
•Fixed #3042: Number() doc clarifications.
•Fixed #3041: AutoItWinGetTitle() doc example typos.
•Fixed #3039: AutoItWinSetTitle() doc example typos.
•Fixed #3057: StringSplit() Return Value if $STR_NOCOUNT doc.
•Fixed #2993: _Excel_RangeFind returns only last occurrence of string found.
•Changed: AutoItX3.psd1 renamed to AutoItX.psd. PSModulePath updated on install so that the system will auto-import.
•Fixed #2694: ControlListView not finding controls in x64 mode.
•Changed: _SQLite ->
•Changed: Reduced duplicate code for finding the maximum and minimum value in an array.
•Changed: _ArrayAdd() now uses constants to change addition behaviour and datatype forcing.
•Changed: _ArrayInsert now uses constants to change addition behaviour and datatype forcing.
•Changed: _GDIPlus_Startup() need explicit Dll for GDI+ v1.1 support under Vista or Server 2008.
•Changed: Removed internal redraw code from _GUIListView_DeleteAllItems() and _GUIListView_DeleteSelectedItems().
•Changed: _ArrayUnique() can now deal with Int64 values via new parameter.
•Changed: Re-wrote _StringInsert() using native functions.
•Changed: _HexToString() to _StringToHex() now handles strings and binary as UTF-8 by default.
•Changed: _FileWriteToLine() overwrite optional parameter is now boolean and not an integer of zero or one. The old values are still supported for now.
•Changed: _Excel_BookOpen() changed from @error = 4 to @error = 0 and @extended = 1 if Workbook could not be opened Read-Write. THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE
•Changed: _Word_DocOpen() changed from @error = 4 to @error = 0 and @extended = 1 if document could not be opened Read-Write. THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE
•Changed: Re-wrote _MathCheckDiv().
•Changed: _ArrayTranspose() algorithm.
•Added #2732: ObjName() doc example.
•Added #2751: Regions and GUI control tip labels to the control sample example.
•Added #2764: _WinAPI_ShellExecuteEx(), _WinAPI_GetPriorityClass() doc constants.
•Added #2826: Quit to close the browser.
•Added #2836: _WinAPI_SfcIsKeyProtected() doc example.
•Added: More _GDIPlus_Font* functions.
•Added: _WinAPI_GetFontResourceInfo() return more Font information.
•Added: _WinAPI_GetFontMemoryResourceInfo().
•Added #2922: _VersionCompare() with different number of fields.
•Added #2968: Optional parameter $iMSeconds to _SetTime().
•Added: $SB_ANSI, $SB_UTF16LE, $SB_UTF16BE and $SB_UTF8 constants to StringConstants.au3, for use with BinaryToString() and StringToBinary().
•Added: Constants to Assign() and IsDeclared().
•Added #2982: _FTP_Connect() example improvement.
•Added #2976: #pragma default value.
•Added #2998: Added missing key (03 - control-break processing) to the _IsPressed() documentation.
•Added: _GDIPlus_ImageGetDimension().
•Added: _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateDIBFromBitmap() can be used to allow .PNG in GUICtrlCreatePic().
•Added: _GDIPlus_ImageGetThumbnail().
•Added #3034: _Timer_SetTimer() doc example.
•Fixed #2734: Incorrectly setting the wrong member.
•Fixed #2736: DriveGetType() and _WinAPI_SetWindowPos() doc Constants.au3 to AutoItConstants.au3.
•Fixed #2737: _WinAPI_ShellGetStockIconInfo() doc $SIID_ constants.
•Fixed #2744: Requires IE5 removal as Min OS = Windows XP.
•Fixed #2741: _WinAPI_DrawThemeEdge() constants reference in BorderConstants.au3.
•Fixed #2740: _WinAPI_IsProcessorFeaturePresent() doc $PF_* constants.
•Fixed #2739: _WinAPI_SetLocaleInfo() doc $LOCALE_* constants.
•Fixed #2738: _WinAPI_ShellRestricted() doc $REST_* constants.
•Fixed #2745: Mismatch of supported operating system with the official AutoIt site.
•Fixed #2746: IE6Example.htm refreshing and associated COMRef.htm.
•Fixed #2749: Bad Include in COM example.
•Fixed #2748: Variable used before declaration.
•Fixed #2758: _ArrayPermute() with multicharacter delimiter.
•Fixed #2782: Documentation of various constants.
•Fixed #2803: _ArrayMinIndex() and _ArrayMaxIndex() failing with 1-dimensional arrays that had 1 element only.
•Fixed: _ArrayAdd() failing with a trailing delimiter in $vValue.
•Fixed #2816: Doc precision with _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile() specifying -1 when it's 0 on failure.
•Fixed: _Crypt_DecryptData() and _Crypt_EncryptData() failing with a blank string when using the RC4 algorithm.
•Fixed #2821: Example comment was incorrect for _DateToDayOfWeekISO().
•Fixed #2823: _ChooseFont() default color BGR not RGB.
•Fixed: Limit bug in _ArrayToClip(), _ArrayExtract() and _ArrayToString().
•Fixed #2828: Typo of security in _IEFormElementSetValue().
•Fixed: Limit bug in _ArraySwap().
•Fixed #2861: _WinAPI_ReadDirectoryChanges() example.
•Fixed #2874: _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor() not at insertpoint.
•Fixed #2909: Backslash was not appended in _PathMake() if $sDir was blank.
•Fixed #2908: _ScreenCapture_Capture() failing due to out of bounds error.
•Fixed #2917: _WinAPI_AddMRUString() example crash when run in X64 mode (Msdn Bug CreateMRUListW !!!).
•Fixed #2918: _GDIPlus_GetEncoderParameterList() not working.
•Fixed: Range setting in _ArrayDisplay().
•Fixed: _Array_FindAll() return array incorrectly dimesioned for row search.
•Fixed #2964: Incorrect structure for $tagWNDCLASS.
•Fixed: _WinAPI_IsWritable() wrong detection when the device is not ready.
•Fixed: The seconds parameter in _SetTime() being set as milliseconds.
•Fixed #2967: Incorrect format of AM/PM when the time was 00:00.
•Fixed #2983: _WinApi_GetString() doc.
•Fixed #3011: _FileListToArrayRec() not closing the open handle.
•Fixed: _Word_DocFind(), _Word_DocFindReplace() and _Word_DocPrint() did not set @extended to the COM error code.
•Fixed: _StringExplode not using full delimiter to split.
•Fixed #3018: _GDIPlus_EffectCreateHueSaturationLightness () doc and _GDIPlus_BitmapApplyEffect() crash.
•Fixed #3038: _Timer_SetTimer() callback function parameters.
•Fixed #3037: _RunDOS() waits for command completion.
•Fixed #3055: Bad link in _WinAPI_IOCTL() doc.
•Fixed #3052: _ArraySort() doc clarification for 2D.
•Fixed #3059: Miscelaneous => Miscellaneous in Help : Typos.
•Fixed #3063: Removed additional param in the $tagRAWKEYBOARD structure.
•Fixed: False error report on COM variable.
•Fixed: False error report on With statement.
•Added: Support of UTF8 with BOM files.
•Changed: Improved highlighting AutoIt code inside the HTML files.
•Added: Icons\MyAutoit3_*.ico to be used when compiling user scripts (small footprint).
•Added: lang-autoit.js code highlighting file for Google Prettify. See the Extras\Prettify folder.
•Fixed: Re-writing the scripts which generate the syntax files for the editors and GeSHi, resulted in missing descriptions being added and correct sorting of functions.

Âñåãî çàïèñåé: 658 | Çàðåãèñòð. 29-12-2005 | Îòïðàâëåíî: 13:22 10-07-2015

Íà ïåðâóþ ñòðàíèöóê ýòîìó ñîîáùåíèþê ïîñëåäíåìó ñîîáùåíèþ

Êîìïüþòåðíûé ôîðóì Ru.Board » Êîìïüþòåðû » Ïðîãðàììû » AutoIT (×àñòü 3)
gyra (23-01-2020 10:51): AutoIT (×àñòü 4)

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