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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Антивирус Dr.Web (Доктор Веб, Doctor Web, DrWeb antivirus)

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articlebot (11-09-2016 19:36): Антивирус Dr.Web (Доктор Веб, Doctor Web, DrWeb antivirus)  Версия для печати • ПодписатьсяДобавить в закладки
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20101227.091257.05 ntc [ 1276 4f4] noname [Signal] Terminating by signal SHUTDOWN
20101227.091257.13 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] System uptime is 02-18:41:08
20101227.091257.18 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] Now there are 48 processes and 658 threads using 14197 handles
20101227.091257.18 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] Commited memory: 849MB total, 941MB maximum
20101227.091257.18 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] Physical memory: 1023MB total, 133MB available, 218MB cache, 86% in use
20101227.091257.18 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] Kernel memory: 47MB total, 30MB paged, 17MB non-paged
20101227.091257.44 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [ClientsHeap] 34 used from 176 allowed, 6 free from 40 allocated (6 destroyed)
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] There are 26 running threads  
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Threads: main#001276/00000500 main, lwp#001276/00000518 log, thr#001276/00000974 srv:0
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001276/0000096c cln:0, thr#001276/00000970 cln:1, thr#001276/00000524 kth:0
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001276/00000528 kth:1, thr#001276/0000052c pth:2, thr#001276/00000530 pth:3
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001276/00000534 pth:4, thr#001276/00000538 pth:5, thr#001276/0000053c pth:6
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001276/00000954 mth:0, thr#001276/00000958 mth:1, thr#001276/0000095c mth:2
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001276/00000960 mth:3, thr#001276/00000964 mth:4, thr#001276/00000968 tmr:0
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001276/00000994 srv:1, thr#001276/0000098c cln:2, thr#001276/00000990 cln:3
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001276/0000097c pth:7, thr#001276/00000980 mth:5, thr#001276/00000984 mth:6
20101227.091257.54 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Threads: thr#001276/00000988 tmr:1, thr#001276/000009bc dbv:0
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Elapsed time 2-18:40:13.100
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] CPU usage is 0% (00:00:17.515 user, 00:00:05.984 system)
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] 0 threads, 0 context switches
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] 124960KB virtual size, 58896KB resident, 136457 page faults
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] 39495 bytes read, 21718 written
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] File cache hits: 1261, calls: 1897, vsize: 46M, rsize: 46M, mvsize: 194M, mrsize: 97M, saved: 0%, msaved: 100%
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Cache/S] Usage: hint: 147, missed: 28, invalid: 0, errors: 2
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Cache/S] Memory: maximum: 1021K, requested: 1M, saved: 1407K (466%)
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Total 0 NAP requests, 0 OK
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WebStat] Total 0 records, 0 requests OK, 0 failed, 0 bytes received, 0 bytes sent
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Update] Total 192 HTTP requests OK, 0 failed; 2102142 bytes recieved, 76776 bytes sent
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Update] 0 files added, 8 files replaced, 0 files deleted
20101227.091257.58 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Total 866595/217242285 bytes recieved/sent (99% of 866595/217242300)
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] Total 134 I/O ports used, 40 maximum
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] There are 34 clients, 40 maximum, 134 total, 76 allowed
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Stat] There are 34 agents, 0 newbies,  0 installs, 0 servers connected
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] Now there are 3 layers running
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] Now there are 39 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] Sleep time 5-20:34:58.800 and work time 00:00:14.562 (0%)
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] Total 2 server, 0 client, 2 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] Total 5840 reads, 48 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] Total 33585 writes, 26157 delayed
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] Total 2109 accepted, 2074 closed sockets
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] Total 0 read and 3 write errors
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0] Now there are 4 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0] Sleep time 07:16:14.873 and work time 00:00:00.765 (0%)
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0] Total 2 server, 0 client, 2 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0] Total 3 reads, 0 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.61 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0] Total 3 writes, 0 delayed
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0] Total 2109 accepted, 0 closed sockets
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0] Total 4 sockets by their states:
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0]   st_srv: 4, st_free: 0, st_read: 4, st_write: 0, st_eos: 0
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [srv:0]   st_r_err: 0, st_w_err: 0, st_del: 0, st_nofd: 0
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0] Now there are 18 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0] Sleep time 2-18:39:17.135 and work time 00:00:12.281 (0%)
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0] Total 0 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0] Total 3130 reads, 28 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0] Total 28499 writes, 23640 delayed
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0] Total 0 accepted, 2040 closed sockets
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0] Total 0 read and 3 write errors
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0] Total 18 sockets by their states:
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0]   st_srv: 0, st_free: 0, st_read: 0, st_write: 0, st_eos: 18
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:0]   st_r_err: 18, st_w_err: 0, st_del: 0, st_nofd: 0
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1] Now there are 17 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1] Sleep time 2-18:39:26.791 and work time 00:00:01.515 (0%)
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1] Total 0 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1] Total 2707 reads, 20 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1] Total 5083 writes, 2517 delayed
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1] Total 0 accepted, 34 closed sockets
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1] Total 17 sockets by their states:
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1]   st_srv: 0, st_free: 0, st_read: 0, st_write: 0, st_eos: 17
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Sockets] [cln:1]   st_r_err: 17, st_w_err: 0, st_del: 0, st_nofd: 0
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Workers] Sleep time 08:26:50.968 and work time 00:09:48.218 (0%)
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Workers] Total 17665 messages got, 17308 buckets deliverled by 5 workers
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [LateProc] Sleep time 13-21:19:19.003 and work time 00:01:34.312 (0%)
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [LateProc] 3665 queued, 3665 processed, 0 ignored, 0 dropped
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [LateProc] 0 now, 7 maximum; 5 concurrently, 1 longest batch
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [KillProc] Sleep time 5-13:20:12.098 and work time 00:00:03.468 (0%)
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [KillProc] 100 queued, 100 processed, 0 ignored, 0 dropped
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [KillProc] 0 now, 1 maximum; 1 concurrently, 1 longest batch
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Alert] Total 297 messages (0B), 0 sent, 0 failed, 297 dropped
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [DB] Maximum 2 connections used (0 total, 1.3 average, 1 dropped)
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [DB] Total 1556 transactions executed (85 rolled back)
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [DB] Transaction average length is 5 statements
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [DB] Total 7881 statements executed (3 failed)
20101227.091257.63 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [DB] Total 16361 rows are affected through life time
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] There are 1 HTTP and 1 HTTPS listenning sockets
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] There are 12 connections right now
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Now there are 3 layers running
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Now there are 14 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Sleep time 8-07:48:49.390 and work time 00:00:00.109 (0%)
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 2 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 73 reads, 15 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 136 writes, 56 delayed
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 19 accepted, 7 closed sockets
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Now there are 2 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Sleep time 2-18:36:16.046 and work time 00:00:00.078 (0%)
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 2 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 0 reads, 0 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 0 writes, 0 delayed
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 19 accepted, 0 closed sockets
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 2 sockets by their states:
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1]   st_srv: 2, st_free: 0, st_read: 2, st_write: 0, st_eos: 0
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1]   st_r_err: 0, st_w_err: 0, st_del: 0, st_nofd: 0
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Now there are 6 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Sleep time 2-18:36:16.093 and work time 00:00:00.015 (0%)
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 0 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 29 reads, 7 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 75 writes, 43 delayed
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 0 accepted, 3 closed sockets
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 6 sockets by their states:
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2]   st_srv: 0, st_free: 0, st_read: 0, st_write: 0, st_eos: 6
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2]   st_r_err: 6, st_w_err: 0, st_del: 0, st_nofd: 0
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Now there are 6 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Sleep time 2-18:36:17.249 and work time 00:00:00.015 (0%)
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 0 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 44 reads, 8 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 61 writes, 13 delayed
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 0 accepted, 4 closed sockets
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 6 sockets by their states:
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3]   st_srv: 0, st_free: 0, st_read: 0, st_write: 0, st_eos: 6
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3]   st_r_err: 6, st_w_err: 0, st_del: 0, st_nofd: 0
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Workers] Sleep time 2-20:39:28.636 and work time 00:00:01.359 (0%)
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Workers] Total 103 messages got, 81 buckets deliverled by 2 workers
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-WorkersCGI] Sleep time 00:00:00.000 and work time 00:00:00.000 (0%)
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-WorkersCGI] Total 0 messages got, 0 buckets deliverled by 0 workers
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-LateProc] Sleep time 2-18:39:37.369 and work time 00:00:00.000 (0%)
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-LateProc] 7 queued, 7 processed, 0 ignored, 0 dropped
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-LateProc] 0 now, 3 maximum; 1 concurrently, 3 longest batch
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] Total 51 requests, 61K bytes sent, 24K recieved
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [FastCGI] Total 0 requests, 0B bytes sent, 0B recieved
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] Total 2 different response codes have been sent
20101227.091257.66 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] Sent codes are 200: 23, 304: 42
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] There are 1 HTTP and 1 HTTPS listenning sockets
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] There are 12 connections right now
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Now there are 3 layers running
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Now there are 14 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Sleep time 8-07:48:49.390 and work time 00:00:00.109 (0%)
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 2 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 73 reads, 15 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 136 writes, 56 delayed
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 19 accepted, 7 closed sockets
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Now there are 2 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Sleep time 2-18:36:16.046 and work time 00:00:00.078 (0%)
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 2 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 0 reads, 0 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 0 writes, 0 delayed
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 19 accepted, 0 closed sockets
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1] Total 2 sockets by their states:
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1]   st_srv: 2, st_free: 0, st_read: 2, st_write: 0, st_eos: 0
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [srv:1]   st_r_err: 0, st_w_err: 0, st_del: 0, st_nofd: 0
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Now there are 6 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Sleep time 2-18:36:16.093 and work time 00:00:00.015 (0%)
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 0 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 29 reads, 7 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 75 writes, 43 delayed
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 0 accepted, 3 closed sockets
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2] Total 6 sockets by their states:
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2]   st_srv: 0, st_free: 0, st_read: 0, st_write: 0, st_eos: 6
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:2]   st_r_err: 6, st_w_err: 0, st_del: 0, st_nofd: 0
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Now there are 6 opened network sockets
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Sleep time 2-18:36:17.249 and work time 00:00:00.015 (0%)
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 0 server, 0 client, 0 dg-server sockets created
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 44 reads, 8 end-of-stream
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 61 writes, 13 delayed
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 0 accepted, 4 closed sockets
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 0 read and 0 write errors
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3] Total 6 sockets by their states:
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3]   st_srv: 0, st_free: 0, st_read: 0, st_write: 0, st_eos: 6
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Sockets] [cln:3]   st_r_err: 6, st_w_err: 0, st_del: 0, st_nofd: 0
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Workers] Sleep time 2-20:39:28.636 and work time 00:00:01.359 (0%)
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-Workers] Total 103 messages got, 81 buckets deliverled by 2 workers
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-WorkersCGI] Sleep time 00:00:00.000 and work time 00:00:00.000 (0%)
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-WorkersCGI] Total 0 messages got, 0 buckets deliverled by 0 workers
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-LateProc] Sleep time 2-18:39:37.369 and work time 00:00:00.000 (0%)
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-LateProc] 7 queued, 7 processed, 0 ignored, 0 dropped
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN-LateProc] 0 now, 3 maximum; 1 concurrently, 3 longest batch
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] Total 51 requests, 61K bytes sent, 24K recieved
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [FastCGI] Total 0 requests, 0B bytes sent, 0B recieved
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] Total 2 different response codes have been sent
20101227.091257.71 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [WEBMIN] Sent codes are 200: 23, 304: 42
20101227.091419.27 ntc [ 1276 604] noname [Signal] Terminating by signal SHUTDOWN
20101227.091647.96 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname Running at "WSUS" computer under "Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x86 (Build 3790), Service Pack 2" operating system
20101227.091647.96 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname Running under "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" account
20101227.091647.96 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] System uptime is 00:00:50
20101227.091647.96 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] Now there are 21 processes and 248 threads using 3175 handles
20101227.091647.96 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] Commited memory: 116MB total, 116MB maximum
20101227.091647.96 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] Physical memory: 1023MB total, 789MB available, 373MB cache, 22% in use
20101227.091647.96 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname [Windows] Kernel memory: 30MB total, 18MB paged, 12MB non-paged
20101227.091647.96 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname Using command line: "C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\bin\drwcsd.exe" "-home=C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server" "-bin-root=C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server" "-var-root=C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var" -verbosity=INFO -rotate=10,10m -daemon
20101227.091647.96 inf [ 1276 51c] noname There are 9 warnings during config parsing
20101227.091647.98 ntc [ 1276 51c] noname Protocol "SERVER" is disabled, unloading...
20101227.091653.54 inf [ 1276 51c] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\10-drwbases: loaded, revision '2010/12/24 14:08:55.000' (1293199735)
20101227.091654.32 inf [ 1276 51c] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\10-drwupgrade: loaded, revision '2010/12/24 14:08:57.000' (1293199737)
20101227.091718.68 inf [ 1276 51c] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\20-drwagntd: loaded, revision '2010/12/24 14:08:51.000' (1293199731)
20101227.091718.89 inf [ 1276 51c] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\20-drwcs: loaded, revision '2010/12/24 14:08:56.000' (1293199736)
20101227.091718.95 inf [ 1276 51c] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\20-drwunix: loaded, revision '2010/12/24 14:08:57.000' (1293199737)
20101227.091719.01 inf [ 1276 51c] noname [Repository] Product C:\Program Files\DrWeb Enterprise Server\var\repository\20-drwwince: loaded, revision '2010/12/24 14:08:57.000' (1293199737)

Всего записей: 3379 | Зарегистр. 20-05-2006 | Отправлено: 11:49 27-12-2010

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