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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » HaoZip

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Engaged Clown

Gold Member
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1, the new global skinning feature, you can also replace the background and icons;
2, optimal skin process, install a new skin available online;
3, start 30% faster, smoother window scaling;
4, Win7 display the directory tree under the parent directory optimization and optimization of expression;
5, set the box to update the way to optimize compression;
6, Simplified Chinese version of the 64-bit system can be applied to right-click menu;
7, MD5 tools for progress bar display optimization;
8, optimize the address bar and the directory tree in the "Desktop" and "My Documents" path to display;
9, the hardware performance evaluation function of the anti-cheating treatment;
10, the increased drag the bottom right corner of the main interface of the corresponding region;
Add the global skin function, background and icons can be replaced
You can choose different backgrounds and icons, with a good personality pressure interface; If you check "Apply theme package", then click on the background or icon, it will find and replace the same time supporting the style icon or background.
Feature Enhancements
1, increased pressure on the cabinet for several test and repair;
2, optimization of the image viewer plug-precision;
3, optimize the image viewer in image scaling with the speed of movement;
4, adjusted the column tree columns and the initial width of the comment;
5, optimizing the address bar drop-down menu alignment;
6, the optimized operation of the self-extracting possible errors pop phenomenon;
7, optimized to delete compressed files in the package, If "No" not to refresh the phenomenon;
8, after pressure to do a good start last position memory optimization;
9, optimize the operation of the self-extracting details of the user experience of a dozen;
10, the optimized path compression is not stored, including the file name already exists within the phenomenon;
11, optimized self-extracting compressed file format conversion 7z can not find the phenomenon of sub-volumes;
12, the optimized cut or cut the background of the icon, the main interface will be displayed after minimizing the phenomenon;
13, optimizing the image viewer in a particular procedure, the screen refresh anomalies;
14, optimal configuration skn file txt file encoding support;
15, optimized for left-click the title bar icon in the upper left corner, expand the drop-down menu to experience more obvious delay rate;
16, double panel, the border color of the current active panel landscaping;
17, adjust the right side of the file list area shows the column width of the column, on or off display directory tree function, right-hand column will return to the initial width of the phenomenon;
18, optimizing the comment column layout display;
19, optimized repair zip file dialog box - the background, the task bar icon shows good pressure;
20, optimized to add - time - contains files, click after using up and down arrow keys can not be free to choose the option drop-down list the phenomenon;
Bug fixes
1 to repair the file list to choose multiple files, switching view mode, the focus lost BUG;
2, repairing the startup default thumbnail, the switch to the detailed information, the system displays the column style to style, rather than the new interface style BUG;
3, fixes a good pressure to compress a new file or press F5 to refresh, the new generation of compressed files, or the currently selected item lost BUG;
4, fixed invalid path in the address bar hit enter after the address bar in front of the folder icon disappears BUG;
5, repair some of the pictures in the photo viewer slide show to play, there will be anti-white BUG;
6, fixed win7, select the file right-click the new folder, and then press the Enter button to confirm, there will be two focus BUG;
7, fixes a good pressure in the documents and Kaba security administrator folder, right-click menu and windows explorer inconsistent BUG;
8, xp repair the English system, the type is displayed as garbled BUG;
9, fixed in the English language switching when the child window does not change the appearance of the switch in time BUG;
10, repair the file name is longer than the width of columns for more information, the file name does not wrap BUG;
11, fixes the pressure off a good moment, the title bar text to "find results" BUG;
12, pressure could not open fix several virtual machines on the desktop shortcut BUG;
13, fixed exe for the file size larger files, right click, can not be displayed "with good pressure to open" and "extract" relevant menu BUG;
14, fixed in the archive multiple files selected, right-select "Open file storage directory", the feature failure BUG;
15, repair the search *. exe files, look to the results, exe file does not have icon BUG;
16, fixes the image viewer may be running around the border are not displayed BUG;

Всего записей: 8782 | Зарегистр. 08-06-2006 | Отправлено: 23:15 28-04-2011
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