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New Features for 3.26
[3288341] Autotype has been added to the DragBar. Drag the image to an
input area on another Window (e.g., Browser) and PasswordSafe will
begin Autotype from there.  
[3286721] User can now toggle between read-only and read-write modes
via a menu item or by double-clicking on the current R-O or R/W
indicator in the Status Bar.
[3203152] The displayed language can now be changed via the new
Manage->Change Language menu.
[3065111] Add/Edit now displays both the Application's (PasswordSafe) and the
current database's default Autotype string (if set via Manage->Options).
[2964804, 1855389] The user can specify the list of symbols valid for
password generation, and can override this for any particular
entry (except when EasyVision or Pronounceable passwords are chosen).
[1831893, 1471134] Added Autotype code "\s" to send "Shift+Tab" (back tab).
[] Allow user to control copying of the password to clipboard when
performing "Browse to URL" via an option in Options->Security. This is
a database option i.e., you can have different setting for different
[] Support importing of TXT, CSV files and XML exported from KeePass
V1 and KeePass V2 XML files. Note that KeePass V2's export in the V1
format is does not conform to their own format as specified by their
V1 product and can not be imported. Please review our Help file for
the settings in KeePass required during their export.  
Changes to Existing Features in 3.26
[] New image on start-up dialog - courtesy of user Prinz_Eugen.
[] Polish installation texts added thanks to Michal Niklas.
[] An entry's password expiry date is set or cleared directly rather than using
the Set and Clear buttons after changing values.
[] The default password generation policy is now for 12 character
passwords that include symbol characters (previous default was 8, no
[] Unknown database header fields and unknown entry fields are no
longer exported when a database is exported to XML as there is no
mechanism to re-check them during import. Exporting to XML and then
importing to a new database can be used to remove these unknown
[] Date time fields, when exported to XML, now are in the W3C dateTime
standard format instead of PasswordSafe's.  This release can import
XML files with date time fields in either of these forms. The next
release will only be able to process the W3C standard.
[] Fully support importing of TXT files exported from KeePass V1
including the Group Tree structure, URL and date time fields. Please
review the online help for more details.
Bugs fixed in 3.26
[3325116] Users can no longer select an entry via the System Tray
icon's Recent Entry menu if the display has not been restored after
minimize or unlock.
[3306357, 3062632, 2888026] User preference changes are now correctly
saved. This includes allowing user to change database preferences when
the database is read-only.
[3303018] Filters with quotes in their name are now correctly
exported, imported and displayed in the Manage Filters dialog.
[3301904] Export XML, export Text and the export of filters functions
now process file names and paths containing non-Latin characters.  In
addition, missing directories in the specified path are created as
[3234204] PasswordSafe no longer exits if the command flag is set to
"-s <databasename>".
[3088187] The correct entry in List View is now used for Autotype when
using the keyboard to select the entry when PasswordSafe first opens.
[] Controls in Edit are now disabled if entry is protected.
[] Compare databases now correctly compares the 'Protect' and password
policy 'symbols' fields of entries.

Всего записей: 2952 | Зарегистр. 18-01-2007 | Отправлено: 18:06 02-07-2011
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