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This version introduces a new fully-decentralized media streaming technology, and several other improvements and fixes throughout the program.
Tixati's already fully-decentralized channels now feature the ability to efficiently stream audio and/or video to all other users in the channel.  Our groundbreaking streaming technology is built around mixed-coefficient linear network coding, which provides significantly higher swarm throughput than all other conventional methods.  Coded blocks are also secured against tampering by downstream peers via a combination of elliptic-curve and lattice-based homomorphic signatures.  This is the world's first practical implementation of fully-decentralized network-coded streaming.  More information about the streaming technology and how you can listen or make your own stream can be found on our streaming help page.
A native Windows 64-bit build is now available.  For users with 64-bit systems, this new build will deliver noticeably improved performance.
The IP Filter feature now supports the use of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes in place of a URL to a blocklist file.  The IP ranges used for country filtering are the same ones that power the flag column in the peers view.  This IP-country table is compiled using records from all five regional IP registries, and is fully updated in every new Tixati release.
IP Filters are now fully IPv6 operational.  This includes checking Teredo and 6to4 addresses properly against both the IPv6 and IPV4 list for a match.  IPv6 addresses can also be included in blocklist files.  For a description of the format and some example files, please see the IP Filter help page.  Tixati is now 100% IPv6 compliant in all parts of the program.  
The popup menu for files within a transfer has a new Open Location option, which will open the containing folder in your operating system's file explorer.
Tree and list views now use the left/right arrow keys to expand/collapse folders, and ctrl-left/right to scroll the view sideways.  This allows easier navigation.  Files will now launch if they are selected and the enter key is pressed.
In tracker URLs, a :header: directive may be added to the end, followed by URL-encoded HTTP header line(s) that are to be used in place of the regular UserAgent line.  A eerid: directive may also be used on the very end of a tracker URL (after :header: directive, if present) to override the peerid parameter for a single tracker.  For more information, see the trackers help page.
Further compatibility improvements have been made to Tixati's Universal Plug and Play functionality.  Incoming ports will be automatically mapped on an even wider range of broadband routers that support the UPNP specification.  If anyone still experiences problems, please leave us a note on our forum, including the make and model of router, and the UPNP log output, which can be found in the main Help menu under the Diagnostics section.
Numerous other minor improvements and fixes have been made to Tixati's GUI and core, as well as several performance-improving optimizations for both 32 and 64 bit editions.
Further improvements, both major and minor, will be coming in the following months.
Thanks for using Tixati and enjoy the new version!

Всего записей: 1412 | Зарегистр. 01-10-2006 | Отправлено: 20:58 13-04-2012
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