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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » qBittorrent (часть 1)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

Maz (26-09-2021 09:52): qBittorrent (часть 2)  Версия для печати • ПодписатьсяДобавить в закладки
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Silver Member
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FEATURE: Add source field in Torrent creator. Closes #7965. (Chocobo1)
FEATURE: Torrent creator: raise maximum piece size to 32 MiB (Chocobo1)
FEATURE: Add a force reannounce option in the transfer list context menu. Closes #6448. (Jesse Bryan)
BUGFIX: Fix sorting of country flags column in Peers tab. (sledgehammer999)
BUGFIX: Fix natural sorting when the common part of 2 strings ends partially in a number which continues in the uncommon part. Closes #8080 #6732. (sledgehammer999)
BUGFIX: Fix application of speed limits on LAN and μTP connections. Closes #7745. (sledgehammer999)
BUGFIX: Make peer information flags in peerlist more readable. (thalieht)
BUGFIX: Fix gui issues on high DPI monitor. (Chocobo1)
BUGFIX: Fix dialog and column size on high DPI monitors. (Chocobo1)
BUGFIX: Fix constant status of '[F] Downloading'. Closes #7628. (sledgehammer999)
BUGFIX: Fix translation context. Closes #8211. (sledgehammer999)
BUGFIX: Separate subnet whitelist options into two lines. (Thomas Piccirello)
BUGFIX: Don't set application name twice. (Luís Pereira)
BUGFIX: Set default file log size to 65 KiB and delete backup logs older than 1 month. (sledgehammer999)
WEBUI: Only prepend scheme when it is not present. Closes #8057. (Chocobo1)
WEBUI: Add "Remaining" and "Availability" columns to webui Content tab. (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Make value formatting consistent with GUI (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Reposition Total Size column to match gui (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Add Tags and Time Active columns (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Use https for www.qbittorrent.org (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Match webui statuses to gui, closes #7516 (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Right-align stat values (Thomas Piccirello)
WEBUI: Add missing units. (Thomas Piccirello)
RSS: Fix crash when deleting rule because it tries to update. Closes #8094 (glassez)
RSS: Don't process new/updated RSS rules when disabled (glassez)
RSS: Remove legacy and corrupted RSS settings (glassez)
SEARCH: Search only when category is supported by plugin. Closes #8053. (jan.karberg)
SEARCH: Only add search separators as needed. (Thomas Piccirello)
COSMETIC: Tweak spacing in torrent properties widget and speed widget. (Chocobo1)
WINDOWS: Use standard folder icon for open file behavior on Windows. Closes #7880. (Chocobo1)
WINDOWS: Revert "Run external program" function. Now you will not be able to directly run batch scripts. (Chocobo1)
MACOS: Fix torrent file selection in Finder on mac (vit9696)
MACOS: Fix Finder reveal in preview and torrent contents (vit9696)
MACOS: Fix cmd+w not closing the main window on macOS (vit9696)
OTHER: Fix splitting of compiler flags in configure. Autoconf removes a set of [] during script translation, resulting in a wrong sed command. (sledgehammer999)
OTHER: configure: Parse all compiler related flags together. (sledgehammer999)
OTHER: Update copyright year. (sledgehammer999)

Всего записей: 4169 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2013 | Отправлено: 09:23 16-02-2018 | Исправлено: frost745, 09:24 16-02-2018

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » qBittorrent (часть 1)
Maz (26-09-2021 09:52): qBittorrent (часть 2)

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