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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <options showIconInTray="1" startInSafeMode="0" adjustOppositeEdge="0" tooltipOption="3" hotKey="90" hotKeyModifiers="10" hotKeyExtended="0" useDwmExtendedFrames="1"/>
        <macro description="Move to down-left" hotKey="97" hotKeyModifiers="8" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    t = (h:mon - h:win) - 40
    l = 0
        <macro description="Move to down" hotKey="98" hotKeyModifiers="8" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    t = (h:mon - h:win) - 40</macro>
        <macro description="Move to down-right" hotKey="99" hotKeyModifiers="8" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    t = (h:mon - h:win) - 40
    l = w:mon - w:win
        <macro description="Move to left" hotKey="100" hotKeyModifiers="8" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    l = 0</macro>
        <macro description="Move to center" hotKey="101" hotKeyModifiers="8" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    t = (0.5 * h:mon) - (0.5 * h:win + 20)
    l = (0.5 * w:mon) - (0.5 * w:win)
        <macro description="Move to right" hotKey="102" hotKeyModifiers="8" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    l = w:mon - w:win</macro>
        <macro description="Move top-left" hotKey="103" hotKeyModifiers="8" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
        <macro description="Move to top" hotKey="104" hotKeyModifiers="8" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    t = 0
        <macro description="Move to top-right" hotKey="105" hotKeyModifiers="8" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    t = 0
    l = w:mon - w:win
        <macro description="Окно 25% экрана" hotKey="97" hotKeyModifiers="10" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.25
    w = w:mon * 0.25
        <macro description="Окно 33% экрана" hotKey="98" hotKeyModifiers="10" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.33
    w = w:mon * 0.33
        <macro description="Окно 50% экрана" hotKey="99" hotKeyModifiers="10" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.5
    w = w:mon * 0.5
        <macro description="Окно 66% экрана" hotKey="100" hotKeyModifiers="10" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.66
    w = w:mon * 0.66
        <macro description="Окно 75% экрана" hotKey="101" hotKeyModifiers="10" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.75
    w = w:mon * 0.75
        <macro description="Окно 100% экрана" hotKey="102" hotKeyModifiers="10" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = h:mon - 40
    w = w:mon
        <macro description="Ширина 25% экрана" hotKey="97" hotKeyModifiers="9" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    w = w:mon * 0.25
        <macro description="Ширина 33% экрана" hotKey="98" hotKeyModifiers="9" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    w = w:mon * 0.33</macro>
        <macro description="Ширина 50% экрана" hotKey="99" hotKeyModifiers="9" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    w = w:mon * 0.5
        <macro description="Ширина 66% экрана" hotKey="100" hotKeyModifiers="9" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    w = w:mon * 0.66
        <macro description="Ширина 75% экрана" hotKey="101" hotKeyModifiers="9" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    w = w:mon * 0.75
        <macro description="Ширина 100% экрана" hotKey="102" hotKeyModifiers="9" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    w = w:mon
        <macro description="Высота 25% экрана" hotKey="97" hotKeyModifiers="11" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.25
        <macro description="Высота 33% экрана" hotKey="98" hotKeyModifiers="11" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.33</macro>
        <macro description="Высота 50% экрана" hotKey="99" hotKeyModifiers="11" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.5
        <macro description="Высота 66% экрана" hotKey="100" hotKeyModifiers="11" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.66
        <macro description="Высота 75% экрана" hotKey="101" hotKeyModifiers="11" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = (h:mon - 40) * 0.75
        <macro description="Высота 100% экрана" hotKey="102" hotKeyModifiers="11" hotKeyExtended="0">resize
    h = h:mon - 40</macro>
        <group description="4:3" hotKey="0" hotKeyModifiers="0" hotKeyExtended="0">
            <resize description="320&#215;240" hotKey="0" hotKeyModifiers="0" hotKeyExtended="0" width="320" height="240" relocate="0" monitor="-2" top="" left="" noresize="0" relocateCoords="1"/>
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Всего записей: 3521 | Зарегистр. 16-08-2012 | Отправлено: 10:25 18-12-2017 | Исправлено: iNNOKENTIY21, 10:27 18-12-2017
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