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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Oracle VM VirtualBox (часть 3)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
User interface: fixed creation of desktop shortcuts for starting virtual machines (bug #18207)
User interface: allow the first run window to selecting host drives (bug #18230)
User interface: fixed attaching empty host optical drives (bug #18223)
User interface: implemented a new virtual optical disk creation window
USB: modified Linux backends to reset USB devices (previously, most guest attempts to reset USB devices were ignored)
PCnet: fixed a regression which caused some PCnet PCI guest drivers to not detect the emulated hardware (bug #18286)
Linux hosts: fixed conflict between Debian and Oracle build desktop files (bug #18264)
Linux and MacOS hosts: VirtualBoxVM command not accessible (bug #18257)
Windows guests: multiple monitor fixes with VBoxSVGA graphics
Windows guests: black screen with VBoxSVGA graphics when 3D is disabled (bug #18205)
Linux guests: fixed building drivers on SLES 12.4 (bug #18213)
Linux guests: fixed building shared folder driver with older kernels (bug #18238)
OS/2 shared folders: fixed write regression introduced in 6.0.0 GA

Всего записей: 4169 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2013 | Отправлено: 18:12 15-01-2019 | Исправлено: frost745, 18:17 15-01-2019
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Oracle VM VirtualBox (часть 3)

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