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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » grepWin

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[eb2cd32] 2020-07-13 19:31:43 +0200 Stefan Küng : bump version to 2.0.3
[72f37c9] 2020-07-11 14:58:02 +0200 Stefan Küng : Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/stefankueng/grepWin into main
[52862e2] 2020-07-11 14:57:25 +0200 Stefan Küng : update Russian translation, from https://github.com/VictorVG
[931a03d] 2020-07-11 13:29:57 +0200 Stefan Küng : update Russian translation, from https://github.com/VictorVG
[e86ad90] 2020-07-11 10:52:32 +0200 Stefan Küng : update pot files with latest resource changes.
[1771447] 2020-07-11 10:52:14 +0200 Stefan Küng : update German translation
[4f3ebdc] 2020-07-11 09:48:28 +0200 Stefan Küng : disable search options that are not ready.
[0fe624f] 2020-07-11 09:42:14 +0200 Stefan Küng : add setting to configure the number of allowed null bytes per meg file size for a file to be still considered text instead of binary. Closes #172
[0cba00d] 2020-07-11 09:42:14 +0200 Stefan Küng : update to latest sktoolslib.
[f55f65a] 2020-07-11 09:42:13 +0200 Stefan Küng : Add a search option to get regex captures. Closes #171
[e20ffbf] 2020-07-11 09:42:13 +0200 Stefan Küng : extend the help.
[d9270e0] 2020-07-11 09:42:13 +0200 Stefan Küng : Add feature to force the search to treat a file as binary. This helps to search for e.g. BOMs, because otherwise the BOM is removed when a text file is loaded and prepared for search. Closes #169
[ea2495f] 2020-07-11 09:42:13 +0200 Stefan Küng : Replace all _T() macros with L"".
[1700dab] 2020-07-11 09:42:13 +0200 Stefan Küng : Allow to store the path together with a preset. Closes #159
[3b0c09a] 2020-07-11 09:42:12 +0200 Stefan Küng : update Russian translation, from https://github.com/VictorVG Closes #170
[8e134ce] 2020-07-11 09:42:12 +0200 Stefan Küng : subclass the hyperlink first, before adjusting the whole dialog to dark mode. Closes #165
[5b8b018] 2020-06-29 17:59:58 +0200 Stefan Küng : Merge pull request #164 from maboroshin/main
[3802b68] 2020-06-29 09:42:10 +0900 maboroshin : Update Japanese translation 2.0.2

Всего записей: 33240 | Зарегистр. 31-07-2002 | Отправлено: 15:15 14-07-2020
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