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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Basilisk

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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This is a major development update.
* New modular setup for building: Basilisk has been split off from the UXP platform repository and will be maintained as its own application with UXP as a platform module.
* Implemented asynchronous iterators (await iterator.next() and for await loops) (ES2018)
* Aligned document.open() with the overhauled specification.
* Implemented promise-based media playback.
* Enabled seeking to next frame in media files.
* Improved table drawing performance again after the rewrite for sticky positioning making it slow.
* Aligned the way DOM styles are computed with mainstream browser behavior.
* Increased the maximum XML nesting depth to 2048 levels for extreme corner cases and to conservatively align with other browsers.
* Implemented an NSS performance optimization for Master Password use with limited effect.
* Implemented non-standard legacy CSSStyleSheet rules functions.
* Implemented the html5 <dialog> element. To switch this on, flip dom.dialog_element.enabled to true.
* Implemented CustomElements v1. (preffed, not functional yet due to reliance on shadowDOM).
* Implemented rule processing stub for font-variation-settings.
* Implemented optional catch binding (ES2019).
* Changed the way hardware acceleration is controlled from applications.
* Updated CSP processing to allow custom scheme wildcards to be specified without a port.
* Removed the (unused) DOM promise implementation.
* Disabled some logging in production builds.
* Disabled allowing remote jar: URIs by default for security reasons. If you need this functionality for your non-standard environment, you can enable it with the preference network.jar.block-remote-files, but please consider moving away from this method of providing web-based applications.
* Completely removed showModalDialog.
* Performed various tree-wide code cleanups.
* Removed various gadgeteering/redundant/dead DOM APIs (casting/presentation, FlyWeb)
* Removed "Copy raw data" button from the troubleshooting information page, since it's never used by us in that format, and users mistakenly keep using it instead of copying text.
* Removed a bunch of Android support code.
* Backed out a large code cleanup patch for causing subtle issues in website operation (e.g. WordPress). This will have to be revisited later; the reintroduced code is not in use in practice.
* Fixed several crashes.
* Fixed a parsing issue with <template> tags.
* Fixed an issue with form elements sometimes being incorrectly disabled.
* Fixed some potential crashing scenarios with WebGL on Linux.
* Fixed a potential pointer issue issue in cubeb. (DiD)
* Fixed a crash due to ES6 modules (CVE-2020-9545).

Всего записей: 208 | Зарегистр. 16-03-2016 | Отправлено: 10:53 05-03-2020 | Исправлено: abelenki2, 10:54 05-03-2020
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