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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Basilisk

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Important: It is possible that since 2020.03.04 your browser is no longer checking automatically for updates, due to an oversight in keeping a pre-release preference. You may have to check for updates manually from the About box. Please verify after updating that your updating preferences are set correctly for your use!
* Changed site-specific overrides to use an operating system macro instead of hard-coding a version.
* Changed the way hardware acceleration is set on various operating systems.
* Fixed an incorrect preference preventing automatic updates by default.
* Changed the geolocation service requests to https thanks to a generous service donation by IP-API.com.
* Changed the security storage database type to SQLite.
* Enabled AV1 support in all builds; this was erroneously not built in recent releases.
* Fixed several potential crashes.
* Re-imported the ExtensionStorage js module for use by browser extensions.
* Removed the use of high-resolution Windows system timers from the layout refresh driver; this should help with some performance and battery life issues.
* Fixed an issue with element outlines sometimes being drawn too large.
* Fixed an issue with grid cell sizing.
* Fixed an issue with layout frames (e.g. selection popups) being wrongly positioned.
* Removed a potentially dangerous and otherwise ineffective optimization from the JavaScript engine.
* Fixed unwanted behavior where created/focused pop-up windows could potentially cover the DOM fullscreen notification, hiding it from users. (CVE-2020-6810)
* Fixed an issue where copying data as a curl request from developer tools would not properly escape parameters. (CVE-2020-6811)
* Updated our sctp library code with several upstream fixes.
* Fixed an issue with the release of document content viewers (CVE-2020-6819). Defense-in-depth.
* Fixed an issue with handling functions with rest parameters. Defense-in-depth.
* Removed HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP)
* Removed HSTS preloading list support since these lists are no longer efficient.

Всего записей: 208 | Зарегистр. 16-03-2016 | Отправлено: 03:07 16-04-2020 | Исправлено: abelenki2, 03:07 16-04-2020
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Basilisk

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