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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » ToDoList | TDL open source

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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1.    Fixed inline editing of task icon causing task to be moved
2.    Fixed loss of formatting when pasting in 'Rich Text' comments
3.    Fixed snapping of tasks in 'Calendar View' when task start or due date is calculated
4.    Fixed 'Kanban View' sorting of subtasks immediately below their parent task
5.    Fixed 'Kanban View' not updating after deleting very last task
6.    Fixed checking of network backup locations
7.    Fixed clicking of network (UNC) file links in 'Comments'
8.    Fixed 'Comments' file link insertion not triggering a save
9.    Fixed 'Offsetting' of subtask dates where the parent task has no date
10.    Fixed application commandline handling to load tasklists before executing menu commands
11.    Fixed Kanban task attribute display to hide labels when the column width is narrow
12.    Added check to reload tasklists when Alt-tabbing or otherwise activating the application
13.    Fixed 'Gantt Chart' dependency and name render artifacts when page-scrolling
14.    Fixed weekday date calculations with extended weekends
15.    Fixed sorting of creation dates with no time component
16.    Fixed drag and drop of files incorrectly starting Outlook
17.    Fixed crash when importing CSV
18.    Added Task ID column to 'Gantt Chart'
19.    Significantly improved tasklist save times
20.    Fixed 'Gantt Chart' tree column widths after 'Expand All'
21.    Fixed restoration of '<none>' filters on restart
22.    Fixed 'Kanban View' displaying both vertical bar and task colour when 'Use a task's colour for it's title background' is enabled
23.    Fixed momentary loss of selection when clicking tree tasks in 'Gantt Chart'
24.    Fixed momentary loss of selection when clicking tasks in 'Kanban View'
25.    Fixed Time Estimate recalculation after moving due date on 'Gantt Chart'
26.    Fixed 'Gantt Chart' dependency creation dialog text
27.    Fixed restoration of Reminder Notification dialog if it is minimised
28.    Fixed display of uninitialised numeric custom attributes
29.    Fixed undesirable resizing of images copied directly from browser to 'Rich Text' comments
30.    Fixed refresh of Custom Attribute dialog toolbar states after adding a new attribute
31.    Fixed subtask drag and drop ordering
32.    Fixed 'Kanban View' preference 'Show task colour as a bar'
33.    Fix 'Multi-selection' attribute droplist behaviour
34.    Fixed use of custom attributes with User-defined tools
35.    Fixed applying default task attributes to imported tasks
36.    Fixed synchronisation between calendars within 'Calendar View'
37.    Fixed minor rendering issue of selected items within 'Calendar View'
38.    Improved importing of custom attributes (from CSV)
39.    Added support for multiple commandline menu commands
40.    Added plugin placeholders to Task View menu to allow shortcuts to be set up
41.    Fixed CSV exporting of task Flag attribute
42.    Fixed custom list attribute field updating when changing selection
43.    Fixed rendering of right-aligned multi-icon custom attributes
44.    Fixed filtering/searching to check custom attributes when specifying 'any text attribute'
45.    Fixed filtering/searching to match 'leaf tasks' with 'not set' subtask-completion
46.    Fixed momentary appearance of ToDoList when starting up minimised
47.    Fixed translation of menu placeholders in Keyboard Shortcuts preferences
48.    Fixed Find Tasks dialog matching of tasks by subtask-completion
49.    Fixed loss of trailing URL link when pasting browser content30

Всего записей: 381 | Зарегистр. 17-02-2008 | Отправлено: 16:59 16-04-2017
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