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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Операционные системы » Microsoft Windows » Быстрая настройка Windows (рабочее место)

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- [Voiceover] NuGet's popularity has grown over the last six years. Because of that, a number of supplemental tools have appeared that enchance or leverage the NuGet ecosystem. Also, Microsoft is enhancing Windows through Powershell to add better package management support at the operating system level. I'll be exploring some of these tools in this course. Why? Because they make some tasks easier for the Microsoft developer, and they are related to the package management story. There are three tools that I'll investigate. Chocolatey, an independent tool that brings the NuGet goodness to standard app installs.
BoxStarter is an automation engine for Chocolatey and OneGet, also know as PackageManagment, which is the Windows operating system Package aggregator. Chocolatey NuGet is a package manager built on the NuGet infrastructure. Most people just call is Chocolatey. It is smaller to the Advanced Package Tool included in the Debian Linux distribution. If you'e never used Debian, let me explain. APT is a system level package manager. Every application, every component, every part of the operating system is built into a package, and can be installed, updated, and uninstalled with APT.
Chocolatey is an attempt to implement a similar system in Windows, and it's been largely successful. You access Chocolatey via Powershell. It's perfect for instaling those tools that you'll need on your computer but are not really related to your application project. Think of it this way, NuGet is for managing developer packages that enhance your code and visual studio projects. Chocolatey is for installing Windows applications. BoxStarter enhances the Chocolatey toolset. It's essentially an automation engine for installing Chocolatey packages. Create a script that defines your desired Windows environment.
Basically, a list of what applications to install. Then, run BoxStarter. It handles the install process for all those applications in one continuous operation. Plus, it has extra features not in Chocolatey, like the ability to supervise reboots when needed by app installs, or it can configure the Windows system, which is handy when building a new computer and configuring it for the first use. OneGet is essentially a package management aggregator. It's accessed via Powershell. It creates a unified and consistent Powershell interface for users, so once you learn the OneGet syntax, you can install any application from the Powershell interface.
The details on how the real installer or package manager works is hidden behind the OneGet facade. OneGet was renamed to PackageManagement in 2015. I know, such a lackluster name. but, that's the reality in corporate naming schemes. It's built into Windows 10. Just open a Powershell window and enter the appropriate PackageManagement command to install an app. And, it's extendable, meaning installer technology companies can build a OneGet provider, and you'll be able to access their installers, too.

Всего записей: 17165 | Зарегистр. 14-10-2001 | Отправлено: 13:06 30-12-2017 | Исправлено: LevT, 14:31 30-12-2017
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