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Как установить Slax на жесткий диск Вот HOWTO от pema.Оно для винды,но особой разницы нет.Груб он и в африке Груб. Procedure: 1. Download and burn live cd slax-iso alternativley download usb-slax (*.tar). 2. Download latest grub4dos at https://gna.org/projects/grub4dos, extract to a temp directory. 3. Create a partition on your harddrive using your favorite tool, ie partition magic, linux terminal commands, ubuntu livecd(gparted) puppy linux live-cd etc. Format new partition to FAT32, partition size at minimum 300MB. 4. Copy the directories "boot" and "slax" from your slax cd-iso or slax usb-extract into your new partition. 5. Copy the file C:\ntldr in your windows xp root directory, the copy is your backup. Copy and paste at same place will do, giving you both "C:\ntldr"(origin) and "C:\copy of ntldr"(backup) at your "C:\". 6. Copy the files "grldr", "grub.exe" and "menu.lst" from the grub4dos extraction in your temp folder into C:\ 7. Now follows the sensitive part, do not turn off your puter at these moments: Rename the file C:\ntldr to C:\ntldrxp Rename the file C:\grldr to C:\ntldr 8. Open menu.lst in a texteditor, preferrably wordpad, delete origin and copy / paste following: # This is a sample menu.lst file. You should make some changes to it. # The old install method of booting via the stage-files has been removed. # utility under DOS/Win9x or Linux. #color black/cyan yellow/cyan color cyan/blue white/blue #timeout 30 #default /default title SLAX kernel (HD0,2)/boot/vmlinuz ramdisk_size=6666 root=/dev/ram0 rw autoexec=xconf;telinit~4 changes=/mnt/HDa3/slax/ initrd=(HD0,2)/boot/initrd.gz boot title WinXp find --set-root /ntldrxp chainloader /ntldrxp 9. Edit menu.lst to fit your needs. I have on my computer a 800MB winxp install on first partition (windows C:\), this is called HD0,0 in menu.lst. Second partition (windows D:\) on my computer is my private documents and valuable files such as music etc, this is HD0,1 in menu.lst. Third partition (windows E:\) is my toy partition where I play around with different os's, named HD0,2 in menu.lst. So, depending on number of partitions you just have to count the HD0,x likewise, presuming we are staying at your first harddrive, a second hardrive would be HD1,x. Note that windows "C:\" is named "HDa1" in linux, "D:\" is named "HDa2" etc, so you will have to change the HDa3 in changes line in menu.lst. 10. All done. Reboot and choose your os in the grub menu. Delete the extracted grub4dos, we dont need it anymore. Вот видео: http://www.offensive-security.com/movies/dualboot/dualboot.html
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