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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » В помощь системному администратору » Автоматизация администрирования

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Hack 8 Execute a Command on Each Computer in a Domain
This handy script lets you easily run any command on a specified subset of computers in your domain.
Running the same command on multiple computers in your domain can be tedious indeed, but such a scenario is common in an administrator's life. I've written this hack to make this chore easier. The script traverses member systems of a domain, executing a command against each system that has a name that matches a particular specification you specify in the command line. Note that regular expressions are legal in this script, which makes it a powerful and flexible addition to the administrator's toolkit.
The Code
To use this script, type it into a text editor such as Notepad (make sure Word Wrap is disabled) and save it with a .vbs extension as ExecuteAll.vbs. Alternatively, if you don't want to wear your fingers out, you can download the script from the O'Reilly web site.

'Script Name: ExecuteAll.vbs
Option Explicit
Dim oDomain, oService, oItem, oShell
Dim strDomain, strSpec, strCommand, intButton
Dim oArgs, strFinalCommand, oRegEx, boolConfirm
' Prepare to execute commands & do popups
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Access the domain so we can traverse objects
WScript.Echo "Accessing NT Domain " & strDomain
Set oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain)
' Initiate our regular expression support
Set oRegEx = New RegExp
oRegEx.Pattern = strSpec
oRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
' Traverse each computer (WinNT) object in the domain
WScript.Echo "Searching for " & strSpec
oDomain.Filter = Array("Computer") ' only look at computers
For Each oItem In oDomain
If oRegEx.Test(oItem.Name) Then
WScript.Echo " Matched " & oItem.Name
strFinalCommand = Replace(strCommand, "$n", oItem.Name)
intButton = vbNo
If boolConfirm Then
intButton = oShell.Popup("Execute " & strFinalCommand & "?",,_
"System " & oItem.Name, vbYesno + vbQuestion)
End If
If (boolConfirm = False) Or (intButton = vbYes) Then
WScript.Echo " Executing: " & strFinalCommand
execute strFinalCommand
End If
End If
' All done; clean up
Set oItem = Nothing
Set oRegEx = Nothing
Set oDomain = Nothing
Set oShell = Nothing
Set oArgs = Nothing
' Glean the arguments for our run from the command line, if provided.
' If any are missing, prompt for input. A blank input signals an abort.
' /Y is an optional last argument
Sub GetArguments
Dim i, strConfirm, intButton
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
boolConfirm = True ' assume always confirm
strDomain = "" ' domain to be traversed
strSpec = "" ' name specification to be matched
strCommand = "" ' command to be executed on each match
strConfirm = "" ' track prompting for confirmation setting
' Look for our optional 4th argument
If oArgs.Length = 4 Then
If UCase(oArgs.Item(3)) = "/Y" Then
boolConfirm = False
strConfirm = "/Y" ' don't prompt below
End If
End If
' Look for any specified arguments, in order
If oArgs.Length >= 1 Then strDomain = oArgs(0)
If oArgs.Length >= 2 Then strSpec = oArgs(1)
If oArgs.Length >= 3 Then strCommand = oArgs(2)
' Prompt for any arguments not specified on the command line
If strDomain = "" Then
strDomain = InputBox _
("Enter the name of the NT Domain to be traversed", _
"NT Domain")
End If
If strDomain = "" Then WScript.Quit
strDomain = UCase(strDomain)
If strSpec = "" Then
strSpec = InputBox _
("Enter your name specification for the computer(s) " & _
"that will be matched within the " & strDomain & " Domain." & _
vbCrlf & "Regular Expressions are acceptable.", _
"Name Specification")
End If
If strSpec = "" Then WScript.Quit
If strCommand = "" Then
strCommand = InputBox _
("Enter the command to be executed on each computer matching " & _
strSpec & " within the " & strDomain & " Domain." & _
vbCrlf & "$n will be substituted for the computer name.", _
"Command to Execute")
End If
If strCommand = "" Then WScript.Quit
If strConfirm = "" Then
intButton = oShell.Popup("Confirm each command prior to execution?",,_
"Confirm?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If intButton = vbNo Then
boolConfirm = False
End If
End If
End Sub
' Execute a command. Each is always run under a new instance of the command
' processor. This allows the use of built-in commands and I/O redirection.
' We won't wait for command completion.
Sub Execute(strCommand)
Dim RetVal
strCommand = "%COMSPEC% /c " & strCommand
RetVal = oShell.Run(strCommand, 1, False)
End Sub

Running the Hack
Here is the syntax for running the script:
ExexcuteAll.vbs <DomainToTraverse> <ComputerSpecification> <Command> [/Y]
When the script runs, the matched system's name will be substituted for the occurrence of $n in the command to be performed. By default, each command instance is confirmed before it is executed, but you can specify /Y to always answer Yes instead.
Here's an example of how to run the script:
ExexcuteAll.vbs MYDOMAIN WKSATL* "del \\$n\admin$\activitylog.txt"
This example traverses the MYDOMAIN domain, looking for computer names that start with WKSATL* (note the wildcard) and deletes the activitylog.txt file from the C:\Winnt folder.
—Hans Schefske

Всего записей: 718 | Зарегистр. 22-12-2002 | Отправлено: 15:38 26-04-2005 | Исправлено: Jovanotti, 16:19 27-04-2005

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » В помощь системному администратору » Автоматизация администрирования
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