Junior Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Тема как я понимаю старая, но всё-таки... имею вот такой скрипт 100% рабочий раздает ярлычки, цепляет принтеры и мапит диски согласно группам в АД: Код: '***********************************************************************************************************' ' File: RU-ALL-CONNECT-PRN.VBS ' Script connects network printers if user is a member of specific group ' Also creates shortcut on user's desktop ' Code written : Nikolay Ermakov' ' Date : 06 May 2005' ' Release : 2' '***********************************************************************************************************' ' Initialize vars ' ********* Change this for testing **************** Const strDomain = "YOURDOMAIN.RU" 'Domain of the user Const UseNTServer = 0 'Sets whether this script runs when logging on locally 'to Windows Servers. 'Values are: 1 (Yes) OR 0 (No) Dim strPrnFilename : strPrnFilename = "Printerlist.csv" 'Printer cfg file name Dim strLnkFilename : strLnkFilename = "Linklist.csv" 'Shortcuts cfg file name Dim strDrvFilename : strDrvFilename = "Drivelist.csv" 'Drives cfg file name Dim objWshNetwork : Set objWshNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") Dim strLogonPath 'Path to location from where the script is running Dim strOSProdType 'OS Product type (WinNT, LanmanNT, ServerNT) Dim strWorkstation 'Local Computer Name Dim objWshShell Dim strUserID Dim GroupList Dim objIntExplorer Dim freeletter 'Dim strTarget, strArguments , strDesktop ' ************************************************************************************************************' On Error Resume Next Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ADSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") Set objWshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) strUserID = objWshNetwork.UserName strCompID = objWshNetwork.ComputerName & "$" 'Gather some basic system info Call GetSystemInfo If IsTerminalServerSession = True Then ' Exit if the script is running in a terminal server sessionend if 'Wscript.Echo "Terminal session" 'Call CleanUp End if 'Exit if we are logging on locally to a server and the script is set to NOT run on servers If UseNTServer = 0 AND (strOSProdType = "LanmanNT" OR strOSProdType = "ServerNT") AND Not (IsTerminalServerSession) Then Call CleanUp End If 'Setup IE for use as a status message window 'Call SetupIE 'Display welcome message 'Call UserPrompt ("Welcome " & strUserID) 'Add horizontal line as a 'break' 'objIntExplorer.Document.WriteLn("<hr style=""width:100%""></hr>") strPrnFilename = strLogonPath & "\" & strPrnFilename strLnkFilename = strLogonPath & "\" & strLnkFilename strDrvFilename = strLogonPath & "\" & strDrvFilename 'Check for error getting username If strUserID = "" Then objWshShell.Popup "Logon script failed - Contact the Helpdesk @ x 1234", ,"Logon script", 48 End If If fso.FileExists(strDrvFilename) Then 'If DriveMapping cfg file exists Set drvlist = Fso.OpenTextFile(strDrvFilename) ' make File into an Array aGroup = Split(drvlist.Readall,vbcrlf) For x = 1 to UBound(aGroup) ' Read the entire CSV from the second line driveline = aGroup(x) Group = Left(driveline,InStr(driveline,",")-1) 'Extract group list if ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup(strDomain, strUserID, Group) Then ' If you're in the group ' MsgBox "Member of the group " & Group ' It is a member - Connect drive driveline = Mid(driveline,InStr(driveline,",")+1) ' Remove the GroupName from the line Drive = Left(driveline,InStr(driveline,",")-1) ' Extract Drive Letter Path = Mid(driveline,InStr(driveline,",")+1) ' Extract the path 'Wscript.Echo "GroupName: " & vbTab & Group & vbCr _ '& "----------------------------------" & vbCr _ '& "Drive Letter: " & vbTab & Drive & vbCr _ '& "Drive Path: " & vbTab & Path & vbCr _ '& "" on Error Resume Next If drive = "*" then 'Connect to any free drive letter if drive letter configured as "*" For freeletter = Asc("K") to Asc("Z") If Not fso.driveExists (chr(freeletter)) Then drive = (Chr(freeletter)) & ":" Exit For End If Next end if If (fso.DriveExists(drive) <> True) and (Drive<>"!!") Then ' If The Drive is not already mapped objWshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive drive,path ' Map The Drive wscript.sleep 300 End If End If Next End If If fso.FileExists(strPrnFilename) Then 'If Printer cfg file exists Set prnlist = Fso.OpenTextFile(strPrnFilename) ' make File into an Array aGroup = Split(prnlist.Readall,vbcrlf) For x = 1 to UBound(aGroup) ' Read the entire CSV from the second line printerline = aGroup(x) Group = Left(printerline,InStr(printerline,",")-1) 'Extract group list if ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup(strDomain, strUserID, Group) Then ' If you're in the group ' MsgBox "Member of the group " & Group ' It is a member - Connect printer Path = Mid(printerline,InStr(printerline,",")+1) ' Extract the path on Error Resume Next 'Call UserPrompt ("Successfully added printer connection to: " & Path) objWshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection Path wscript.sleep 300 End If Next End If If fso.FileExists(strLnkFilename) Then 'If Shortcut cfg file exists Set lnklist = Fso.OpenTextFile(strLnkFilename) ' make File into an Array aGroup = Split(lnklist.Readall,vbcrlf) strDesktop = objWshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") For x = 1 to UBound(aGroup) ' Read the entire CSV from the second line linkline = aGroup(x) Group = Left(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")-1) 'Extract group list ' if ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup(strDomain, strUserID, Group) then MsgBox "User is Member of the group " & Group end if ' if ADSI_CompIsMemberOfGroup (strDomain, strCompID, Group) Then MsgBox "Comp is Member of the group " & Group end if if ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup(strDomain, strUserID, Group) or ADSI_CompIsMemberOfGroup (strDomain, strCompID, Group) Then ' If you're in the group ' It is a member - Create shortcut linkline = Mid(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")+1) ' Remove the GroupName from the line LinkName = Left(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")-1) 'Extract shortcut name linkline = Mid(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")+1) ' Remove the LinkName from the line strTarget = Left(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")-1) 'Extract shortcut target (path to program) linkline = Mid(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")+1) ' Remove the Target from the line strArguments = Left(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")-1) 'Extract arguments linkline = Mid(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")+1) ' Remove the arguments from the line strWDir = Left(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")-1) ' Extract Working dir linkline = Mid(linkline,InStr(linkline,",")+1) ' Remove Working dir from the line strIconLoc = linkline ' Extract the Icon Location on Error Resume Next set oSLink = objWshShell.CreateShortcut(strDesktop & "\" & LinkName) oSLink.TargetPath = strTarget ' you can use UNC instead of driveletter as well oSLink.Arguments = strArguments oSLink.IconLocation = strIconLoc oSLink.WorkingDirectory = strWDir oSLink.Save ' create the shortcut End If Next End If 'Inform user that logon process is done 'Add horizontal line as a 'break' 'objIntExplorer.Document.WriteLn("<hr style=""width:100%""></hr>") 'Call UserPrompt ("Finished network logon processes") 'Wait 10 seconds 'Wscript.Sleep (10000) 'Close Internet Explorer 'objIntExplorer.Quit( ) Call CleanUp 'This is end of running script 'ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup.asp -- last revision 2003-11-12 TGH '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Copyright (c) 2003, Thomas G. Harold and Beta Research Corp, All rights reserved. ' 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, 'are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ' ' * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this ' list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ' * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this ' list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other ' materials provided with the distribution. ' * Neither the name of Beta Research Corp nor the names of its contributors may be used ' to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior ' written permission. ' 'THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY 'EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 'OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT 'SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 'INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 'PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 'INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 'LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE 'OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup(sDomain,sUserName,sGroup) ' 'Returns TRUE if the user is a member of group X, also searches through nested groups 'Failure mode results in FALSE being returned. 'Assumption is that both the USERNAME and the GROUPNAME are in the same DOMAIN 'Another assumption is that the domain that is passed in is also that of the current 'Active Directory tree. (Bad assumption, but I can't find code to map a NT style 'domain name to the active directory equivalent.) ' 'sDomainName = "DOMAIN" (left side of the Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") variable) 'sUserName = "USERNAME" (right side of the Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") variable) 'sGroup = "GROUPNAME" name of the ADSI group that the user has to be a member of ' 'Example: If ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup("DOMAIN1", "Scott", "Domain Administrators") Then Private Function ADSI_IsMemberOfGroupRecurse( sRootDomain, sParentDN, sUsername) 'Response.Write "ADSI_IsMemberOfGroupRecurse([" & sRootDomain & "], [" & sParentDN & "], [" & sUsername & "])<br>" & vbCrLf Dim oConn, oCommand, bFound bFound = False Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set oCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") oConn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" oConn.Open "Active Directory Provider" Set oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn 'Check for direct membership oCommand.CommandText = "SELECT SAMAccountName, Name, DistinguishedName, ADSPath " & _ "FROM 'LDAP://" & sRootDomain & "' " & _ "WHERE memberOf='" & sParentDN & "' " & _ "AND SAMAccountName='" & sUserName & "' " & _ "AND objectClass='user' ORDER BY NAME" Set rsLDAP = oCommand.Execute If Not rsLDAP.EOF Then 'Response.Write "DIRECT MEMBER! Name=[<b>" & rsLDAP.Fields("Name") & "</b>] SAMAccountName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("SAMAccountName") & "</b>] DistinguishedName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName") & "</b>] ADsPath=[" & _ ' rsLDap.Fields("ADsPath") & "]<br>" & vbCrLf bFound = True End If If Not bFound Then 'Otherwise get the list of groups within the current group and recurse into them oCommand.CommandText = "SELECT SAMAccountName, Name, DistinguishedName, ADSPath " & _ "FROM 'LDAP://" & sRootDomain & "' " & _ "WHERE memberOf='" & sParentDN & "' AND objectClass='group' ORDER BY NAME" Set rsLDAP = oCommand.Execute While (Not rsLDAP.EOF) And (Not bFound) 'Response.Write "SUB-GROUP: Name=[<b>" & rsLDAP.Fields("Name") & "</b>] SAMAccountName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("SAMAccountName") & "</b>] DistinguishedName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName") & "</b>] ADsPath=[" & _ ' rsLDap.Fields("ADsPath") & "]<br>" & vbCrLf bFound = ADSI_IsMemberOfGroupRecurse(sRootDomain, rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName"), sUserName) rsLDAP.MoveNext Wend End If Set oCommand = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing ADSI_IsMemberOfGroupRecurse = bFound End Function Public Function ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup( sDomain, sUserName, sGroup ) ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup = False 'Response.Write "ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup([" & sDomain & "], [" & sUserName & "], [" & sGroup & "])<br>" & vbCrLf 'NOTE: We're making the assumption that there is only ONE domain, and that it's 'the proper domain that happens to match the sDomain parameter. Set oRoot = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE") sRootDomain = oRoot.Get("DefaultNamingContext") 'Response.Write "sRootDomain=[" & sRootDomain & "]<br>" & vbCrLf Dim oConn, oCommand, oRoot, sRootDomain Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set oCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") oConn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" oConn.Open "Active Directory Provider" Set oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn 'Get the group's distinguished name information Dim GroupDistinguishedName oCommand.CommandText = "SELECT SAMAccountName, Name, DistinguishedName, ADSPath " & _ "FROM 'LDAP://" & sRootDomain & "' " & _ "WHERE SAMAccountName='" & sGroup & "' ORDER BY NAME" Set rsLDAP = oCommand.Execute If Not rsLDAP.EOF Then 'Response.Write "GROUP DISTINGUISHED NAME: Name=[<b>" & rsLDAP.Fields("Name") & "</b>] SAMAccountName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("SAMAccountName") & "</b>] DistinguishedName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName") & "</b>] ADsPath=[" & _ ' rsLDap.Fields("ADsPath") & "]<br>" & vbCrLf GroupDistinguishedName = rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName") End If ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup = ADSI_IsMemberOfGroupRecurse( sRootDomain, GroupDistinguishedName, sUsername) Set oCommand = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing Set oRoot = Nothing End Function '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' Sub: SetupIE ' ' Purpose: Set up Internet Explorer for use as a status message window ' ' Input: ' ' Output: ' ' Usage: Call SetupIE ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub SetupIE On Error Resume Next Dim strTitle 'Title of IE window Dim intCount 'Counter used during AppActivate strTitle = "Logon script status" 'Create reference to objIntExplorer 'This will be used for the user messages. Also set IE display attributes Set objIntExplorer = Wscript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") With objIntExplorer .Navigate "about:blank" .ToolBar = 0 .Menubar = 0 .StatusBar = 0 .Width = 600 .Height = 350 .Left = 100 .Top = 100 End With 'Set some formating With objIntExplorer.Document .WriteLn ("<!doctype html public>") .WriteLn ("<head>") .WriteLn ("<title>" & strTitle & "</title>") .WriteLn ("<style type=""text/css"">") .WriteLn ("body {text-align: left; font-family: Courier New; font-size: 8pt}") .WriteLn ("</style>") .WriteLn ("</head>") End With 'Wait for IE to finish Do While (objIntExplorer.Busy) Wscript.Sleep 200 Loop 'Show IE objIntExplorer.Visible = 1 'Make IE the active window For intCount = 1 To 100 If objWshShell.AppActivate(strTitle) Then Exit For WScript.Sleep 50 Next End Sub ' Sub: UserPrompt ' ' Purpose: Use Internet Explorer as a status message window ' ' Input: strPrompt ' ' Output: Output is sent to the open Internet Explorer window ' ' Usage: ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub UserPrompt( strPrompt ) On Error Resume Next objIntExplorer.Document.WriteLn (strPrompt & "<br />") End Sub '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' Sub: Cleanup ' Purpose: Release common objects and exit script ' Input: ' Output: ' Usage: Call Cleanup ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sub Cleanup On Error Resume Next Set objFileSys = Nothing Set objWshNetwork = Nothing Set objWshShell = Nothing Set objIntExplorer = Nothing ' Exit script WScript.Quit( ) End Sub ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Sub: GetSystemInfo ' Purpose: Gather basic information about the local system ' Input: ' Output: strDomain, strOSProdType, strWorkstation, strLogonPath ' Usage: Call GetSystemInfo '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub GetSystemInfo On Error Resume Next 'Get domain name If objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%OS%" ) = "Windows_NT" Then strDomain = objWshNetwork.UserDomain Else strDomain = objWshShell.RegRead( "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\" & _ "Services\MSNP32\NetWorkProvider\AuthenticatingAgent" ) End If 'Get Product Type from Registry (WinNT, LanmanNT, ServerNT) strOSProdType = objWshShell.RegRead( _ "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions\ProductType") 'Get computer name If IsTerminalServerSession = True Then 'Set strWorkstation to the real name and not the name of the server strWorkstation = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%CLIENTNAME%" ) Else strWorkstation = objWshNetwork.ComputerName End If 'Get the path to the location from where the script is running strLogonPath = Left( Wscript.ScriptFullName, _ ( InstrRev( Wscript.ScriptFullName, "\") -1)) End Sub '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Function: IsTerminalServer ' Purpose: Determine if the script is running in a terminal server session ' Input: ' Output: ' True if running in a terminal server session ' False if not running in a terminal server session ' Usage: ' If IsTerminalServerSession = True Then <Do Something> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Function IsTerminalServerSession On Error Resume Next Dim strName 'Detect if this is a terminal server session 'If it is, set some names to the terminal server client name strName = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%CLIENTNAME%" ) If strName <> "%CLIENTNAME%" AND strName <> "" Then IsTerminalServerSession = True Else IsTerminalServerSession = False End if End Function Private Function ADSI_CompIsMemberOfGroupRecurse( sRootDomain, sParentDN, sCompName) 'Response.Write "ADSI_IsMemberOfGroupRecurse([" & sRootDomain & "], [" & sParentDN & "], [" & sUsername & "])<br>" & vbCrLf Dim oConn, oCommand, bFound bFound = False Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set oCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") oConn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" oConn.Open "Active Directory Provider" Set oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn 'Check for direct membership oCommand.CommandText = "SELECT SAMAccountName, Name, DistinguishedName, ADSPath " & _ "FROM 'LDAP://" & sRootDomain & "' " & _ "WHERE memberOf='" & sParentDN & "' " & _ "AND SAMAccountName='" & sCompName & "' " & _ "AND objectClass='computer' ORDER BY NAME" Set rsLDAP = oCommand.Execute If Not rsLDAP.EOF Then 'Response.Write "DIRECT MEMBER! Name=[<b>" & rsLDAP.Fields("Name") & "</b>] SAMAccountName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("SAMAccountName") & "</b>] DistinguishedName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName") & "</b>] ADsPath=[" & _ ' rsLDap.Fields("ADsPath") & "]<br>" & vbCrLf bFound = True End If If Not bFound Then 'Otherwise get the list of groups within the current group and recurse into them oCommand.CommandText = "SELECT SAMAccountName, Name, DistinguishedName, ADSPath " & _ "FROM 'LDAP://" & sRootDomain & "' " & _ "WHERE memberOf='" & sParentDN & "' AND objectClass='group' ORDER BY NAME" Set rsLDAP = oCommand.Execute While (Not rsLDAP.EOF) And (Not bFound) 'Response.Write "SUB-GROUP: Name=[<b>" & rsLDAP.Fields("Name") & "</b>] SAMAccountName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("SAMAccountName") & "</b>] DistinguishedName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName") & "</b>] ADsPath=[" & _ ' rsLDap.Fields("ADsPath") & "]<br>" & vbCrLf bFound = ADSI_CompIsMemberOfGroupRecurse(sRootDomain, rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName"), sCompName) rsLDAP.MoveNext Wend End If Set oCommand = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing ADSI_CompIsMemberOfGroupRecurse = bFound End Function Public Function ADSI_CompIsMemberOfGroup( sDomain, sCompName, sGroup ) ADSI_CompIsMemberOfGroup = False 'Response.Write "ADSI_IsMemberOfGroup([" & sDomain & "], [" & sUserName & "], [" & sGroup & "])<br>" & vbCrLf 'NOTE: We're making the assumption that there is only ONE domain, and that it's 'the proper domain that happens to match the sDomain parameter. Set oRoot = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE") sRootDomain = oRoot.Get("DefaultNamingContext") 'Response.Write "sRootDomain=[" & sRootDomain & "]<br>" & vbCrLf Dim oConn, oCommand, oRoot, sRootDomain Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set oCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") oConn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" oConn.Open "Active Directory Provider" Set oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn 'Get the group's distinguished name information Dim GroupDistinguishedName oCommand.CommandText = "SELECT SAMAccountName, Name, DistinguishedName, ADSPath " & _ "FROM 'LDAP://" & sRootDomain & "' " & _ "WHERE SAMAccountName='" & sGroup & "' ORDER BY NAME" Set rsLDAP = oCommand.Execute If Not rsLDAP.EOF Then 'Response.Write "GROUP DISTINGUISHED NAME: Name=[<b>" & rsLDAP.Fields("Name") & "</b>] SAMAccountName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("SAMAccountName") & "</b>] DistinguishedName=[<b>" & _ ' rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName") & "</b>] ADsPath=[" & _ ' rsLDap.Fields("ADsPath") & "]<br>" & vbCrLf GroupDistinguishedName = rsLDAP.Fields("DistinguishedName") End If ADSI_CompIsMemberOfGroup = ADSI_CompIsMemberOfGroupRecurse( sRootDomain, GroupDistinguishedName, sCompName) Set oCommand = Nothing Set oConn = Nothing Set oRoot = Nothing End Function | в скрипте используются три файла с описанием linklist.csv Код: Group name, Shortcut name, Target, Arguments, WorkingDir, IconLocation LNK-ATS,АТС.lnk,\\servername\sharename\АТС.xls,,\\servername\sharename\,\\servername\sharename\АТС.xls,0 | printerlist.csv Код: GroupName, PrinterPath Account,\\ones\Account-Xerox-3300MFP credit,\\credit2\hplj1320 | ну и drivelist.csv Код: GroupName, DriveLetter, DrivePath drive_N group,N:,\\srv01\Share drive_X group,X:,\\\Share_Vidnoe | ярлычки создаются, принтеры цепляются, и диски мапятся. Но есть один вопрос, как можно удалить созданные таким методом ярлычки? |