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Текущая версия: 5.0.13 (Mar 5 2024)
Программа разработана при содействии корпорации Microsoft, позиционируется как замена морально и физически устаревшей утилиты Paint, которая входит в стандартную поставку операционных систем семейства Windows. Интерфейс выполнен в стиле классических продуктов Microsoft и не перегружен лишними подменю. Имеются мощные инструменты (Magic Wand, Clone Stamp и прочие), поддерживается работа со слоями, возможно запоминание неограниченного числа действий для отката изменений, реализован большой набор спецэффектов для обработки изображений (размытие, удаление эффекта красных глаз и др.). Есть как устанавливаемые, так и портативные сборки.  
  Системные требования: Windows 10 (версия 1809 и новее), Windows 11 | 64-bit CPU (Intel/AMD x64 или ARM64)  
  4.3.12 | альтернатива - последняя версия для Windows 7/8.1 и 32-битной (x86) Windows 10
  3.5.11 - последняя версия для Windows XP (требуется .NET Framework 3.5)
  4.2.16 - рекомендуемая версия для процессоров без поддержки SSE3 (требуется .NET Framework 4.7)
  C версии 4.3 рекомендуется процессор с поддержкой SSE3 (Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Bulldozer и новее), добавлена поддержка ARM64. Версия 4.3 требует .NET 5, а версия 4.3.3 - .NET 6.

Полезные ссылки:
Paint.NET Preview Center (новейшие альфа-сборки)
Неофициальный порт Paint.NET 3.0 на Linux, использующий Mono
How to Use Paint.net (статьи о Paint.net)
Русский сайт графического редактора Paint.NET (FAQ, плагины, уроки, старые версии)
Сайт о бесплатном графическом редакторе Paint.NET (на русском, есть переводы описаний некоторых плагинов, руководство пользователя)
Уроки по Paint.net
Полезные плагины для Paint.NET
Подборка плагинов (более 100) на softpedia.com
Полезная информация (2009 год)
Портативные сборки:
Paint.NET 4.0.17 Portable by Baltagy: x64
Paint.NET 3.5.11 Portable by Baltagy: x32
Как добавить плагины
Аналогичные бесплатные программы:
Handy Viewer


Всего записей: 290 | Зарегистр. 12-09-2004 | Отправлено: 10:52 26-01-2005 | Исправлено: embrace909, 15:04 17-09-2024
Nick 2003

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Paint.NET 2.5 Beta 1

Latest Changes:  
- New tool: Move Selection, which is used for moving, resizing, and rotating just the selection outline  
- Pan tool removed: it was redundant because its functionality is accessible from any tool (hold down the spacebar)  
- Changed the ordering of tools in the toolbox  
- Startup performance is much faster  
- General rendering performance is faster  
- Move Tool rendering is faster  
- History actions no longer use lots of extra memory while saving to disk  
- Selection outline rendering is nicer to CPU usage (it will avoid using 100%)  
- Jittering while panning at non-integral zoom levels is fixed  
- Page up/down and home/end can be used for scrolling  
- Zoom Tool has much nicer rendering when drawing a zoom-in rectangle  
- Added status-bar info text while drawing with the Rectangle and Ellipse shape drawing tools  
- Added a Units submenu to the View menu  
- Fixed bugs


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 00:34 04-10-2005
Nick 2003

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Paint.NET 2.5 Beta 2

- Fixed crash when opening a Paint.NET (PDN) file saved with any older version  
- Fixed eraser not drawing with brush size was 1 and anti-aliasing was turned off  
- Fixed some layer thumbnail flickering, and a small performance issue


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 02:09 07-10-2005
Nick 2003

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Paint.NET 2.5 Beta 3

- German translation is more complete (95%)  
- Removed the help file temporarily while we redesign and rewrite our help system (hence the much smaller download)  
- Improved GIF save quality with ability to configure dithering amount  
- Text Tool now allows you to move text around before you commit it to the layer  
- Text Tool's rendering now uses GDI instead of GDI+, which results in much more consistent (better) quality  
- Text Tool is now optimized for dual core and dual processor systems  
- Optimized memory usage in some areas  
- Performance improved in some areas  
- Selecting a font or font size from the drop-down list now properly resets input focus back to the canvas  
- Tool shortcut keys were working in an unexpected order in some situations  
- Print command now available from the Windows shell when you right-click a TGA or PDN image  
- Fixed a bug that was preventing unattended installation from setting the installation directory  
- Miscellaneous rendering and crash bugs fixed  
- Assemblies (DLL's) are now strong named


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 16:00 10-10-2005

Silver Member
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А чем отличается Paint.NET 2.5 Alpha 3 от Paint.NET 2.5 Beta 3  
И может кто русик встречал

Всего записей: 2266 | Зарегистр. 21-09-2004 | Отправлено: 00:15 16-10-2005
Nick 2003

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Paint.NET 2.5 Beta 4

- Rotate / Zoom dialog now has controls for fine tuning
- Clone Stamp tool now works as expected when the mouse's path crosses itself
- Faster rendering for Move Tool when zoomed in</li>
- Save configuration dialog now has a progress bar when computing file size
- Fixed various Text Tool rendering issues
- Fixed various issues with the Colors toolform not updating properly
- Fixed various keyboard input issues- Fixed crash when attempting to display .PDN thumbnails in Win2K
- Fixed crash when saving TGA image due to settings data version mismatch


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 20:05 17-10-2005

Silver Member
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Paint.NET 2.5 Beta 5 (Oct 30th, 2005)

* New: Line/Curve tool for drawing either spline or Bezier curves
* New: Radial Blur effect
* Changed: Better error message when trying to install when .NET 2.0 is present but .NET 1.1 is not
* Changed: Moved Updates and Language submenus over to the File menu
* Fixed: Desktop and Programs shortcuts not recreated when doing an update
* Fixed: Selection tools not working after opening old PDN images via Windows shell
* Fixed: Intermittent crash with Text Tool
* Fixed: A lot of bugs (30+)


Please note that this build will expire on November 29th. An update will be available before then. The final release of v2.5, planned for November 30th, will not expire.

Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 14:20 31-10-2005
Nick 2003

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Paint.NET 2.5 Release Candidate 1

- Increased updater's compatibility with various proxies, especially those requiring authentication  
- Fixed Auto-Levels incorrect white-balance computation  
- Fixed the Save As dialog not showing filenames  
- Fixed the updater not offering stable releases if the user opts-in to beta notification  
- Fixed data corruption bug with interaction between the two Move tools and undo  
- Fixed many various input, localization, and crash bugs  
- Help documentation is more complete, but NOT finished (RC status is for the code)  


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 05:47 14-11-2005 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 05:48 14-11-2005
Nick 2003

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Paint.NET 2.5 Release Candidate 2

- Fixed: Crash when working with images and selections with an area of exactly 16,384 pixels (e.g., 128 x 128)  
- Fixed: Rectangle selection ignored when the closed polygon of the mouse's trace path was outside the canvas area, even if the bounding rectangle was within bounds  
- Fixed: Resource manager ignoring language setting when retrieving strings on a background thread  


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 01:13 18-11-2005
Nick 2003

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Paint.NET 2.5 Final

- Faster performance and lower memory usage  
- Full flexibility for scaling, rotating, and moving selections and selected pixels  
- Ability to subtract from and add to selections  
- Internationalization (I18N) support  
- Officially available in German  
- Line / Curve tool lets you draw spline and B&#233;zier curves  
- Ability to work in measurements of inches and centimeters  
- 3D Rotate / Zoom effect lets you rotate, tilt, and tile images at various perspectives  
- Radial Blur and Add Noise effects  
- Sepia adjustment  
- Improved Text Tool, including higher quality font rendering  
- GIF transparency support  
- TGA file format support  
- Greater extensibility with a brand new File Format API  
- Simpler, faster setup wizard  
- Update manager simplifies getting the latest version  
- Cleaner user interface with none of the annoying flickering of past releases  
- Many other changes, improvements, and fixes  


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 22:37 27-11-2005

Дед Мазай
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Страница загрузки Руссификатора на версию 2.5 final

Я прав! Если не прав
Любимое занятие форумчан - экстраполировать свой частный случай на большинство. И чем экзотичнее случай - тем глобальнее выводы

Всего записей: 39037 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2002 | Отправлено: 07:50 01-12-2005 | Исправлено: Maz, 21:21 01-12-2005

Advanced Member
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Ссылка не работает

Всего записей: 746 | Зарегистр. 03-06-2003 | Отправлено: 09:48 01-12-2005

Silver Member
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Страница загрузки Руссификатора на версию 2.5 final

Не мог бы куда перезалить ?
Спасибо а то какой то футбольный сайт открывает

Всего записей: 2266 | Зарегистр. 21-09-2004 | Отправлено: 18:44 01-12-2005

Дед Мазай
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Ссылка исправлена

Я прав! Если не прав
Любимое занятие форумчан - экстраполировать свой частный случай на большинство. И чем экзотичнее случай - тем глобальнее выводы

Всего записей: 39037 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2002 | Отправлено: 21:21 01-12-2005

Silver Member
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Спасибо-так долго ждал этого русика.

Всего записей: 2266 | Зарегистр. 21-09-2004 | Отправлено: 22:26 01-12-2005
Nick 2003

Platinum Member
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Paint.NET 2.6 Alpha 1

Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 22:08 12-12-2005

Дед Мазай
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Paint.NET 2.6 Alpha 2
Fixed crash with Reflect and Glow layer blend modes  
Desaturate adjustment was renamed to "Black and White"  
Crop to Selection added to the toolbar and given a shortcut key (Ctrl + Shift + X)  
Full installer size reduced by 5 MB  
Antialiasing and Alpha Blending settings are now remembered between sessions of Paint.NET  
Fixed a crash when opening certain older PDN files  
Fixed a crash in the Clone Stamp tool  
Fixed the problem where changing the system resolution while Paint.NET was minimized would make it difficult to restore the window  
Fixed a crash in the Image -> Resize dialog  
Fixed crashes related to loading the ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll assembly

Я прав! Если не прав
Любимое занятие форумчан - экстраполировать свой частный случай на большинство. И чем экзотичнее случай - тем глобальнее выводы

Всего записей: 39037 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2002 | Отправлено: 12:26 20-12-2005
Nick 2003

Platinum Member
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Paint.NET 2.6 Beta 1 Updated

- Fixed a crash under Windows 2000  
- New "Curves" adjustment for editing the color curves of an image  
- UI elements that are drawn on the image canvas are now visible if they go outside the canvas boundaries. This includes the nubs/handles for the Move tools, Line/Curve tool, and the selection outline  
- Optimized Move Selected Pixels tool: its history data is saved in a background thread, it only has to save half as much as it used to, and it is now much more responsive as a result  
- Optimized performance and memory usage of Paintbrush, Eraser, and Pencil tools  
- Optimized performance of Paint Bucket and Magic Wand tools  
- Optimized startup performance  
- Mouse wheel zooming now centers on where the mouse is located  
- Mouse wheel zooming is now more granular/smooth  
- Line/Curve Tool 'nubs' can now be hidden by tapping the Ctrl key  
- Pressing Enter or Esc now finishes a selection with the Move tools  
- Fixed a Paintbrush Tool crash  
- Fixed a Rotate/Zoom bug  
- Fixed many bugs related to scrolling and zooming  
- Fixed some layout bugs related to the Layers form  
- Fixed some keyboard/mouse input and focus issues with the toolbars  
- Fixed printing transparent regions showing up as black instead of 'transparent' (white) on paper  


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 12:33 03-01-2006 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 21:07 03-01-2006
Nick 2003

Platinum Member
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Paint.NET 2.6 Beta 2

- Curves adjustment is now much, much better  
- AD/GPO deployment now possible by using the /createMsi parameter with the installer  
- Fixed another layout issue with the Layers window  
- Fixed several "SetupNgen" crash errors during setup  
- Fixed a performance issue with the Pencil tool  
- Fixed a crash when the user cancelled out of the Scanning wizard  
- Fixed crash related to images with 0 dpi  
- Lots of other misc. bug and crash fixes


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 01:13 18-01-2006
Nick 2003

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Paint.NET 2.6 RC 1

- Updated English help, and partial, in-progress German translation of help  
- User interface now looks and works correctly at 120dpi setting  
- Esc and Enter are now global hotkeys for Edit->Deselect  
- Fixed a few bugs with the Curves adjustment  
- Fixed many systems not launching a web browser to view the help file  
- Fixed brush preview rendering when brush width is 1.0  
- Fixed 10+ miscellaneous bugs


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 00:15 31-01-2006

Silver Member
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Paint.NET 2.6 RC 2 (February 10th, 2006)
история изменений - _http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/roadmap.html#v2_6

Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 12:10 11-02-2006
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