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Варезник » FlashFXP
is a FTP, FTPS, SFTP client for Windows

© OpenSight Software, LLC | ОС: Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP & Server 2012/2008/2003 (32-bit & 64-bit) | Интерфейс: Многоязычный (в т.ч. Русский) | Размер: ~ 7,7 MB
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FTP-клиент, поддерживающий любые типы соединения, умеющий работать через файрволл  
и поддерживающий протоколы защищенных соединений SSL/TSL.

Основные возможности:
• Полная поддержка гигабитных скоростных соединений;
• Поддержка MODE Z для потокового сжатия на лету;
• Установка лимита на скорость скачивания и закачивания;
• Оптимизированное кэширование списков удаленных директорий;
• Защищенное соединение (TLS / SSL);
• Поддержка одноразовых паролей;
• Усиленное шифрование, применяемое для менеджера сайтов, в целях защиты информации;
• Подключение к сайтам, с помощью TLS / SSL для дополнительной безопасности;
• Передача данных от сайта к сайту;
• Полностью рекурсивные передачи файлов (загрузка, скачивание);
• Кэширование, позволяющее просматривать в автономном режиме;
• Поддержка файрволла;
• FTP прокси, HTTP прокси, поддержка Socks 4 и Socks 5 (WinGate, WinProxy, MS Proxy и т.д.);
• Полная мультиязычная поддержка;
• Простой и расширенный просмотр;
• Расширенный контроль очереди;
• График передачи;
• Внутренне расписание для передачи и остановки очереди в заданное время;
• Повышенная функциональность для функции Drag and Drop;
• Импорт списков сайтов из Cute FTP, WSFTP, FTP Explorer, LeapFTP и Bullet Proof, включая пароли;
• Минимизация программы в системный трей;
• Быстрое создание резервной копии или восстановление всех сайтов или настроек;
• Поиск на удаленных FTP;
• Подсчет размера всех файлов в указанной директории.

Почему программа больше не развивается

Всего записей: 50 | Зарегистр. 07-08-2001 | Отправлено: 14:28 07-08-2001 | Исправлено: Komandor, 15:19 20-03-2022

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Недавно начал разбираться с сабжем и никак не могу сообразить элементарной вещи: как переместить файл из одной папки на FTP-сервере в другую папку. Если из родительской в дочернюю или наоборот, это понятно, можно просто мышью перетащить. А вот если надо, допустим, переместить файл из папки /ABC/beer/downloads в папку /123/wine\uploads, то как действовать?
Кто знает, как решается эта загадка века? Спасибо!

Всего записей: 6524 | Зарегистр. 18-09-2004 | Отправлено: 17:33 19-06-2011

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Подскажите плз где в этом клиенте устанавливается число потоков закачки.

Это фтп-клиент. Он качает только в один поток.

подскажите уважаемые, а что многопоточность в сабже так и не реализована?

Всего записей: 573 | Зарегистр. 07-06-2006 | Отправлено: 17:29 21-06-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1597 Beta

1. Fixed > Right-click menus > Sometimes a popup menu could cause the entire program to freeze up.
2. Fixed > File List > Column headers > Sometimes the text was missing.
3. Improved > task dialogs > prompts > Added a backup solution just in case the TaskDialog API fails so that the prompt can still be shown.
4. Tweaked > FTP > MODE Z > A minor change to try and reduce CPU usage during uploads.
5. Fixed > File List > if you have item A selected in the left file list and then switch to the right file list, then switch back to the left list by selecting item A that item enters rename mode.
6. Improved > File List > I eliminated some unneeded drawing code in the file list views, this should result in faster moving though the list (i.e. scrolling up and down)
7. Fixed > File List > the rename input box wasn't rendered correctly when run on windows with themes.
8. Change > Local Browser > I changed the way commands are invoked so that in some cases FlashFXP will not be blocked during long operations, such as delete.
9. Fixed > FTP > SSL > Clear Command Channel > Could result in an immediate disconnect. This bug was previously fixed but some changes reintroduced it a few builds ago.
10. Fixed > Starting FlashFXP in Single Connection Mode then switching back to normal mode resulted in a missing left tool-bar, the tool-bar height defined in this situation.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 02:24 22-06-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1598 (beta)

The previous build introduced a drawing issue in the remote file listing where the items being displayed weren't redrawn after a folder refresh.


Почти как домаYouTub

Всего записей: 2919 | Зарегистр. 02-09-2009 | Отправлено: 14:28 22-06-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1599 Beta

1. Fixed > Server > Navigation > drop-down combo-box > Changing the file listing font would clear the drop-down list.
2. Fixed > Mask Select > Internal structure changes to the file list-view controls resulted in this feature failing with an access violation.
3. Fixed > List-View > scroll-bar behavior > In the prior build the behavior was changed to set the focus on the control when the scroll-bar is selected, however in some cases this generated an error "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window." I've added an additional safety check to prevent this.
4. Fixed > Selecting "overwrite" for downloads resulted in the file data being appended to the existing file. I switched to a new file stream class for reading and writing, the new class was unable to truncate files to 0 bytes.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 21:27 25-06-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1601 Beta

1. This release should resolve all of the oddities that appeared out of nowhere in build 1599.


Всего записей: 2971 | Зарегистр. 18-01-2007 | Отправлено: 13:28 27-06-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1602 Beta

1. Fixed > File and Queue List > Item selection issues.
2. Fixed > Queue > Item Edit > When multiple queued deletes were selected the result was not as expected.
3. Fixed > Remote edit > Active edits dialog > Sometimes multi-select was failing to remove all of the selected items.
4. Changed > Remote edit > Active edits dialog > The item selection color will now change to indicate whether or not the list control has focus.
5. Changed > Remote edit > Active edits dialog > The item icons are now dimmed for items that were loaded from the edit history but currently do not exist locally.
6. Fixed > List-views > Font resource leak.
7. Changed > Move confirmation prompt > This prompt now includes the name of the selected item or the number of items selected.
8. Fixed > Synchronized browsing > There was an unusual situation where synchronized browsing would sometimes get out of sync.
9. Fixed > EnQueue Delete > Queue List > Item Edit > When the "Include sub-folders" option is unchecked the folder itself was not supposed to be deleted.
10. Fixed > Remote edit > Active edits dialog > The right-click menu didn't always disable certain the menu items when multiple items were selected.
11. Fixed > Download > file > If the local disk became full and the option "Check for free space before download" was unchecked FlashFXP didn't properly handle a write failure due to a fragment of code that was added to troubleshoot a write error.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 04:25 01-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1605 Beta

1. Fixed > Transfer > Folder > On list failure the folder would be removed from the queue, instead of being marked as failed.
2. Change > Toolbars > Buttons > When the desktop is 32bit color the buttons now use a true 32bit alpha channel. Previously the buttons were alpha-blended into the background, this method will still be used for backwards compatibility when 32bit alpha-masks cannot.
3. Change > Queue List > Item selection is now retained while the control has focus, Selecting another control will clear any item selection.
4. Improved > HTTP > Error messages, When the error message isn't available directly from FlashFXP we query the OS for the error description.
5. Improved > FTP/SFTP > The connection failed error message sometimes reported "Connection timeout" in situations where that was clearly not the case, we now display the socket error and the OS error description.
6. Improved > Input Controls > Added ctrl + Backspace support.
7. Fixed > Status Window > FlashFXP version info, the text was displayed before the control colors were defined, resulting in the text shown in the wrong color.
8. Fixed > Preferences > Toolbars > Stretch Background > This feature wasn't taking immediate effect and requiring a restart before the change was applied.
9. Fixed > Local browser shell icons > In the previous build a change was made that resulted in black backgrounds on some icons when the color depth was less than 32bit.
10. Fixed > Remote > File List > An access violation after a delete operation.
11. Improved > Splitters controls > Replaced the existing mouse cursors with the windows standard NS and WE.
12. Improved > Toolbar > The following buttons will now enable/disable based on the focused control, item selection, and application state (Abort, Refresh, Queue selected, Transfer selected, View File, Edit File).
13. Changed > Local browser > Information bar > The second row was always intended to display the "name of site/server" so now instead of displaying the current path, the text "Local Browser" is shown.
14. Fixed > Server > Navigation > drop-down combo-box > Changing the file listing font would clear the drop-down list. The previous fix didn't fix it completely.
15. Improved the speed of refreshing the current directory from the server, the new code added a couple builds ago had room for improvement.
16. Added the ability to import sites from FileZilla.
17. Improved the performance speed and reduced the overhead of a background thread used for calculating the folder size during uploads.
18. Improved internal FindVCLWindow() function, this function is used during mouse events and added unnecessary overhead by traversing children windows outside the scope of the UI thread.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 21:47 07-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1606 Beta

1. Fixed > Remote > Sort by file extension, An incorrect field index was supplied to the sort routine causing the sort to fail.
2. Fixed > Synchronized browsing > Synchronized browsing error dialog > When the folder doesn't exist on the opposite pane and the create button is selected the folder where the directory is created wasn't removed from the cache if the path was relative, however if it was absolute then it was removed.
3. Fixed > Remote File List > scroll-bar drawing issue, This issue was not noticeable on Windows 7, but could be seen on WinXP SP3.
4. Fixed > FTP > MODE Z > Download > Using the non-default TCP/IP buffer size could result in a failed transfer.
5. Fixed > FTP > MODE Z > Download > if the zlib decompression failed the transfer wasn't properly stopped and it continued as if nothing was wrong.
6. Improved > SFTP > Transfer speed.
7. Improved > Transfer speed when uploading from a slow local device or network device.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 04:15 10-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 BETA build 1607

Fixed > Queue List > custom item drawing, this prevented items in the marked list or highlights from being drawn in their bold/color style.


Почти как домаYouTub

Всего записей: 2919 | Зарегистр. 02-09-2009 | Отправлено: 10:04 10-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1610 Beta

1. Added the ability to set the character encoding for SFTP site profiles. This feature was missing.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 21:31 12-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1611 Beta

1. Revised SFTP character encoding auto detection section. If the SFTP version is 3 or below we now default to ANSI to maintain compatibility and consistency with previous versions of FlashFXP.
2. Fixed > Queue List > Move to Top. This feature didn't function as intended when a transfer is in progress.
3. Fixed > Local Browser > Several minor bugs.
4. Fixed > Selective transfer rules were broken in prior releases. Looks like a wildcard landed on my keyboard and invalided it.
5. Fixed > FTP-SSL > x509 certificates for login authentication are now working properly. Tested with ProFTPD 1.3.3e (If using TLSOptions AllowDotLogin a password is not needed, however FlashFXP will prompt you for one if you leave it blank, so just enter anything in this field.)
6. Fixed > x509 certificate generation > Our internal x509 routines were failing to generate proper x509 certificates.
7. Fixed > FTP-SSL > x509 client certificates weren't being loaded properly by OpenSSL depending on the PEM format.
8. Added > SSH protocol > when the connection is closed by server, the reason is now displayed in the status window.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 15:58 15-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1612 Beta

1. It has come to my attention that quite a few users have default selective transfer rules that are incorrectly configured, in the previous build I fixed a major issue with selective transfers rules, now a new issue appeared. Though not your typical bug, some users have their default action set to skip with an empty mask list. An empty mask list is treated as a wild-card for matching everything, so when the action is set to skip nothing is transferred. I have changed the rules just for the default rule set by requiring a mask to be set to make the rule set valid, otherwise the actions are disabled.
2. When connecting via the quick connect a unique ID is typically assigned to the entry, however it has come to my attention that this ID is not always generated or is reset when connecting to the site at a later time. This ID is used for pairing sites with queue files and without it the queue doesn't know what site to use to transfer the files. I've reworked the code to ensure that this ID is always created and never changed if it exists.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 18:13 18-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1613 Beta

1. I made some changes to the _stub.exe used to launch the update installer and perform the update and restart FlashFXP. I have add the windows error code and description to the error message box. This replaces the generic error message. This change will not be noticable to users until upgrade from 1613 to the next release.
2. Fixed > Site Manager > Multi-Line Tabs > The tab control switches between single-line and multi-line to allow the tab caption to fit. When the tabs were in multi-line mode clicking a top tab switched to the new tab and then back to the tab below it. This issue was caused by an error in the code that handles the tab visibility on selection change and how and when it was called.
3. Changed > Site Manager > Tab selection, When a tab such as Options is selected and the user selects a different site the tab would often switch from Options to General. The tab that was selected now remains selected provided the tab is still visible. For example select a FTP-SSL site and then select the SSL tab, next select a SFTP site, this will result in the General tab being selected because the SSL tab is no longer visible.
4. Improved > List controls to reduce flicker when scrolling within them.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 21:53 18-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1614 Beta

1. Fixed > Queue window > target column > when en-queuing a rename or move, the target column was blank. It should of displayed the new location/filename.
2. Changed > Queue window > Edit. If multiple queue items of different type are selected its impossible to edit them all at once, now the item with focus is edited and the rest of the selection is ignored.
3. Fixed > Queue window > Edit. There were some issues where the editor allowed the user to edit certain fields with a multiple selection that shouldn't of been allowed.
4. Fixed > The skip [reason] status message was sometimes indicating "unknown" in situations where it should of displayed "file exists", this is shown when the action is set to skip within "On transfer error" or "if no rules match then"
5. Changed > When manually re-sorting the queue list via the columns, any en-queued delete operation is now sorted so that they appear at the end of the queue regardless of the sort method or direction.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 00:48 23-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 RC 1 build 1615

1. Changed > FTP Protocol > AUTH SSL command to use SSLv23, previous builds used TLS. This resolves a compatibility issue that prevented FlashFXP from connecting to some DrFTPD or ioFTPD servers that do not support TLS.
2. Optimized several string routines used in FlashFXP, these routines show an average speed increase of over 30% when compared to the previous build.
3. Added the ability to use the ESCape key to close liveupdate dialog.


Всего записей: 2971 | Зарегистр. 18-01-2007 | Отправлено: 13:07 27-07-2011 | Исправлено: faridmif, 13:08 27-07-2011

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Прога лицензия.. Последний релиз глючит при передачи больших файлов в нескольки гиг.. У кого так же?

Всего записей: 2217 | Зарегистр. 09-08-2007 | Отправлено: 15:34 31-07-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 RC 1 build 1616

1. Changed > Added the ability to set the SSL protocol version (SSLv3 or TLSv1) in the Site Manager / Quick Connect. It has come to my attention that some servers require AUTH SSL and TLSv1.
2. We made a couple minor changes to the way updates are launched via FlashFXP.


Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 22:28 31-07-2011

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FlashFXP v4.1 RC 1 build 1617
Version: 4.1.0 RC 1 build 1617
Release Date: 08/03/2011
Size: 3.25 MB
Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
CRC32: 2B970164
MD5: A3A2094DB9AD2810D76339F138AA70D7
SHA-1: ACDE79872339824EA2AF121B3F45B4584258E541
SHA-256: B72037C8807CBC5A2088DD86B528F898D54A1FD25F85C1173FDDF445C44E3404
Download: http://down1.opensightsoftware.com/liveupdate/FlashFXP41_1617_Setup.exe

1. Fixed path drop-down box > mouse wheel scrolling wasn't being handled directly by FlashFXP when it should have, instead it was relying on the mouse driver to perform the scroll operation.
2. Fixed status window > scrolling via the scroll-bar thumb was broken if the window contained over 32k lines of text.
3. Improved status window > 10x speed increase by re-factoring the line wrap routine.
4. Fixed transfer progress bar > the progress bar wasn't re-sized correctly in some situations, as a result the bottom of the bar was sometimes cut off.
5. Fixed queue window > drag/drop > in the prior build a setting was incorrect causing abnormal behavior.
6. Fixed FTP > LIST parser > If the connection was lost or closed the temporary buffer used for parsing wasn't cleared, the following connect/reconnect would then treat the old data as part of the next list data.
7. Fixed status window > scrolling up to the oldest entry would only display a single line in the bottom of the window.
8. Fixed remote drop-down box > the drop-down navigation history wasn't updated correctly after 15 items were added.
9. Fixed FTP > LIST parser > entries with dates older than 1900 were treated as invalid and not shown in the file listing.

... и тут же:
FlashFXP v4.1 RC 1 build 1618
Version: 4.1.0 RC 1 build 1618
Release Date: 08/03/2011  
Size: 3.25 MB  
Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP  
CRC32: 92C10109
MD5: 0B9506FBFBDB32B35C84E270D205E9EB
SHA-1: 3DF00A2C51F0EAE4BC88E3F1A581FBFEDE889717
SHA-256: D9E4704AD73153822F5F3AF2694F10843CA1A1FE99FEE001A69D1028A62B75BB
Download: http://down1.opensightsoftware.com/liveupdate/FlashFXP41_1618_Setup.exe  

1. Fixed path drop-down box > mouse wheel scrolling wasn't being handled directly by FlashFXP when it should have, instead it was relying on the mouse driver to perform the scroll operation.
2. Fixed status window > scrolling via the scroll-bar thumb was broken if the window contained over 32k lines of text.
3. Improved status window > 10x speed increase by re-factoring the line wrap routine.
4  Fixed transfer progress bar > the progress bar wasn't re-sized correctly in some situations, as a result the bottom of the bar was sometimes cut off.
5. Fixed queue window > drag/drop > in the prior build a setting was incorrect causing abnormal behavior.
6. Fixed FTP > LIST parser > If the connection was lost or closed the temporary buffer used for parsing wasn't cleared, the following connect/reconnect would then treat the old data as part of the next list data.
7. Fixed status window > scrolling up to the oldest entry would only display a single line in the bottom of the window.  
8. Fixed remote drop-down box > the drop-down navigation history wasn't updated correctly after 15 items were added.
9. Fixed FTP > LIST parser > entries with dates older than 1900 were treated as invalid and not shown in the file listing.
10. Fixed server > rename > caching issue, if a transfer is attempted after rename the internal object cache wasn't correctly updated, re-using the stale cache data.
This is a re-release of build 1617 + bug fix. After uploading build 1617 we discovered an issue that was quickly fixed, this fix and update occurred before 1617 was actually made public, however in that time our CDN cached the buggy build. We've had this issue in the past and we use a CDN API to purge the CDN cache prior to any public release, however in an unexpected fashion the CDN control panel/API was down and our purge script didn't report any errors.

Всего записей: 786 | Зарегистр. 27-12-2001 | Отправлено: 03:11 04-08-2011 | Исправлено: Z00M, 03:17 04-08-2011

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FlashFXP 4.1 RC 1 build 1620
Version: 4.1.0 RC 1 build 1620  
Release Date: 08/06/2011  
Size: 3,23 MB  
Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
CRC32: BA41D06F
MD5: D88291FC2A0716AA0C45E4FA7E2CDA29
SHA-1: 224AB1C179E84C42063B798D55FF8EE95869E586
SHA-256: CC644134C39D4BD503BA8266CFFE8D995C4D151EC1098B0090279A3CCA133584
Download: _http://down1.opensightsoftware.com/liveupdate/FlashFXP41_1620_Setup.exe

A compatibility issue was discovered with GlobalScape Secure FTP v3.3.0, when using SSL/TLS the directory listing would not complete, eventually timing out. This compatibility issue was caused by the unexpected behavior of the FTP server, The FTP server doesn't signal to indicate that the SSL layer is shutting down, instead it just closes the socket.

Всего записей: 786 | Зарегистр. 27-12-2001 | Отправлено: 23:36 06-08-2011
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