BANNED | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Artrage Цитата: А послушал на MUTE сайте отрывки - вполне ничего | отрывки чего? )) Цитата: Слушаю и еще как, и не только ДМ. | а чьи? тут только ремиксы на Madonna и UNCLE какой-нибудь валяются. Добавлено: интересные подробности какие, однако- Цитата: Killerpatio (K): I picked up on something unusual listening to the CD: On the song "Sinner in Me", there is a synth bit near the end that sounds like a kitten going "mew mew mew mew mew mew mew" and the beginning chords to Precious sound like a cranky cat going "meow meow meow meow." Fletch (F): (laughs) Well, Killerpatio, you've caught us. Mart is, as many of the fans know, going through a particularly bad divorce right now. He feels bad for the kids, you know, so he got them a pair of cats. The cats were meant for his children, but Martin has gotten attached to them, as well, and they had a bit of an influence on the recording of the new tracks. That sound that opens the CD is actually a sample of one of the cats shrieking when Mart stepped on it's tail. Had a bit of drink that night, I guess. K: Didn't some of the songs have different titles at one point? F: Yes. Macro was originally Mackerel. Instead of being about the cosmos, it was Mart witnessing how much his kitties love fish. Well, it was a great tune, but we felt the fans might not be able to relate. Lillian is one of the cat's names, as well. K: There was something else you told me down the phone, something about a forth Dave song that nearly made it on the CD. F: Yes. Well, Dave with his solo album has really entered a new stage of his life. He's stayed off the drink and the drugs and has been searching for new ways to fill his time where in the past he'd be getting high or off his trolley. He has developed a fascination with vaudeville; Dave really blew Mart and my minds when he broke into this incredible tap number he had worked out to 'Shuffle Off to Buffalo," had the cane going and everything. Anyway, Dave worked out this vaudeville tune, we call it music hall in Britain, called "Mollycoddle." It was an amazing tune, very catchy and danceable. For awhile, we were really into "Mollycoddle." The three of us were fitted for these red and white striped coats and matching straw hats, but in the end Daniel (Miller) pointed out it would alienate the fans. Good news, though, Dave may put it on his next solo CD. It's a bit hush hush, but Dave has been spending time with Vince and our old songwriter has gotten a bit mad about music hall or vaudeville as well and has been teaching himself old timey piano. They may do a version of Moddlecoddle in the future. K: It sounds like Playing the Angel is going to be supported by a lengthy tour--how have you personally been preparing for it? F: Well, I've always been a bit lazy about exercise, but once you pass 40 you need some regimen to get through a demanding tour. So, I've started Pilates so I can keep up during over an hour of waving. Also, our programmer has been working on my keyboard. Some wags have alluded in the past it's not hooked up, which is nonsense. I have a DSL link so I can keep up with the stock market and email our accountants during gigs. K: Wow, that really explains a lot. Thank you for your time, Fletch, great album, good luck touring the angel. F: Right, been a pleasure, ta. |