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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Общие » Музыка и Кино » Russian intelligence agency movies

Модерирует : PrincesskaMarishka, ULer

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Hello everyone,
first of all sorry for my post in english.
I am Marko from Serbia. Serbia is small country on Balkans with culture and ideology of people similar to Russian. It was part of Yugoslavia just like Russia was part of Soviet Union. I am recently interested in subject of secret police and intelligence agencies of Yugoslavia, which were created based on Soviet ones, mostly NKVD and later KGB. They were almost copied from those Soviet ones.
The reason i came to this forum is, to ask if anyone could point me to any Soviet / Russian movie, or documentary about the NKVD and KGB or any other world intelligence agency. The movie doesn't have to be primarily about those, but if they are mentioned in the movie in any way it's good enough.
It would be even better if the movie had english subtitles. Although Serbian language is somewhat similar to Russian, they are still different.
Anyone ? Thanks in advance !
Спасибо !

Всего записей: 1 | Зарегистр. 03-12-2013 | Отправлено: 00:15 04-12-2013
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Общие » Музыка и Кино » Russian intelligence agency movies

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