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Цитата: Можно ли сделать в pMashine чтобы на одной странице у нескольких категорий был у каждой свой шаблон? | поработай с этим, сам не пробовал ... как раз пригодится - no need to hack the backend files - easy creation of fully customizable new tags (functions) - list, add, edit or delete easily your new tags (functions) through a dedicated control panel - include or exclude any number of weblogs - include or exclude any number of categories - works on forums or regular weblogs - easy setting of preferences - possibilities to override pre-set preferences - all variables available for easy customization - easy creation of new templates (no limit) - create any number of templates for any weblog AND/OR category combination - allows expired or futures dates to show - date range selection (by day month or year, with or without offset) - 2 sorting criteria allowed - sorting on any field allowed (ready for rating module) - random sort allowed - built-in flexible dynamic sorting system - built-in flexible pagination system - display your data by groups of weblogs, categories, authors, dates etc. - ability to limit number of words displayed from title OR from the body field - clean code : no unnecessary html tags is produced, making it easy to change the styles through CSS - php code allowed inside the new functions templates - conditional display of text and variables or tags/functions possible There is a support site dedicated to the Function Customizer, complete with installation instructions, detailed explanations, simple and advanced examples of new functions. This is for pMachine PRO users only. pMachine Solutions hттp://pmachine.fiks.org/ |