Features of the site map tree generated by SiteXpert: compatibility with all popuplar browsers (Internet Explorer 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, Netscape 4.x, 6.x, Opera 6.x, 7.x, Mozilla 1.x) and platforms (Windows, Unix, Mac) very small size of the generated JavaScript code -- usually around 4KB (max 7KB) for the most popuplar browsers such as the IE 5+, Netscape 6+ and Opera site maps can work with or without frames data for the site map items can be automatically imported from your web site's structure, directory / file structure, or an XML file you can customize the site map tree to the smallest detail, including fonts, colors or icons 'huge tree optimization' feature provides great performance even with huge structures (containing thousands of items) -- this is accomplished by dynamic (on demand) loading of contents of tree folders only after the user expands a folder [sample] synchronization feature -- this option allows the tree to be synchronized with currently viewed URL (current page or page displayed in a different frame) persistence between views -- the site map tree can optionally use cookies to remember tree's expansion state so when the user comes back to the site map page, the tree is expanded in exactly the same way optional creation of PHP / ASP / SSI / JSP / FrontPage / ColdFusion includes with automatic updates, your copy of SiteXpert will be always up-to-date to make sure your site map trees will be supported by the latest browsers |