mike 777
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Цитата: Какая безграмотная охинея. Во первых картелем является ОПЕК, а не ОПЕК+. Во вторых ОПЕК+ это вообще не организация, это формат встречи. Лидером как самого картеля ОПЕК, так и встречи в в формате ОПЕК+ всегда являлась Саудовская Аравия и именно она всегда вносит предложения кому на сколько сокращать. | Какая, вновь, самонадеянная ахинея. Читайте устав организации. Цитата: Article 3 The Organization shall be guided by the principle of the sovereign equality of its Member Countries. Member Countries shall fulfil, in good faith, the obligations assumed by them in accordance with this Statute. Article 9 The Organization shall have three organs: I. The Conference; II. The Board of Governors; and III. The Secretariat. Article 10 The Conference shall be the supreme authority of the Organization.The Conference shall be the supreme authority of the Organization. Article 11 A. The Conference shall consist of delegations representing the Member Countries. A delegation may consist of one or more delegates, as well as advisers and observers. When a delegation consists of more than one person, the appointing country shall nominate one person as the Head of the Delegation. C. Each Full Member Country shall have one vote. All decisions of the Conference, other than on procedural matters, shall require the unanimous agreement of all Full Members. The Conference Resolutions shall become effective after 30 days from the conclusion of the Meeting, or after such period as the Conference may decide unless, within the said period, the Secretariat receives notification from Member Countries to the contrary. In the case of a Full Member being absent from the Meeting of the Conference, the Resolutions of the Conference shall become effective unless the Secretariat receives a notification to the contrary from the said Member, at least ten days before the date fixed for publication of the Resolutions. D. A non-Member country may be invited to attend a Conference as Observer, if the Conference so decides. ... Article 14 A. The Conference shall elect a President and an Alternate President at its first Preliminary Meeting. The Alternate President shall exercise the responsibilities of the President during his absence, or when he is unable to carry out his responsibilities. B. The President shall hold office for the duration of the Meeting of the Conference, and shall retain the title until the next Meeting. C. The Secretary General shall be the Secretary of the Conference. Article 21 The Chairman of the Board of Governors and the Alternate Chairman, who shall assume all the responsibilities of the Chairman whenever the Chairman is absent or unable to exercise his responsibilities, shall be appointed by the Conference from among the Governors for a period of one year, in accordance with the principle of alphabetical rotation. The date of membership in the Organization, however, shall take precedence over the principle of alphabetical rotation и т. д... | ОПЕК+ - это обобщенное название подписантов Декларации о кооперации от 30 ноября 2017 года № 52/2017: организация стран – экспортеров нефти (ОПЕК), Азербайджан, Королевство Бахрейн, Бруней-Даруссалам, Казахстан, Малайзия, Мексика, Султанат Оман, Российская Федерация, Республика Судан, Республика Южный Судан. В минувшем году был предоставлен проект устава будущей организации позволявший продлить соглашения декларации на бессрочной основе. Действуют через министерский комитет по выполнению договоренностей ОПЕК+ (JMMC). Никаких формальных лидеров в этом списке нет, некоторые целовальники жопы Хенка таковыми называют саудитов от ОПЕК и Россию от второй стороны. Но, как видим, по итогам недавней встречи неформальный лидер у рынка нефти один - и это ни один из участников ОПЕК+. ![](http://forum.ru-board.com/board/s/wink.gif)
---------- Дочкин папа Сумасшедший немного более чем все. Не шалю, никого не трогаю, примус починяю. |