Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору мож это и оффтоп, но весьма полезно для тех кто имеет дело Coinbase ================================= On May 27, 2018 at 06:54PM PDT wrote: can you explain me "How is it physically possible: at the beginning of buy your price was $7,280.29, but you charged me $7,326.16, after that your price became $7,297.73." It's not the first time, so fuck you, - and it's my last deal with you, buy!" --------------- Hi, Antony. Thank you for contacting Coinbase Support. The price you pay is locked in at the time that you initiate a buy order. So, if the price changes while your order is pending, you will still receive the same amount of coins that was stated at the time that the buy order started. This also applies for sells. Once a sell is initiated the price is also locked in at that time. ================================= Accordingly to your graphic the price was max=$7,316.43 at 5/26/2018 10:03 PM. Never the price was more than $7,325.67 even on another stock brokerage between 9:35 PM and 10:01:45 PM. Nevertheless you charged me $7,326.16 at 5/26/2018 9:36 PM. So, run from Coinbase, if you can. Вопрос, - как mах-эффективно сделать оттуда ноги и вывести накупленные битки на другие биржи? | Всего записей: 1854 | Зарегистр. 08-06-2003 | Отправлено: 03:03 28-05-2018 | Исправлено: sanatoliy, 05:59 30-05-2018 |