Vasya Pupkin

Мракобес | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору quasar, слуш, так ведь referenc'a никто не отменял... Цитата: Method summary for the Sound class Sound.attachSound() Attaches the sound specified in the parameter. Sound.getBytesLoaded() Returns the number of bytes loaded for the specified sound. Sound.getBytesTotal() Returns the size of the sound in bytes. Sound.getPan() Returns the value of the previous setPan() call. Sound.getTransform() Returns the value of the previous setTransform() call. Sound.getVolume() Returns the value of the previous setVolume() call. Sound.loadSound() Loads an MP3 file into Flash Player. Sound.setPan() Sets the left/right balance of the sound. Sound.setTransform() Sets the amount of each channel, left and right, to be played in each speaker. Sound.setVolume() Sets the volume level for a sound. Sound.start() Starts playing a sound from the beginning or, optionally, from an offset point set in the parameter. Sound.stop() Stops the specified sound or all sounds currently playing. Property summary for the Sound class Sound.duration Length of a sound, in milliseconds. Sound.ID3 Provides access to the metadata that is part of an MP3 file. Sound.position Number of milliseconds a sound has been playing. Event handler summary for the Sound class Sound.onID3 Invoked each time new ID3 data is available. Sound.onLoad Invoked when a sound loads. Sound.onSoundComplete Invoked when a sound stops playing. |
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