Gold Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Olleg35, да, нужна регистрация. Почему «нереально»? Вера не позволяет? Добавлено: Да бога ради, держите ссылку, если она вам чем-то поможет:;topic=91754.0;attach=109821 Да и содержимое тоже: Код: @ECHO OFF REM Edit the codeline below to point to the location of the most recent version of REM ImageMagick on your computer if the correct convert command is not recognized. REM SET PATH=C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.8.9-Q16;%PATH% ECHO ***************************************** ECHO ** IMAGE RESAMPLING ** ECHO ***************************************** ECHO * Halo minimization by Gamma blending, * ECHO * as suggested by Nicolas Robidoux. * ECHO * * ECHO * Author : Bart van der Wolf * ECHO * * ECHO * Suggestions for code optimization: * ECHO * Alan Gibson, Nicolas Robidoux, * ECHO * Fred Weinhaus * ECHO * * ECHO * Version: 1.2.2 * ECHO * Date : 2014.08.12 * ECHO * * ECHO * The Author(s) of this free tool shall * ECHO * not be liable for any damages that * ECHO * might result from the use of this * ECHO * tool. Feel free to not use it. * ECHO ***************************************** REM Ignore this for the moment, it's unfinished, for future support when dragging/dropping multiple files REM FOR %%I IN (*.GIF *.JPG *.JPEG *.PNG *.TIF *.TIFF) REM :imsize ECHO. SET mSize="?" ECHO Input the magnification percentage (e.g. 50%%), or fit ECHO inside the requested pixel dimensions (e.g. 800x800, SET /p mSize= or a max width 800x, or a max height x800): IF %mSize% EQU "?" SET mSize=800x800 IF %mSize% EQU "" GOTO imsize :method ECHO. SET UpDwn=d SET /p UpDwn= Use an optimized Up- or Down-sampling method? [U]p, [D]own: IF /i %UpDwn% GEQ d IF /i %UpDwn% LEQ down GOTO downsample IF /i %UpDwn% GEQ u IF /i %UpDwn% LEQ up GOTO generic GOTO method :generic SET deblurAmount=50 SET /p deblurAmount= Sharpening amount? (none=0, default/normal=50, high=100+): for /f "usebackq" %%L in (`identify ^ -precision 16 -format "deblurValue=%%[fx:1-0.0011450938298236*%deblurAmount%]" ^ xc:`) do set %%L REM IF /i %deblurAmount% EQU -1 GOTO generic ECHO. ECHO Creating the resampled image, please wait ... convert ( -quiet "%~1" -type TrueColor -write "%~dp1IMsource.icc" -depth 16 -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace RGB ) ^ ( -clone 0 -gamma 3 -define filter:blur=%deblurValue% -filter Lanczos -distort Resize %mSize% -gamma 0.3333333333333333 ) ^ ( -clone 0 -define filter:blur=%deblurValue% -filter Lanczos -distort Resize %mSize% ) ^ -delete 0 ^ ( -clone 1 -colorspace gray -auto-level ) ^ -compose over -composite ^ -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB ^ -quality 100 -sampling-factor 4:4:4 ^ -profile "%~dp1IMsource.icc" -compress Lossless "%~dpn1_%mSize%%~x1" REM Experimental IF /i %deblurAmount% LEQ 0 GOTO addDeconv GOTO finish :downsample SET sharpAmount="?" SET /p sharpAmount= Sharpening amount? (none=0, normal=50+, default=100): IF /i %sharpAmount% == 0 GOTO nodownsharp IF %sharpAmount% EQU "?" SET sharpAmount=100 ECHO. ECHO Creating the Down-sampled image with output sharpening, please wait ... convert ( -quiet "%~1" -type TrueColor -write "%~dp1IMsource.icc" -depth 16 -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace RGB ^ -define filter:c=0.1601886205085204 -filter Cubic -distort Resize %mSize% ) ^ ( -clone 0 -gamma 3 -define convolve:scale=^%sharpAmount%%%,100 ^ -morphology Convolve DoG:3,0,0.4981063336734057 -gamma 0.3333333333333333333 ) ^ ( -clone 0 -define convolve:scale=^%sharpAmount%%%,100 ^ -morphology Convolve DoG:3,0,0.4806768770037563 ) ^ -delete 0 ^ ( -clone 1 -colorspace gray -auto-level ) ^ -compose over -composite ^ -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB ^ -quality 100 -sampling-factor 4:4:4 ^ -define png:preserve-iCCP ^ -profile "%~dp1IMsource.icc" -compress Lossless "%~dpn1_%mSize%%~x1" REM Experimental IF /i %sharpAmount% LEQ 0 GOTO addDeconv GOTO finish :nodownsharp ECHO. ECHO Creating the Down-sampled image without additional sharpening, please wait ... convert ( -quiet "%~1" -type TrueColor -write "%~dp1IMsource.icc" -depth 16 -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace RGB ^ -filter Quadratic -distort Resize %mSize% ) ^ -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB ^ -quality 100 -sampling-factor 4:4:4 ^ -profile "%~dp1IMsource.icc" -compress Lossless "%~dpn1_%mSize%%~x1" REM Experimental GOTO addDeconv GOTO finish REM *** DECONVOLUTION *** :addDeconv ECHO. SET Deconv=n SET /p Deconv= Apply additional deconvolution sharpening? [Y]es, or default [N]o: IF /i %Deconv% GEQ y IF /i %Deconv% LEQ yes GOTO deconvolve IF /i %Deconv% GEQ n IF /i %Deconv% LEQ no GOTO finish GOTO addDeconv :deconvolve SET detailSize=0 SET /p detailSize= Blur size in pixels (e.g. blurred edge width, radius of blur): IF /i %detailSize% LEQ 0 GOTO deconvolve SET sharpAmount=50 SET /p sharpAmount= Sharpening amount? (none=0, default/normal=50, high=100+): :noDeconvDialog for /f "usebackq" %%L in (`identify ^ -precision 16 -format "blurSigma=%%[fx:max(0.4,0.3902*%detailSize%)]" ^ xc:`) do set %%L ECHO. ECHO Deconvolving the image, please wait ... convert ( -quiet "%~dpn1_%mSize%%~x1" -type TrueColor -write "%~dp1IMsource.icc" -depth 16 -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace RGB ) ^ ( -clone 0 -gamma 3 -define convolve:scale=^%sharpAmount%%%,100 ^ -morphology Convolve DoG:0,0,%blurSigma% -gamma 0.3333333333333333 ) ^ ( -clone 0 -define convolve:scale=^%sharpAmount%%%,100 ^ -morphology Convolve DoG:0,0,%blurSigma% ) ^ -delete 0 ^ ( -clone 1 -colorspace gray -auto-level ) ^ -compose over -composite ^ -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB ^ -quality 100 -sampling-factor 4:4:4 ^ -profile "%~dp1IMsource.icc" -compress Lossless "%~dpn1_%mSize%%~x1" GOTO finish :finish REM Clear environment variables SET blurSigma= SET deblurAmount= SET deblurValue= SET Deconv= SET detailSize= SET mSize= SET sharpAmount= SET UpDwn= REM Delete temporary profile copy IF EXIST "%~dp1IMsource.icc" DEL "%~dp1IMsource.icc" ECHO. ECHO ************************************* ECHO *** Your resampled file is Ready! *** ECHO ************************************* ECHO. PAUSE | Но на будущее, постарайтесь все-таки веру сменить.